I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 246 Done

Chapter 246 Done
"Alas! Antivirals and antibiotics are extremely effective, and the finished products are naturally very expensive. Kameda-kun probably doesn't know that the price of antivirals and antimicrobials sold by our company in Yanhuang is not enough for the cost. The price difference has actually been subsidized by the Yanhuang government secretly..."

Chu Hanyun was talking nonsense seriously.

Since Chu Hanyun dared to ask Ying to take over the negotiation right this time, her negotiating methods are naturally extraordinary.

After all, Shang Hai has not been a fool for so many years. In terms of negotiation skills, no other executives of the umbrella company can match her.

The two of them were at each other's throats, negotiating for nearly an hour, and finally negotiated the final price.

"Kameda-kun, this is a contract that I have someone print out, take a look..."

Chu Hanyun handed the contract to Kameda Yichiro with a smile.

After the previous negotiations between the two, the price of the medicine sold by the umbrella was finally set at four times the price.

Four times may not seem like much, but don't forget that the various drugs that umbrella sells in Yanhuang are huge profits. If you multiply these profits by four, it will definitely be a terrifying figure!

Kameda Jijirou took the contract from Chu Hanyun with one hand, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with the other hand.

"It's really not easy for this woman to become the vice president of the umbrella company!"

Kameda Ichiro thought to himself.

Kameda Ichiro was able to become the general manager of the Yanhuang branch of the Ritian Group and take full charge of this negotiation. His ability is naturally not simple.

At first, seeing how young and beautiful Chu Hanyun was, he thought he was just a vase. The reason why he became the vice president of the umbrella company was only because of his nepotism with Li Yu.

But after a fierce confrontation before, he realized how powerful this woman is!

"Kameda-kun, happy cooperation!"

After the agreement was signed, Chu Hanyun stood up and shook hands with Mr. Guitian, with a slight curvature on the corners of her lips.

The psychological price of the umbrella company this time is actually only tripled, or even doubled. Chu Hanyun definitely overfulfilled the task this time.

Four times the price is indeed a high price, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sky-high price.

Even if the Hita Group can pass the loss on to consumers, this time the umbrella can be regarded as a big bite of fat on them.

Thinking that she could help Li Yu and the umbrella company, Chu Hanyun felt a little sweet in her heart.

She had participated in many negotiations before and made a lot of money for Chutian Group, but she never felt so satisfied in her heart like this time.

After receiving the call from Chu Hanyun, Li Yu was also taken aback.

He had heard many times before that Chu Hanyun was a business prodigy, and in just a few years he had made a fortune in the shopping malls of C City, but this was the first time he had seen Chu Hanyun's ability, it was indeed extraordinary!
Although the umbrella company took the initiative in this transaction, Chu Hanyun was also responsible for such a high price. Naturally, Li Yu couldn't be stingy to praise her on the phone, not only gave her a bonus of 500 million, And promised to hold a celebration party just for her.

To be praised by Li Yu, Chu Hanyun's heart was as sweet as honey. As for the 500 million bonus, she didn't care at all.

In the evening, Li Yu called the company's executives on the top floor of the Umbrella Building to hold a small celebration banquet. Only company directors, deputy directors and some senior researchers are eligible to attend.

After hearing Li Yu's announcement of the negotiation results between Chu Hanyun and Ritian Group, everyone in the company cheered.

Although the population of Japan is less than one tenth of that of Yanhuang, its territory is small and its population density is much higher than that of Yanhuang, so the infection rate of bird flu in Japan is even more serious!
It can be said that there are more patients infected with bird flu in Japan than in Yanhuang!
It is conceivable that the sales of various drugs produced by the Umbrella Company in Japan will reach a new peak, and will definitely surpass Yanhuang.

Coupled with the fact that the sale price is four times higher than that in Yanhuang, the profit that the umbrella company can obtain will be extremely astonishing!

Of course, these are just superficial economic benefits. As for the opportunity of cooperation with the umbrella company, the value of Ritian Group’s transfer to the senior engineers of the umbrella company and the scientific research results they brought is inestimable.

In short, Umbrella Company has made a lot of money in this cooperation with Ritian Group!
The reception lasted until nearly midnight. As the protagonist of the celebration, Chu Hanyun would inevitably be toasted by the company's senior management.

Although Chu Hanyun has been tested for a long time, her drinking capacity is no weaker than that of men, and the others did not intentionally drink her up, but in the end Chu Hanyun was so dizzy from drinking that she was [-]% or [-]% drunk.

"Sister Yuyao, you go home first, I'll take Manager Chu home."

Seeing that Chu Hanyun was drunk, Li Yu naturally couldn't leave her here alone, so he could only tell Jiang Yuyao, and decided to send Chu Hanyun home in person.

"Then be careful on the road!"

Jiang Yuyao said with concern.

After getting along for such a long time, the relationship between Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun has improved a lot, and they are no longer as sharp as they were when they first met.

Coupled with Chu Hanyun's great contribution to the company this time, Jiang Yuyao didn't object even though she felt a little upset.

Nodding to Jiang Yuyao, Li Yu half-supported and half-hugged Chu Hanyun downstairs, opened his car door, and put her in the car.

"Xiao Yao, go to Manager Chu's house!"

Li Yu hugged the limp Chu Hanyun in his arms, and said to Xiao Yao who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Yes, BOSS!"

As Li Yu's exclusive bodyguard and driver, Xiao Yao didn't drink at the reception, so he has no problem driving now.

The villa complex where Chu Hanyun lives is not far from the umbrella building, only more than ten kilometers away. In less than half an hour, Li Yu's car drove into the community and arrived at the door of Chu Hanyun's house.

The villa complex where Chu Hanyun lives is a well-known wealthy area in City C, and the people who can live here are famous rich men and political figures in City C, and the law and order are naturally very good.

If it wasn't for the fact that the security guard at the door had winked and recognized Li Yu's identity, he might have called the police immediately after seeing Chu Hanyun, who was so drunk that he was unconscious.

He took out the key from Chu Hanyun's drowsy bag and opened the door. Li Yu asked Xiao Yao to wait outside. He picked up Chu Hanyun with one hand and walked into the room.

Although the boss said that the bodyguards should help if something happened, Xiao Yao certainly wouldn't follow behind without a wink at this time.

After the door was closed, Xiao Yao couldn't help showing an inexplicable smile, then leaned against the car, lit a cigarette and smoked.

(End of this chapter)

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