I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 242 Meeting

Chapter 242 Meeting
Seeing that Li Yu took over the talent contract, Kameda Yichiro finally breathed a sigh of relief.Now that Li Yu has accepted his contract, it means that there is room for maneuver.As long as I can win the big umbrella contract, the grievances I have suffered this week will be worth it. After I go back, I will have more say in the company, and I will be the hero of the Hita Group.

To be honest, in the country of Wa, the Hita Group was really forced to have no way out by the Yinhua Group, so it had to ask Kameda Yichiro to come forward and humbly come to Li Yu's umbrella company to seek cooperation in order to save the situation.

Li Yu roughly flipped through the contract, but he didn't look at it carefully. He only needs to hand over these details to his subordinates. He only needs to make a wise decision that is beneficial to the umbrella company, and everything will be OK.

After flipping through, Li Yu threw the contract on the table casually, and said, "I have accepted the contract. I will ask someone to take a closer look later. If there is nothing wrong, you can leave." When Li Yu said this, his face was blank. expression.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we won't bother Li Yujun, then we'll go back and wait for your good news." Kameda Chichiro winked at Sun Wei, nodded and bowed to Li Yu, bowed all the way back to the door before opening The door turned and walked out.

When he came out, Kameda Jijiro felt as if he had fought a big battle, and his forehead was covered with sweat. In his career, he had encountered various opponents, but none of them were like When encountering a difficult person like Li Yu, Li Yu is the kind of person who doesn't take hard and soft things, and does everything according to his mood. It would be fine if everyone is two companies that do not interfere with each other, but he has something to ask for now. People, in the few days when I went to see Li Yu and had a closed door, Ichiro Kameda thought of all the ways to curry favor with Li Yu, and even, if Li Yu was willing, he didn't mind introducing his daughter to him.

"Phew—the matter of cooperating with the umbrella company has finally turned around, otherwise I really don't know what to do next." After leaving the door, Kameda Chichiro felt relieved, and said to Sun Wei beside him with a smile .

"Haha, yes, just now I saw that Li Yu's eyes were obviously loose. The cooperation will be successful in all likelihood. Thanks to Kameda-kun's persistent waiting for the past few days, today's results. In Here I would like to congratulate Mr. Guitian in advance, after I go back, I am afraid that the position of Mr. Guitian will be moved up again, so please don't forget to support me when the time comes." Sun Wei looked at Guitian flatteringly. Tianjiro said.

Sun Wei's slapstick just scratched Kameda Ichiro's heart, and Kameda Ichiro smiled presumptuously "haha" and said, "No problem, Sun Wei-jun, as long as I go back and get promoted by the company, you won't be able to run away, of course. You know, you accompanied me to get this thing done."

"Everywhere, everything is all thanks to Mr. Guitian. I'm just your follower. If it weren't for Mr. Guitian's perseverance, I would have lost my patience. I dare not take credit in front of Mr. Guitian." Sun Wei is also an individual Fine, he knows that Kameda Ichiro is pissed, arrogant, and somewhat jealous. In this matter, he dare not compete with Kameda Ichiro for credit.

Kameda Jijiro glanced sideways at Sun Wei, and said in his heart: "Forget you are a smart boy, if you take credit for me, you will be transferred when you go back."

As soon as Sun Wei looked up, he inadvertently saw Kameda Yichirou squinting at him, and thought, "It's dangerous! Fortunately, I have already seen through your piss. Otherwise, I don't know how you died."

Seeing that Sun Wei was so knowledgeable, Kameda Jijiro couldn't say anything to death, otherwise he would have no one to do things for him in the future, so he had to give him some hope. As for whether he could fulfill his promise, that was another matter.

So Kameda Chichiro patted Sun Wei on the shoulder and said: "Young man, work hard, the future belongs to you young people, and we old guys can't last for a few years. By then, our positions will have to fall into your hands? You Don't worry, I won't forget you about this incident, don't you Yanhuang have a saying, it's called: One person can ascend to heaven. As long as I get promoted, you will definitely be indispensable."

"Then I'll congratulate Mr. Kameda here in advance." Sun Weigong cupped his hands and showed a flattering smile, but he was slandering from the bottom of his heart: "You little devil, do you really think I'm a dog?"


The conference room of the Umbrella Building.

After Kameda Yilang left, Li Yu immediately called the main backbone of the company to prepare for a meeting.

"What do you think of this cooperation with Hita Group?"

On the oval conference table, Li Yu sat at the main seat. In front of him was the contract left by Kameda Ichiro. He waved his hand to signal the staff to pass it on to the supervisors to watch in turn.

Hearing Li Yu's words, the supervisors and managers of the various departments below... Except for a few people, most of them were obviously not too surprised. Obviously, they had already heard about Li Yu's cooperation with the Japanese when they came. .

Although some of them still can't figure out why Li Yu, who has always hated the Japanese people, wants to cooperate with the Japanese people uncharacteristically this time.

"Hey, why do you think BOSS is cooperating with people from the Wa country this time? To be honest, although the Hita Group of the Wa country is a relatively well-known company in the world, the cooperation with them does not have much impact on our umbrella company. You know Boss has always hated Japanese people."

Li Yu waved his hand to signal that everyone could speak freely, and Zhang Hong, the personnel director, immediately whispered to Huang Yao, the director of the investment promotion department beside him.

"Well, I don't know. BOSS has always been far-sighted. How can we understand his thinking? However, I think he must have his reasons for doing so." Huang Yao, the head of the investment department, supported her forehead with her hands, and looked at the sitting The first Li Yu.


"Boss, I don't think we can cooperate with the Japanese people. Everyone knows that the Japanese people have wolf ambitions. I think they are planning some kind of conspiracy, and they are specifically targeting our umbrella company."

Tian Xing stood up and expressed his worries loudly.

"Well, there is some reason for your worry, especially your sentence: the wolf ambition of the Japanese people is on the point." Li Yu said with a smile, waving for everyone to continue.

"I took a look at the contract, and it said that Japan's Hita Group would provide us with a group of engineers for free. From a purely technical point of view, our cooperation this time is a big bargain. After all, what is the most important thing in the 21st century? Expensive? Talented people. If we have such a group of engineers, then our scientific research and technology will definitely improve a lot..." Tianxing was only halfway through speaking, but was interrupted by Liu Guanglei, so he had to shake Shaking his head and looking at him, he said, "Do you think the Japanese people would be so kind and send their talents to us without reservation? Maybe they are all sent by a group of spies? Don't just focus on immediate interests, Director Lin."

Liu Guanglei also disliked Japanese people, so naturally he didn't want to deal with Japanese people.


(End of this chapter)

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