I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 245 5 times

Chapter 245 Five Times

The most important goal of the Hita Group this time is actually the vaccine for the HN9 bird flu virus!

The outbreak of the HN9 bird flu virus is worldwide, and Japan, an island country with a small land and a large population, is also the hardest hit area for the outbreak of bird flu.

C Central Hospital, which was originally an unknown local hospital, became famous in Yanhuang because of the avian flu vaccine developed by the umbrella. The Hita Group has naturally investigated it clearly.

If the Ritian Group can get the bird flu vaccine this time, it can completely replicate the successful case of the Central Hospital and gain both fame and fortune in Japan!

The Yinhua Group also had this idea, which is why they sent people to sneak into the umbrella company.

Don't look at Kameda Jijiro's respectful attitude towards the umbrella company now, in fact, if the people sent by the Yinhua Group were not wiped out and let them know that the umbrella company is not easy to mess with, compared to the Ritian Group Do the same thing as Yinhua Group.

After all, things like bird flu vaccines cannot be overestimated at this moment of virus outbreak.

It is precisely for this reason that Ichiro Kameda looked so disappointed when he heard Chu Hanyun say that the first batch of authorized products of Umbrella Company did not include the bird flu virus vaccine.

"This is just the first batch of authorization!"

Seeing Kameda Yijiro's expression, Chu Hanyun explained aloud: "Your company should also know that Yanhuang executives attach great importance to the bird flu virus vaccine produced by our company? If we want to export this drug, we must also obtain national approval. Approval from the General Administration of Drugs is all it takes!"

What Chu Hanyun said was half true and half false.

The export of all drugs of Umbrella Corporation, especially large-scale exports, does have to be approved by the State Drug Administration.

But with Umbrella's current status in Yanhuang, obtaining approval is only a matter of phone calls, and there is no need to waste much time.

However, in order to maximize the company's interests, Li Yu decided to remove the bird flu virus vaccine from the first batch of authorized items.

After all, if the Japanese people are all vaccinated against the bird flu virus and the bird flu virus is completely eliminated from the Japanese country, then what is the use of the antibiotics and antibiotics of the umbrella company?Sales are bound to drop dramatically!
Only if more Japanese people are infected with the bird flu virus will they consume a large amount of antibiotics.

Anyway, with the existence of anti-virus, these Japanese people can't die.

Li Yu will not actually put the bird flu virus vaccine on the Japanese market until the sales of antiviral agents reach saturation.

It's just that this thought is a bit vicious, and Li Yu also hates Japanese people so much that he chooses this approach.

Of course, Li Yu's idea is not very humane, so he didn't say it clearly at the meeting, and he can only rely on the people below to understand it.

Chu Hanyun has dominated the shopping malls for many years. She managed the branch of Chutian Group in City C by herself. She has also experienced countless battles in the business world. Naturally, there will be no kindness for women. Although she guessed Li Yu's idea, But she didn't reject it in her heart.

"All right!"

After hearing Chu Hanyun's explanation, Kameda Jijiro could only nod helplessly in agreement.

Now that the Hita Group is retreating steadily under the pressure of the Yinhua Group, if they don't want to be forced to go bankrupt, the medicine of the umbrella company can be said to be the only lifeline for the group.

And although there is no vaccine for the bird flu virus, relying on the two drugs of antibiotics and antibiotics can also help Ritian Group get out of the crisis.

As for the umbrella sports car series that Chu Hanyun mentioned, Kameda Ichiro didn't take it to heart at all.

Although the umbrella company has always been known for its ability to create miracles, Kameda Ichiro does not think that the umbrella series of sports cars just developed by the umbrella company will have any market.

Not to mention that the Ritian Group itself produces cars, and the other major car companies in Japan are also well-established Fortune [-] companies. It is impossible for the cars produced by Umbrella to compete with them.

However, in order to get the medicine for the umbrella, Kameda Ichiro has decided that even if he loses money, he will import the car for the umbrella, and he will use this to make friends with the umbrella company.

After all, they also found someone to make trouble at the umbrella car company before—although Kameda Ichiro regretted this incident and wanted to slap himself. Bad luck.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the umbrella company keeps getting stuck in not giving them the bird flu vaccine, or doing something wrong with the production of medicines, Kameda Ichiro will not be able to stand it.

The next step is naturally to negotiate the price of these three authorized items.

As for the sports car series of the umbrella, neither side has too much entanglement. After all, it has just been launched. In order to make a name for itself, Chu Hanyun will not charge too high a price, but only exported it to Ritian Group at a price slightly higher than the cost price.

And the latter two medicines are the real big ones!
Kameda Ichiro, who had always been respectful and humble before, finally stopped giving in when he talked to Chu Hanyun about the purchase price of these two medicines, showing the shrewdness that a businessman should have.

"Five times! Antivirals and antibiotics are sold to your company at five times the purchase price of Yanhuang!"

Chu Hanyun's slender and white fingers lightly pressed on the table in front of the two of them.

Chu Hanyun's natural way, Kameda Ichiro, couldn't possibly agree to this outrageous price, but she, who has been in the mall for many years, naturally understands the meaning of "extraordinary asking price and paying back the money".

First throw an extremely high price, and it will be easier for the other party to accept it when the price is lowered later.

Although this is just a small trick, it is very useful. In the past, Chu Hanyun often used it in negotiations, and it can be said that it has been tried and tested.

"Miss Chu, this price is too outrageous!"

Kameda Jijiro shook his head quickly, and said with a compassionate look on his face: "I heard that your company's medicines have saved countless people in Yanhuang. I think that the president of your company, Li Yujun, must also be a great philanthropist! Now the people of our country are in a difficult situation." Under the threat of the bird flu virus, living in dire straits every day, does your company really have the heart to watch hundreds of millions of people in our country die from the disease because they cannot afford medicines?"

"Although our boss is benevolent, our company must survive. After all, we are running a company, not a charitable hall!"

Chu Hanyun also said uncompromisingly.

"But the price doesn't have to be so high, right? In this way, my company is willing to pay twice the price. Is this enough for your company's profit?"

Kameda Ichiro retorted.

PS: Let me tell you guys, the urban plot will end in the latest dozens of chapters, and soon the protagonist will leave the country to develop his mercenary forces, and then deal with Umbrella, and soon the end of the world will break out.

 PS: Let me tell you guys, the urban plot will end in the latest dozens of chapters, and soon the protagonist will leave the country to develop his mercenary forces, and then deal with Umbrella, and soon the end of the world will break out.

(End of this chapter)

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