I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 248 Close Surveillance

Chapter 248 Close Surveillance
Currently in the Umbrella Building, Li Yu is the only one with the highest authority, who controls the artificial intelligence, the red queen!
He can go to any place in the Umbrella Building at will, and access any information of the Umbrella Company at will.

As for Xiang Lin Tianxing and the others at the supervisory level, they all have A-level status and authority. Except for a few restrictions, they can basically pass through the Umbrella Building without hindrance.

Other employees of the company have B-level to F-level identity permissions in order according to the importance of their identities and the nature of their work.

The E-level authority that Li Yu issued to these foreign scientific researchers is only a little higher than that of the cleaners of the umbrella company and foreign tourists.

Except for the workplace arranged by the company, they can basically go to the toilet, and they can't go to other places.

"Is this... too low? I'm afraid it will cause their dissatisfaction."

Lin Tianxing asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry, just increase their salaries, bonuses and other benefits!"

Li Yu waved his hand indifferently and said: "I want to see who dares to be dissatisfied with this! If the spy hidden in it wants to jump up and down to persuade other people to fight against the company, it just reveals the truth, and I will deal with it he!"

In theory, Li Yu can also directly hypnotize these people one by one, and should also be able to find out the hidden spies.

However, Li Yu knows that some senior spies are mostly determined and have excellent anti-hypnosis ability. Li Yu is likely to fail the hypnosis and be deceived by the other party.

Moreover, what he used was not ordinary hypnotism, which would cause great damage to the other party's spirit and affect the other party's memory and IQ.

The impact on those engaged in scientific research is really too great. When these people wake up, they will basically be useless. I am afraid that they will be reduced from top scientific research talents to mediocrity.

So Li Yu still decided to stay the same and respond to all changes, confident that under his control, the other party would not be able to play any tricks.

"By the way, are these people satisfied with the houses our company arranged for them?"

Li Yu asked Lin Tianxing with a smile.

Li Yu has always been very generous to talents. As long as he can contribute to the company, his salary, house, and car will not be less.

"Hehe, they are so satisfied that they can't believe that the company will arrange such a big house for them!"

Hearing Li Yu ask about this, Lin Tianxing immediately laughed.

In the country of Wa, there are many people and little land. Even the top scientific researchers like them can't afford a big house at all. They can only squeeze their families into a small house nicknamed "Sparrow House".

The use of space in the house by the Japanese people has reached the extreme. A loft is basically divided into a small room. The tables, chairs, cabinets, and beds are basically foldable, and they will only be opened when they are used. All are folded to save space.

The houses arranged by the umbrella company are all big houses with five bedrooms and two living rooms of more than 100 square meters. At first, some researchers thought that the umbrella company arranged all of them in one house. When they were allocated such a house, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

And after Lin Tianxing handed over the keys of the houses to these people one by one, many researchers expressed on the spot that they wanted to take over their family members from Japan to live with them.

"Researchers who choose to take over their families will be much less suspected of being spies, and their surveillance can be relatively reduced, and their authority and treatment will be increased accordingly..."

Li Yu thought for a while, and said to Lin Tianxing: "However, it is not ruled out that the spies deliberately use their family members as a cover, so the monitoring of them is only slightly relaxed, not stopped!"

"I see, boss!"

Lin Tianxing nodded to express his understanding.

After arranging these researchers, Li Yu waved his hand to signal Lin Tianxing to go down, leaning on the back of his chair and lost in thought.

After Wu Yong's betrayal in the previous life, it is difficult for Li Yu to trust other people wholeheartedly, even Lin Tianxing, Zhang Hong and others in the company are no exception.

In the entire umbrella company, Jiang Yuyao is the only person he really trusts with all his heart, and even Chu Hanyun is not close.

So Li Yu's order to the Red Queen is to monitor everyone in the umbrella company, not just the new Japanese researchers who came this time.

Of course, he would not tell Lin Tianxing and the others about this matter. As long as they did not betray themselves, they would probably never know about this matter.

On the second day after these researchers arrived, the first batch of orders from Ritian Group was officially placed.

Although Li Yu had expected that Japan's demand for antibiotics should be high, he couldn't help being surprised when he saw the capitalized 100 million medicines on the order.

You must know that this figure is almost equivalent to the sales share of the umbrella company in Yanhuang for three months.

There are only more than 1 million people in the entire Japanese country, and 100 million copies of anti-viral medicines have been put on the market, which means that almost one out of every [-] people needs to take anti-viral medicines.

This ratio is really high and a bit scary. Obviously, the current bird flu epidemic situation in Japan is not optimistic, and it is much more serious than the Yanhuang epidemic situation.

In Yanhuang, only the major cities were severely affected, and there were no bird flu outbreaks in rural areas and sparsely populated remote areas.

But in the country of Wa, the population is very dense and the movement is frequent. A subway covers almost all areas of the country of Wa. You can't find a sparsely populated place at all. The epidemic is naturally serious and difficult to control.

Of course, it can also be seen that under the persecution of Yinhua Group, Ritian Group is putting all their eggs in one basket this time.

Although the Umbrella Company's warehouse can now produce the medicines needed for this order, but because the medicines for the Umbrella are now in the time when Yanhuang needs to open up the situation, it is naturally impossible to send all the stocks in the warehouse to Japan.

Therefore, after negotiating with the headquarters of Ritian Group in Japan, Umbrella Company will complete the delivery of these batches of drugs in batches within the next month.

As for the antibacterial Ritian Group, they only bought [-] copies, and the umbrella sports car series only bought [-] as a token.

Li Yu didn't say much about this. After all, the cars produced by the umbrella company are not well-known internationally. Hita Group can buy ten cars, which can be regarded as a face for Li Yu.

"However, I hope you don't regret it in the future! Wait until the Umbrella Company's cars become famous, and if you want to buy them at that time, you won't be able to buy them at this price!"

There was a mocking arc on the corner of Li Yu's mouth, obviously mocking the blindness of the Ritian Group.

(End of this chapter)

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