I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 243 First Batch Authorization

Chapter 243 The First Batch of Authorizations

"Aren't I talking from a technical point of view? Of course, if this cooperation is a trap designed by the Japanese, then we have to carefully consider it, and we can't be blinded by interests." Tianxing said with a smile.

"I think it's worth a try!"

"After accepting these talents, we can prevent them from accessing the core secrets of my umbrella." Jiang Yuyao said softly.

"I agree with Mr. Jiang's words." Chu Hanyun smiled gently and nodded.

Next, various senior executives of the umbrella company spoke enthusiastically, expressing their views one after another.Li Yu watched and listened quietly, while analyzing what he thought in his heart.

If the umbrella company is compared to a ship, then Li Yu is the captain of this ship. Under the command of the captain, the ship sails in the vast sea. While developing and growing himself, he must be careful of the undercurrent reefs around him, so his Each step of the decision plays a crucial role in the umbrella company.

After thinking for a while, the following gradually quieted down.Everyone looked at Li Yu, expecting his statement.

Li Yu sat upright, and glanced at everyone with wise eyes. Those eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts tightened everyone's hearts.

However, this is an employee of his company after all, so Li Yu always has a faintly encouraging smile on his face.

As a superior, Li Yu naturally knows how to encourage his employees, while also keeping himself majestic.

It is his irresistible unique temperament that infects everyone in his company, making the employees who are already loyal to the company even more devoted to the company. Unknowingly, they have already regarded the company as a belief, an umbrella It is their belief, and the honor of the umbrella is their honor.

As Li Yu's secretary, Chen Yueyue is most aware of the energy contained in Li Yu. Li Yu usually doesn't say any motivational words or principles to his employees. He uses his actions to practice his beliefs.This kind of infectious power penetrates into every cell of the employees below him like spring breeze and rain.

"Everyone knows the virtues of Japanese people, and also knows my style of doing things, that is, I don't cooperate with Japanese people. Why did I uncharacteristically cooperate with Japanese people this time? Everyone must have heard of Yinhua Group, right?" Li Yu said with a deep meaning.

"Yinhua Group?" Hearing these four words, the senior executives present at the umbrella all looked cold.

A few years ago, when Umbrella had just gained a reputation for its drug, Yinhua Group, a Japanese company, came to the door, intending to acquire Umbrella's drug formula. After that, a series of unpleasant incidents occurred, and even wanted to forcibly snatch the formula.

Except for the executives who merged from Chutian Group, everyone here basically knows about the Yinhua incident, which was very bad!

Naturally, Umbrella didn't have a good impression of Yinhua Group, and had already defined it as an enemy!
"That's right, it's the Yinhua Group. At the beginning they intended to seize the medicine formula of my umbrella, but they were repelled by the security guards. They have already forged a bond with my umbrella!"

"My Yanhuang has a good saying, the so-called enemy's enemy is a friend!"

"Yinhua Group is a unique large enterprise and conglomerate in the country of Wa, and their background is more or less unclearly related to the corruption forces of the country of Wa. It is precisely because of their influence Supporting them behind the scenes, that's why their business develops so fast, crowding out competitors in their Japanese country, and Hita Group is one of the targets they squeezed out!"

"But this time, the Hita Group is willing to spend such a great deal of blood to cooperate with us. It must be forced by the Yinhua Group in China. There is really no other way, so it is my umbrella to find foreign forces. "Li Yu's eyes were fixed, and he saw the purpose of the Hita Group's visit very thoroughly.

"Yinhua and Hita fight, if this is the case, then we will have a good show."

"With the Japanese people's natural personality of retribution, after the loss suffered by my umbrella last time, they will definitely wait for an opportunity to come back. As the boss said, Hita Group is a competitor of Yinhua Group. My umbrella supports Hita, which can just check and balance silver flower"

The management has understood Li Yu's meaning. The so-called cooperation with Hita Group is just an excuse. His real purpose is to check and balance Yinhua Group, and it is the premise that it does not consume its own strength and is beneficial to the umbrella.

"Li Yu said it well!"

"Compared to the Hita Group, the Yinhua Group is a greater threat. Putting aside my idea of ​​protecting the Japanese from the Japanese, the Yinhua Group is a greater threat to us. Although they are in Yanhuang territory, they are nothing to us. Threats, but if he is allowed to annex the Hita Group, he will be the only one in Japan, and then they will integrate a lot of resources, and their international influence will be even greater. If things really develop like this, With their hatred for us, they will cause us a lot of trouble." Jiang Yuyao said.

Although Yanhuang is good and law and order are strong, it is difficult for foreign forces to make waves in Yanhuang, but the umbrella will not be limited to Yanhuang. Now the vanguard of the umbrella to open up overseas has gone out. Soon, the umbrella will completely go out of the world. And when you leave the country, the opportunity for foreign forces to stir up trouble comes.

Li Yu's far-sighted words awakened many people!
"Boss is right, I agree to cooperate with Hita Group to check and balance Yinhua Group!"

"I agree too." All management members nodded in agreement.

Everyone had to admire Li Yu's long-term consideration. How much wisdom does it take to be so comprehensive?Not only must you be familiar with your enemies, but you must also restrain your heart, so as to make a choice that is beneficial to you. Indeed, the current umbrella company does not have to be afraid of the Yinhua Group, but what about the Yinhua Group after the Hita Group has been annexed?This is something no one has considered before.

"Very good, do you have any objections to the cooperation with Hita Group, can you say it now?" Li Yu said loudly.

After scanning around, he confirmed that all the management had no objection to this cooperation, Li Yu just nodded

"Well, starting from today, my umbrella will cooperate with Hita Group! I will authorize the products of my umbrella to Hita in Japan, and check and balance Yinhua Group!"

"The first batch of authorization is my umbrella's sports car series and anti-virus series of medicines. Of course, my umbrella must not be at a disadvantage. The medicines that go abroad are five times more expensive than those sold in Yanhuang!" Li Yuming glanced at the audience , and finally raised five fingers, and said decisively.

 PS: Brothers, please subscribe and support, we will go abroad to develop the bird soon!

(End of this chapter)

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