I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 252 3 million assets, draw again

Chapter 252 300 million assets, draw again
As the hottest topic on the Internet today, journalists are most concerned about intelligent programs.

In fact, the highly intelligent program is also the most important selling point of the umbrella sports car.

To be honest, the engine and other hardware facilities of the sports car are still incomparable with those first-class car companies in the world.

If it weren't for the existence of the intelligent program, the sports car of the umbrella company would not be so hot at all.

As for the cool appearance, although it can also attract people's attention, these things are too easy to imitate. It is estimated that within a month, there will be a copycat version of the umbrella series sports car on the market.

"Hehe, everyone, don't squeeze, listen to me slowly..."

Lin Tianxing pushed away the crowded reporters, walked to the rostrum and sat down, and then began to answer the reporters' questions.

"The intelligent program in the sports car was jointly developed by the top programmers hired by our company from all over the world..."

Sitting in the office below, Li Yu looked at Lin Tianxing's serious nonsense to the reporters on the monitor, and couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The intelligent programs in the sports car are of course all created by the Red Queen, which are equivalent to her countless clones.

However, in order to avoid being too shocking, these intelligent programs are only equivalent to one percent of the intelligence of the Red Queen, and they cannot have emotions and self-awareness like the Red Queen.

Li Yu's decision to enter the automobile industry is naturally after careful consideration. If there is no red queen who can create countless intelligent program clones, he will not take this step-no matter how arrogant Li Yu is, he will not think that he has just entered the automobile industry. It can compete with the world's top car companies only with hardware facilities.

And spending such a high price to enter the automobile industry, Li Yu is not just for making money.

These people only see the magic and useful side of the smart program, but they don't know that their every move in the car has been secretly recorded and stored by the smart program, and then these videos are secretly transferred to the umbrella company through the Internet.

These things will undoubtedly become resources that Li Yu can use. In terms of meaning, it is far more important than selling cars to make money.

The press conference lasted until about 03:30 in the afternoon, and then Lin Tianxing began to arrange some reporters to take a test drive on the spot.

The top floor of the Umbrella Building is as big as a dozen football fields, enough space for these reporters to drive.

The various hardware facilities of the sports cars of the umbrella series are indeed not as good as the world-class brand cars, but if they are only in Yanhuang, they are not bad, at least there is no problem of deducting points.

After these reporters stopped the car, they all expressed their satisfaction, especially the automatic driving function of the intelligent program. hands, very convenient.

Now many cars also have automatic driving functions, but who dares to really let go of the steering wheel and let the car drive automatically?
Only after the intelligent program loaded in the umbrella series sports car has first gained the driver's trust and ensured that it has enough intelligence, can they dare to really let go.

After the press conference ended, major newspapers, TV stations, and websites started to report the press conference the next day.

This time, it was all done by them spontaneously, and they didn't spend a penny on advertising from the umbrella company.

Many reporters were full of praise for the intelligent program loaded on the umbrella series sports car, calling it a "cross-age invention".

The Umbrella series of sports cars also went on the market and began to be officially sold.

However, due to insufficient inventory, Lin Ming, director of the Ministry of Commerce, suggested that Li Yu adopt the strategy of hunger sales.

All customers who want to purchase an umbrella series sports car must first grab a purchase number on the umbrella company's website.

Only the person who gets the purchase number first will be eligible to pay for the Umbrella Series sports car.

In this way, the company can not only accurately control the sales volume, but also those customers who cannot buy a car will concentrate on getting the purchase number, and even if they cannot get the number, they will blame the scalpers who resell the number. Umbrella companies have nothing to do.

Hearing Lin Ming's idea, Li Yu couldn't help but secretly exclaimed, and immediately decided to follow this method!
The price of the umbrella series sports car has three grades: 1000 million Yanhuang coins, 2000 million Yanhuang coins and 5000 million Yanhuang coins.

Although the price is not low, there are more rich people in Yanhuang!

On the first day of listing, more than 80 Umbrella series sports cars were sold!

This is still under the circumstance that the umbrella company secretly manipulates the purchase number. If it is opened for sale, the number may directly exceed the [-] mark.

This is the most high-end sports car, not those commercial vehicles and economy cars that run all over the street. It is already a miracle to have this sales volume on the first day!

In just one day, these sports cars created a net profit of [-] million for the umbrella company.

Among the more than 80 sports cars sold, the most expensive sports cars are 1000 million. Many people buy umbrella series sports cars just to see the smart program on the car, and they don't care about other aspects of sports cars.

On the second day of launch, sales began to decline, and the umbrella series only sold less than fifty units.

This is also normal.

After three days, sales began to stabilize, and more than 30 sports cars were sold every day.

During this period, Sun Wei from Hita Motors personally went to the umbrella company and asked to order ten more sports cars of the umbrella series.

Li Yu first rejected Sun Wei's order request on the grounds that Hita Group sold the umbrella series sports car in Yanhuang in breach of contract.

However, after Sun Wei repeatedly admitted his mistake and pleaded, Li Yu pretended to be reluctant and agreed, but the price could not be only slightly higher than the ex-factory price like last time, but sold to Sun Wei at a retail price close to the current one. Wei.

In order to complete the task completed by Kameda Ichiro and measure the detailed data of the umbrella series sports car, Sun Wei could only grit his teeth and agree to the price, which was regarded as being slaughtered by Li Yu.

After bringing these sports cars back to Ritian Motor Company, Sun Wei immediately called the company's auto manufacturing experts to start various performance tests on these sports cars, and then sent the test results to the Hita Group headquarters in Japan.

Li Yu ignored these small actions of Hita Group, but watched the company's assets continue to rise with the hot sales of sports cars every day.

Finally, one month after the launch of the umbrella sports car, Li Yu finally heard the long-lost voice of the brain: "Congratulations to the master for reaching 300 billion in total assets, and the start of the technology lottery! Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the primary military armor weapon manufacturing technology!"

(End of this chapter)

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