239 5 minutes

Umbrella Group Building!
After the two doors of the reception hall were gently pushed open!

Sun Wei, the president of Hita Motors with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at the receptionist who appeared again. He asked ruthlessly, "When is your president coming?"

"The president is currently in a meeting. I'm very sorry. He asked you to wait for a while. If you feel that waiting here is meaningless, you can come over tomorrow." The receptionist at the front desk looked at the two sitting in the reception hall politely and said without losing the distance Well, as a Yanhuang person, he has no good looks towards the Wa people, and this Sun Wei, as an errand runner for the Wa people, naturally doesn't get any good looks.

Finish this sentence!

The receptionist didn't stay here any longer, and then turned around and left. In short, she had already despised the higher-ups. As for whether the higher-ups would send someone to see this Japanese devil, it was none of her business.

After watching the receptionist leave!
A sullen look appeared on Sun Wei's face!
"I heard that the umbrella is arrogant and uninhabited before, but I didn't expect it to be true." Sun Wei said angrily, and then turned to look at a thin, bearded, nondescript middle-aged man in a suit. Year Japanese people.

This person is the person in charge of Yanhuang Hita Company sent by the Japanese Hita headquarters, Kameda Ichiro!

The purpose of Kameda Ichiro's coming to Yanhuang is to protect the Umbrella Group. As for why his goal is to protect the Umbrella Group, this point is not yet clear.

"Sun Weijun, Li Yu doesn't take us seriously at all. What do you think of this person?" Regarding Li Yu's negligence, Kameda Ichiro was also extremely upset, and his expression was a little sullen. As a famous car company in the big Japanese country , Where has he received such treatment.

"It's hard to say about this person, very hard to say, but it is said in the Yanhuang business circle that Li Yu is a business genius who has been hard to come by for decades!" Sun Wei said after thinking for a moment.

Although he didn't like the umbrella to become his competitor, he didn't mean to belittle the president of the umbrella, Li Yu, but replied with praise.

After hearing this, Kameda Chichiro fell silent for a short while, his impetuous mood disappeared in an instant, and turned into a ruthless face, he thought about it and said: "Sun Weijun, don't forget the purpose of our coming, I hope you will consider for the interests of the group .”

"I naturally know that it's just that people shut us out now, so we can't talk about that matter. The only thing we can do now is to wait for Li Yu to end the meeting. I think Li Yu will know the severity after a long time." A light flashed in Sun Wei's eyes.

Later, to pass the time, Sun Wei took out two cigarettes, lit one for Kameda, very respectfully, and lit the other for himself.

Although there was no wind blowing in the umbrella reception hall, Li Han still acted like this to show his respect for Kameda Ichiro.

Kameda Ichiro took a sharp puff of cigarette, and after puffing and puffing, he thought thoughtfully: "It seems that I have to wait, I don't believe him, Li Yu really doesn't know the severity!"

The big bosom clock hanging upside down on the wall moved slowly. It moved very slowly, but the pointer still stopped at six o'clock in the evening in silence. During this period, Sun Wei sent people to look for Li Yu many times, or discuss with the receptionist. Let her tell Li Yu's whereabouts, so she can find it herself.

However, the receptionist at the front desk shook his head and refused, saying that the president's whereabouts were classified as top secret and could not be easily disclosed to avoid punishment from above. However, Sun Wei and Ichiro Kameda finally chose to compromise and wait in the reception hall after repeated failures.

Waiting is a long process. Kameda Ichiro lost his temper several times and wanted to leave, but Sun Wei stopped him and reminded him several times to focus on the interests of the group.

At this time, the main owner Li Yu was having dinner with a group of employees. When he walked from the dining hall to the front desk, he was called by the receptionist lady. After interrogation, Li Yu sneered unconsciously. He did not expect the patience of Hita Motors. Of course, to be precise, Li Yu didn't even think about going to the people of Hita Motors. If the receptionist hadn't mentioned it again, Li Yu would have forgotten that such a group of people came.

"I'll go meet these two guys for a while!" Li Yu said to the two girls beside him.

Then, under the protection of several security guards, he walked straight to the reception hall.

"Someone is coming outside, it seems to be Li Yu!" Sun Wei looked through the transparent window, and a handsome young man dressed in martial arts, surrounded by several security guards like special forces, slowly came to the reception room.

"After waiting for a day, this Li Yu finally came." Kameda had an unspeakable anger on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am Sun Wei, the president of Hita Motor Yanhuang Company." When seeing Li Yu coming, Sun Weigang hurriedly stood up from his seat, stretched out his hand, thinking of shaking Li Yu's hand.

"En!" Li Yu glanced at Sun Wei indifferently, and nodded, but his hands were in his pockets, and he didn't mean to shake hands at all.

"Eh!" Seeing Li Yu's performance, Sun Wei's expression froze, very embarrassed, and he didn't know whether to retract his hand that was stretched out in the air.

It was so embarrassing when we met for the first time!
Of course, Sun Wei also had anger in his heart, thinking that he, the president of a big car company, was treated like this, they must be very upset!
"Woman?" Li Yu looked away from Sun Wei and landed on Kameda Yichiro next to him. At a glance, Li Yu saw the temperament of the Wa people, humble and short.

"Mr. Li, let me introduce you. This is the person in charge of the Yanhuang region of my Hita Group, Mr. Kameda Ichiro." Sun Wei introduced.

"Li Yu-jun, I, Ichiro Kameda, have admired your name for a long time!" Ichiro Kameda walked up to Li Yu and bowed politely.

Although the influence of the Japanese people on the Yanhuang people is very bad, it has to be said that they are very good at etiquette.

"Well, I see!" Li Yu still nodded indifferently.

"Our Yanhuang has a good saying, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, I will give you 5 minutes, tell your purpose, and then leave!" Li Yu looked at his watch, and then faced the two guys from Hita Motors Said, there is no chance of rejection.

"Five minutes, Mr. Li, this..." Sun Wei's expression froze again, very tasty.

Talking about business is very important, where there will be a business negotiated in a few minutes, Li Yu's move clearly does not give them a chance!
"One minute has passed, and there are still four minutes!" Li Yu looked at his watch and said coldly.

Sun Wei looked astonished. He never expected that after a day of hard work and starvation, it would be like this, and it only took a few minutes!

"Li Yujun, don't you know that it's rude of you to do this?" Kameda Ichiro said unhappily, with a very bad tone.

(End of this chapter)

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