Chapter 249
But what Li Yu didn't know was that the ten umbrella sports cars ordered by Hita Group were not going to be shipped to Japan at all, but were thrown directly into the warehouse of Hita Motor Company in C City!
The Hita Group ordered these ten sports cars for the sake of giving face to the umbrella company, and did not expect this unknown sports car to really sell well.

They even felt that they might not be able to sell these ten sports cars to Japan at all, and they would have to pay shipping and customs fees at that time!

Therefore, Kameda Ichiro directly left these sports cars in Yanhuang, and he just airlifted the first batch of medicine delivered by Umbrella Company to Japan.

"Vice President Sun, our company has recently ordered ten new sports cars. They look good in appearance. Do you want to distribute them to major branches for sale?"

Sun Wei's secretary walked into Sun Wei's office and asked him for instructions.

Kameda Ichiro personally escorted the medicine back to Japan, and before leaving, he handed over the affairs of Hita Motor Company to Sun Wei to take care of.

"When did we order sports cars again? How did I not know?"

Sun Wei asked suspiciously.

"This is what General Manager Kameda just ordered from Umbrella."

The secretary replied.

"Oh, so it's a sports car from the Umbrella Company...they also know cars?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Sun Wei's mouth, and the secretary said disdainfully: "Don't worry about them! Our auto shop has limited space, so just throw these garbage in the warehouse to mold!"

Sun Wei is also aware of the cooperation between Hita Group and Umbrella Company, and knows that Kameda's ordering of cars from Umbrella Company this time is probably just to please them, and he doesn't really think that Umbrella Company's cars are so good.


The secretary nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

"Forget it... Let's take one out and try selling it!"

At this time, Sun Wei suddenly stopped the secretary again and said, "Since it was ordered by General Manager Kameda, let's give him face at that time!"

Although he disdained the car of the umbrella company, after all, Kameda personally ordered it once, and Sun Wei decided to try to sell one—although he felt that he might not be able to sell even one.

"Yes, Vice President Sun!"

The secretary nodded again and walked out.

Li Yu himself didn't know that the car produced by his company was quietly placed in a Ritian Automobile store in C City.

Currently, the umbrella series sports cars are out of stock and have not yet been officially launched. Only some young people are attracted by the extremely cool appearance of the umbrella series sports cars released on the Internet. Most people are not optimistic about the sports cars produced by the umbrella company, so there is no Pay more attention.

"Hey! Is this a new sports car manufactured by the Hita Group? Why is the style different from the others?"

A young man who went to Hita Auto Store to buy a car suddenly found the sports car with the umbrella logo placed in the corner of the auto shop, his eyes lit up immediately.

The cars produced by Hita Group are similar in style to those produced by other car companies in Japan. They often pay more attention to the performance of the car, while the appearance is more restrained.

However, the sports car of the Umbrella Company was designed by Li Yu himself. It has a sci-fi color far beyond the current style of the earth.

Although the sports car produced by the umbrella was placed in the corner of the auto shop due to lack of attention, the young man quickly noticed it and walked towards the sports car involuntarily.

"Sir, what kind of car do you want? Our Hita Group recently launched several new models of commercial vehicles and sports cars. How about I take you to have a look?"

When a sales lady in the auto shop saw the young man entering the shop, her eyes lit up and she hurried over.

Although the young man seemed to be dressed casually, with the eyes of the sales lady, he could tell at a glance that the seemingly inconspicuous clothes on him were worth a lot, and the other party was obviously worth a lot.

"No, I'll take a look at this one first!"

The young man waved his hand, and walked directly towards the sports car with the umbrella logo on the corner.

"Huh? Isn't this a Hita Group car?"

After the young man walked in, he finally noticed the umbrella logo on the front of the sports car.

The young man was also a little surprised that this kind of specialty store rarely sells cars of other brands.

"Oh, this is the new sports car from Umbrella Corporation!"

The sales lady explained.

"Umbrella Company? Isn't that selling medicine? They also sell cars?"

The young man looked puzzled.

Although the Umbrella Company's reputation has risen sharply in the past year, not everyone knows about it, and some people have only heard of the name.

"Yes! Some time ago, the Umbrella Company announced its official entry into the automobile industry, but the sports car they produced has not been officially launched yet. Now this car is only a trial sale!"

the sales lady said.

"A sports car from Umbrella?"

There was a look of hesitation on the young man's face.

After all, cars are a major issue related to travel safety, and cars produced by new companies like this usually have various problems. If there is any accident on the road, it will be dangerous.

Young people obviously don't trust the quality of this car.

Moreover, the cars of the umbrella company are not well-known now, and they will lose face in front of friends when they are driven out.

However, the cool shape of this sports car is so in line with the tastes of young people that it is difficult for him to decide whether to buy it.

"Sir, why don't you take a look at other sports cars before deciding whether to buy them?"

Seeing the hesitant look on the young man's face, the sales lady next to him hurriedly said.

She didn't want such a big client to just run away in her hands.

"Forget it, just take a look at this one, you help me open the door!"

The young man looked around at those Hita cars that looked rustic compared to this sports car, and suddenly lost interest. Finally, he made a decision and said to the sales lady.

"Okay sir, just a moment!"

The sales lady showed joy on her face, and hurriedly went to the manager to ask for the key of the sports car. With a light press, the door of the car opened slowly upwards, like an eagle spreading its wings.

"Not bad!"

The young man nodded in satisfaction, a sports car with such a cool shape is just right with such a door.

The young man stepped into the driver's seat, and just as he inserted the car key into the jack, a burst of electronic sound suddenly sounded in his ears: "Car Butler Zero, serving you, Master!"

At the same time, the display screen in front of him lit up, and a chubby little boy wearing a housekeeper's costume appeared on the display screen with a naive smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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