I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 247 Identity Authority

Chapter 247 Identity Authority
With Li Yu's current physical strength, carrying Chu Hanyun with one hand is no different from carrying a chick. He easily put Chu Hanyun on the bed in her bedroom, Li Yu still blushed and was not out of breath.

Gently took off the high heels on Chu Hanyun's feet, pulled the quilt off the bed and slowly covered her body.

Lying on the bed, Chu Hanyun's eyes were slightly closed, her brows were slightly frowned, she didn't have the demeanor of a strong woman in the company at all, instead she looked a little pitiful.

"Mom... don't go, don't leave me!"

Just when Li Yu was about to leave, Chu Hanyun suddenly murmured slightly, and two lines of clear tears flowed from his slightly closed eyes.

Li Yu paused, turned around, held her slender palm with one hand, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with the other hand.

Li Yu knew that Chu Hanyun must have dreamed of her mother who had died of illness.

Li Yu sat beside Chu Hanyun's bed for more than an hour, and when Chu Hanyun's breathing gradually became steady, he took out Chu Hanyun's palm in his hand, got up and left Chu Hanyun's bedroom.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

After Li Yu left Chu Hanyun's house and gently closed the door, he turned around and saw Xiao Yao outside smiling at him with a smile that any man could understand, and he couldn't help scolding.

He knew what this kid was thinking. Seeing him taking so long to come out, he must have thought that he had taken advantage of Chu Hanyun in there, and he might have even dealt with Chu Hanyun directly.

But he, Li Yu, is not so tasteless that he will be interested in a woman who smells of alcohol.

Moreover, when the biological virus broke out and the world was in chaos, most of the women became the vassals of the strong. As long as they had some status and strength, they would not be short of women.

Li Yu was the owner of a small base in his previous life. Every day, countless women scrambled to climb onto his bedside. He was not so hungry.

After returning home, Li Yu waved away Xiao Yao, who had been holding back his laughter all the way, and asked him to go back to rest.

"Why didn't you come back until now?"

Jiang Yuyao had obviously been waiting for Li Yu to come back, and didn't go to bed first. When she saw Li Yu open the door and come in, she immediately leaned on him like a puppy and kept twitching her nose.

"Ahem! I was the one who helped Manager Chu go home, so of course I smell of her!"

Li Yu gently pushed Jiang Yuyao away with some embarrassment, and explained.

Li Yu can not care about other people's thoughts, but for Jiang Yuyao, the elder sister who took care of her growing up like a sister and mother, Li Yu can't help but care.

However, he is not good at explaining to others, so he seems a little guilty when he speaks.


Jiang Yuyao gave Li Yu a blank look, took off his coat lightly, and said angrily, "What are you thinking! I just feel like I'm smelling like alcohol, and it smells so bad. Go wash and go to bed first!"

The efficiency of the Japanese people is indeed very high. On the third day after the agreement was signed, more than 20 scientific researchers sent by the Hita Group had already arrived at the airport in City C.

These people originally signed a long-term employment contract with the Ritian Group, and now the Ritian Group has transferred the contract to the Umbrella Company. Whether these researchers are willing or not, they will all be members of the Umbrella Company in the future and must stay in the Umbrella Company to work— — Unless they are willing to pay huge liquidated damages.

Li Yu sent Lin Tianxing, the director of the company's technical department, to receive these foreign researchers.

Li Yu secretly gave Lin Tianxing two tasks: one is to investigate whether these researchers have real talents, so that the Ritian Group will not send some people to fool themselves; the other is to secretly investigate whether these people have A commercial spy planted by the Ritian Group!
In fact, when Ichiro Kameda proposed to transfer a group of senior scientific researchers from the umbrella company for free, Li Yu already had doubts in his heart.

There is an old saying in Yanhuang: if there is nothing to be courteous, it is either rape or theft. For any company, the senior scientific research personnel in the company are treasures. Once there is something missing, the loss is not only a matter of money, but also greatly If it affects the development of the company's projects, no one will be willing to give them away.

What's more, these people more or less have a lot of core confidential information in the company, and it is even more impossible to let them leak out.

So when I heard Kameda Yichiro put forward this condition for the first time, Li Yu knew that there must be something tricky in it.

And the only thing that Hita Group has to pay such a high price to get is the bird flu vaccine formula of Umbrella Company.

Therefore, Li Yu can almost conclude that among the senior researchers sent to the umbrella company, there must be commercial spies sent by Hita Group!

"Hmph, the Hita Group and the Yinhua Group are just the same breed! It's just that one takes them by force, and the other snatches them secretly!"

Sitting in the office on the top floor of the Umbrella Building, a sneer appeared on the corner of Li Yu's lips.

Now the entire Umbrella Building is under the surveillance of the AI ​​Red Queen. If the Ritian Group thinks that sending a few spies can get what they want, Li Yu will let them understand what it means to "steal chickens and lose money."

But on the bright side, Li Yu did not treat these senior researchers badly.

After Lin Tianxing picked up these people from the airport, Li Yu directly arranged them in the suite assigned by the company.

Each scientific researcher is assigned to five rooms and two halls, a room of more than 100 square meters, which is enough for them to take their family members from RB to live together.

"Boss, I have investigated it secretly. These people have real talents and learning, and they are not just pretending!"

After Lin Tianxing arranged these people, he returned to the top floor of the building and reported to Li Yuhui: "And these behaviors are very natural, not like a commercial spy."

"Hmph, if you can tell the difference so easily, then this spy is too amateur!"

Regarding Lin Tianxing's words, Li Yu snorted and ordered: "Don't relax the surveillance of them in the company, let our people keep an eye on them, anyway, there are only more than 20 of them, and we must ensure that none of them has a chance to leave us People's sight!"

Although there is the Red Queen, she is not human after all, and she can only rely on the camera to observe. If she is a professional spy, I am afraid there will be some means to deceive the Red Queen's surveillance, and Li Yu has to guard against it.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Lin Tianxing didn't dare to be careless, and quickly agreed.

"As for the identity and authority... just give them E-level identity cards for the time being, and wait for their performance to improve accordingly!"

Li Yu smiled and said to Lin Tianxing.

PS: Brothers, please subscribe and support, let's start!
(End of this chapter)

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