I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 244 Negotiations

Chapter 244 Negotiations
"I totally agree with what the boss said!" Tian Xing said with a smile, with a strong feeling of cynicism in his tone.

"Not only can I follow Hita's momentum to deal with Yinhua, but also open up the Japanese market, earn money from the Japanese people, and strengthen my umbrella. I can kill two birds with one stone!" Other management members also nodded, very excited.

"Li Yu, is this five times too high? Ritian probably won't accept it!" Jiang Yuyao said thoughtfully.

"The five times I mentioned is just a current definition. Specifically, I still need to negotiate with them, Hita, and my bottom line requirement is at least not less than twice the export price!" Li Yu smiled majesticly, and raised two fingers .

"Leave this negotiation to me!" Chu Hanyun said after pondering for a while.

Seeing Chu Hanyun's appearance, Li Yu smiled and did not refuse: "Okay, I will give you full responsibility for the negotiation with Ritian Group!"

"Well, I will do my best to gain benefits for the group!" Chu Hanyun nodded.

After confirming the cooperation negotiation with Hita, Li Yu stopped talking about this matter, and turned his attention to a man in his thirties on the left.

"Feng Bin!" Li Yuwei shouted.

"BOSS!" The man whose name was called immediately became solemn and serious.

Feng Bin, deputy director of the production department, took over all responsibilities of the production department after Wei Quan left Yanhuang and went to Somalia, and now Feng Bin is responsible for all production matters.

"How's the situation at the car factory?" Li Yu asked.

"Everything is going well. Thanks to the efforts of all the engineers in the factory, the first series of sports cars should come off the assembly line and enter the market soon." Feng Bin replied with a touch of excitement.

"Well, yes, work hard!" Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Will never let the boss down!"

Feng Bin looked at Li Yu with a look of reverence. He was just an ordinary employee, but under Li Yu's trust, he stepped up to the position of deputy supervisor step by step. With high benefits and high salary, I have to say that now Everything he owns is given by Li Yu.

"As everyone who works for my umbrella and loyally for Li Yu, the first batch of sports cars to roll off the assembly line, 20 people present, one for each!" Li Yu glanced at everyone and smiled, and said loudly.


"One car per person!"

When they heard this, except for Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun, the rest of the management were stunned, their faces were dull, and they were completely shocked by Li Yu's words.

The cheapest sports car that rolled off the assembly line this time costs 1000 million yuan!
The first batch of off-line from Li Yu's mouth must be the best batch, that is, 5000 million cars, such an expensive sports car, they are actually given to them like this!
"BOSS!" All the management looked at Li Yu excitedly, with moved and excited expressions.

"Hehe!" In this regard, Li Yu took everyone's expressions into his eyes and just smiled lightly.

As Li Yu who owns a car company, how can he lose Daya with only a few cars? To the outside world, these twenty cars are indeed of extraordinary value, but in Li Yu's eyes, they are just a few production orders.

All the confidantes present here have signed a life-saving contract with him. It can be said that they can only serve Li Yu for the rest of their lives. If they betray, they will only die. Under the premise of such loyalty, Li Yu will naturally give them everything they want .

Of course, everything is based on loyalty!
The ancient kings had a saying, I can give you whatever you want, but only a little with my consent, if I give it to you, you must take it, if I don’t give it to you, no one can take it away!
And Li Yu, as the president of the umbrella, controls the entire umbrella group, and has the absolute right to speak to the entire group, and everyone will obey!
next day!

Umbrella Building!
The second floor of No.30, the reception room of the deputy general manager, two people sat in it, very excited, because they received a notice from the umbrella, and today they will negotiate the authorization of the umbrella product.

"It's finally going to succeed!" Kameda Jijiro looked excited.

"Kameda-kun, you will definitely be rewarded by the president when you return to the Wa Kingdom this time." Sun Wei laughed.

"That's right, that's right. When I get back to Japan, I will definitely ask for credit for you." Kameda was very excited.

After a while!

The door of the reception room opened, and under the protection of two security guards, Chu Hanyun walked in with two clerks.

"Isn't it Mr. Li?" Gui Tian and Sun Wei hurriedly looked over, and were a little disappointed when they saw that it was not Li Yu who came here in person.

"The two are the representatives of Ritian Group!" Chu Hanyun walked over and said in a British voice.

"I am the person in charge of Yanhuang Region of Hita Group, Ichiro Kameda!" Kameda bowed politely.

"I'm the president of Hita Motors, Sun Wei." Sun Wei also just introduced himself.

"En!" Chu Hanyun nodded, as if she knew the two of them.

"I am Chu Hanyun, the deputy general manager of the Umbrella Group. This time, I will be fully responsible for the authorization negotiation of my umbrella products!" Chu Hanyun sat in the center of the reception room with a heroic attitude.

After hearing that Chu Hanyun was the deputy general manager, Kameda was also relieved. After so many days, they also knew the rights of the umbrella.

The president, the general manager, the deputy general manager, and Chu Hanyun in front of him is the third in command of the umbrella president, and he has great power!
"Okay, okay!" Guitian and Sun Wei nodded quickly, facing Chu Hanyun face to face.

"You have paid an expert contract worth over [-] million in order to obtain the product authorization of my umbrella. First of all, I want to hear which product of my umbrella you are more keen on?" Chu Hanyun said.

"Medicine, the umbrella is the best medicine. I, Hita, want to introduce the umbrella medicine into Japan. In terms of price, everything is negotiable!" Kameda said directly without any hesitation.

Umbrella medicine has reached the top in Yanhuang, and it can be said that everyone knows about it, and it has even been spread overseas, which has attracted the coveted eyes of Yinhua Group.

Antiviral, antiviral, and the birth of bird flu vaccine are the glory of the umbrella. If there is no shady scene in the Bell Award, Li Yu would have won this award a long time ago.

But it's a pity that there are so many shady things about this Bell Award, Yanhuang people can't get it at all!
"Our president has already defined the first batch of authorized products!" Chu Hanyun said.

"I would like to hear more about it!" Kameda said excitedly with a bright light in his eyes, he really wanted to know if there was anything he wanted in the products for sale.

"The umbrella sports car series is the first item!"

"Umbrella antibiotics, antibiotics are the second item!" Chu Hanyun said with a heroic spirit while maintaining absolute rationality.

"Is it just these three things?" Kameda said with some disappointment.

 PS: The third shift will resume soon, because of some things, there is no manuscript for the old book.

(End of this chapter)

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