I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 238 Hita Motors

Chapter 238 Hita Motors
Half a month later, the umbrella took over all the property of the old car company, and the car company belonging to the umbrella was finally established!
Under the original six functional companies of the Umbrella Group, the Umbrella has added another functional company, the automobile company!

The car factory is finally open!
In the morning, Umbrella held a press conference to announce the formal establishment of Umbrella Motor Company. At this point, after discussions with the senior management of Umbrella, the price of the new sports car developed by Umbrella will be announced to the public. The price of Umbrella. In 1000 million, 2000 million, 5000 million, three prices, three different types of sports cars.

And Umbrella's strong involvement in the automobile industry, this can't help but make the Yanhuang people who have not brought the limelight from the Umbrella once again have a heated discussion about Umbrella's entry into the car.

After the establishment of the automobile company, Umbrella placed models of three new sports cars on its official website, Umbrella. Cool, many people were attracted by seeing the sky-shattering models.

"The streamlined shape of this sports car is too handsome! It would be awesome if I could own one!"

"I'll go, the cheapest one is 1000 million? This is too good, hey, there is no way, this is a car for the rich, we can only look at it"

When seeing the price of the model marked on the umbrella, it also discouraged countless itchy people. It is too expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it.

And this is also the strategy of the umbrella, starting the high-end car brand, entering the car market with the name of the umbrella, and then producing mid-to-high-end cars to enter the real market!

Of course, the strong entry of the umbrella into the auto industry is a good thing for many buyers who yearn for sports cars, but it is a bad thing for Yanhuang's other auto industries.

Until now, after such a long period of time, many companies in Yanhuang have understood that no matter which industry the umbrella enters, they will make steady profits, and companies in the same industry will be excluded. It is not the umbrella, but the market.

Naturally, after the umbrella enters the auto industry, many Yanhuang Automobile companies are in danger, and they have a tacit understanding to exclude the umbrella!
If it’s just these things, that’s all. The Umbrella Group can also be said to be smooth sailing in the automotive industry. Nothing will happen until the sports car officially enters the market, but Hita Group appears!

Umbrella Building, meeting room!

"Boss, that's it. Hita Motors led a large number of people to the factory to make trouble, disrupting the order of the factory. Although it was suppressed by the security, this is not a solution." Zhang Hong reported in a voice, with a solemn expression.

"Hita Automobile? The industry of the Japanese country?" Li Yu tapped his fingers on the table with a cold expression.

"Well, Hita Motors is the Japanese industry. According to my investigation, the chairman of the old generation car company we bought owed Hita [-] million a long time ago. But later, because of internal problems in the old generation, their factory was acquired by us. Afterwards, the chairman of the old generation immediately declared bankruptcy, and as for where the funds went, it is unknown, and after my umbrella bought the old generation, they came to make trouble." Xiao Yao, the security team leader, said.

Yi Hailun took the words and said: "I do know a little bit about the situation. After declaring bankruptcy, the chairman of the old generation committed suicide by jumping off the building, but Hita didn't get a single point for the [-] million owed, because their old generation has already been paid by us. Umbrella acquisition, so the old generation has nowhere to look for creditors, so they can only find my umbrella!"

Li Yu nodded solemnly. According to Yi Hailun and Xiao Yao, he knows a little bit. Because of the old generation's arrears, Hita has shifted his target to the umbrella. Logically, Hita should borrow money from the old generation while borrowing money. I got some mortgages, but what people don't understand is that the old generation has nothing to mortgage at all, and only signed a contract with their chairman.

"Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, Li Qiba, now Wu Peng has left Yanhuang and went to Somalia, so the security department is fully responsible for the three of you. It's still the same as before. You don't have to be polite to troublemakers. Come and beat them as many times as you like. , It’s enough to beat them to fear, as long as we occupy the legal ground!” Li Yu said majesticly and coldly.

"Yes, BOSS!" The three security captains nodded respectfully.

"Li Yu, take a look!" Jiang Yuyao took out a document from her briefcase and handed it to Li Yu with a cold expression.

Li Yu took the document, glanced at it, and his expression became cold: "Does this Hita Motor really belong to his family?"

Seeing Li Yu's expression, the senior executives of the umbrella also turned pale!
"Hita Motors has challenged the authority of my umbrella. They said that my umbrella bought the old generation, so Hita has no way to collect debts. They hope that we will repay the huge amount owed by the old generation. If not, they will initiate legal procedures and appeal. Get what was owed by the old generation."

"Using legal procedures? These Japanese devils are really ridiculous. I protect the factory that Umbrella Flower bought with a huge amount, and I have to pay back the debts of the old generation? They really regard Yanhuang as a Japanese country and act recklessly." Tian Xing said with a sneer, full of dissatisfaction Hita's disdain.

"I don't think it's necessary to ignore it, let them play by themselves." Many managers said with a smile, facing this day, they felt like they were facing a three-year-old child who was making trouble for no reason.

Also go through legal procedures to collect the arrears!

It is also convinced that Hita's brain!

Bang bang bang!
Suddenly, the door of the meeting room slammed, generally speaking, there was no important matter, and no one would come to disturb the high-level meeting. After hearing the knock on the door, Chu Hanyun softly shouted: "Come in! "

A tall and slender woman walked in from the door. The woman had delicate features, was wearing a one-piece cheongsam, and kept a faint smile on her beautiful face. This woman was the head hostess at the front desk of the umbrella. When she entered the conference room, she looked To Li Yu: "BOSS, there is someone outside who claims to be the person in charge of Hita and wants to see you."

"Boss, there's no need to meet this Japanese man, it's really not possible, just let us go and meet him!" Zhang Hong said.

If there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, the person in charge of Hita came to protect the umbrella at this juncture, so there must be something bad.

Li Yu's expression didn't change much, looking at the foreman at the front desk: "You continue?"

"The person who came to see the boss claimed to be the president of Hita in Yanhuang. He came to see the boss today because he wanted to discuss cooperation." The front desk lady said.

When hearing this, Li Yu's expression didn't change much!
But the group of executives below sneered: "Just now you said you would go through legal procedures for my protection umbrella? Now you are talking about cooperation? Hita is really Ritian, with personality!"

Don't think about it, the person in charge of Hita came here to cooperate with the umbrella or something, otherwise they wouldn't have spent so much trouble!
But the top executives of the umbrella know it!

Li Yu has a little taboo, that is, there will be no cooperation from Japanese people! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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