I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 253 Elementary Armor Technology

Chapter 253 Elementary Armor Technology

"Primary military armored weapon manufacturing technology? What are the specific aspects of armored weapons?"

After hearing Zhinao's words, Li Yu couldn't help showing joy on his face.

Now that Umbrella Corporation is getting bigger and bigger, I am afraid that there will be more and more powerful enemies coveting Umbrella Corporation's various advanced technologies in the future.

But the current umbrella company has no ability to produce weapons for self-protection. Even a pistol and a bullet have to be purchased from the outside world.

Moreover, in Yanhuang, the purchase of weapons is extremely strict and troublesome, which makes it inevitable that the umbrella company will be controlled by others.

If the umbrella company can truly own its own military industry, then it can be regarded as really having the power to protect itself.

At the same time, Li Yu knows more clearly how important a complete military production system will be in the future apocalypse!
That's why Li Yu was so excited and delighted when he heard that the system had won the military manufacturing technology in this lottery.

"Primary military armored weapons include rocket launchers, light tanks and light armored vehicles!"

Zhinao said.

"It turned out to be..."

Li Yu was a little surprised. He originally thought that the most basic military weapons were machine guns, but he didn't expect that they would be rocket launchers, tanks and armored vehicles!
"If it is an intermediate or even a high-level military armor weapon, what is it?"

Li Yu secretly thought: "Isn't it an aircraft carrier or an alien technological weapon?"

However, these are still far away from him. Li Yu withdrew his thoughts after thinking for a while, and ordered to the brain: "Smart brain, transfer these technologies to me!"

"Okay, master!"

After the intellectual brain agreed, it directly transmitted these manufacturing technologies into Li Yu's brain through brain waves.

Li Yu suddenly felt his brain swell. The manufacturing technology of these weapons involves knowledge in all aspects of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc., which is far more complicated than the construction technology of the Dragon Nest underground base last time!
"It seems that it is not so easy to manufacture these armored weapons..."

Li Yu was thinking secretly while browsing the information transmitted by the intellectual brain in his mind.

The steel and machine tools needed to manufacture these armored weapons can use the automobile factory as a cover, order the main parts from other countries and then assemble them yourself.

As long as you are not a professional in weapon manufacturing and you know all the order lists of the umbrella company, you should not find any clues.

But as long as you want to manufacture these armored weapons, you need factories and workers. How can you keep it absolutely secret and not be discovered by the Yanhuang Zhengfu?

After all, it is still a society under the rule of law. It is impossible for Li Yu to force the workers in the weapon factory to cut off all contact with the outside world. I am afraid that it will immediately attract the attention of the country, and the trouble will only be greater.

"Hey... This matter can only be officially carried out after the underground base is built! However, the branch in Somalia can manufacture these armored weapons without any scruples!"

Li Yu thought secretly.

Unlike Yanhuang, the situation in Somalia is chaotic and the warlords are divided. It is not difficult to make weapons there for their own use, and they can also sell them to other warlords to make war profits.

Thinking of this, Li Yu immediately ordered Zhinao to copy these primary military manufacturing technologies into the computer, and then let him send them to Wei Quan and others in Somalia through the Internet.

But after thinking about it, Li Yu stopped again.

This information is too precious, and it is not safe to transmit it through the Internet. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Somalia himself after a while, and then give this information to Wei Quan.

After all, for such a big matter as the establishment of a military factory, it would be more appropriate for him to personally preside over it.

However, the weapons manufactured in Somalia are not easy to transport to China after all, so the preparations for the manufacture of weapons in Yanhuang have to start.

After making up his mind, Li Yu called Feng Bin over.

Feng Bin has been in charge of all matters in the production department since Wei Quan left, and has been doing his best and doing a good job.

Now he has entered the core circle of the umbrella company, and he knows many secrets in the company. In Li Yu's eyes, he is already one of his own.

"Making armored weapons?"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Feng Bin was also taken aback.

Although he knew that his boss had always been bold, he never expected it to be this big!
"Well, get ready, and go abroad tomorrow in the name of purchasing auto parts and manufacturing machines! You have to buy two copies of these items on the list, one of which will be shipped to Somalia and handed over to Wei Quan, and the other will be carried in the Bring back Yanhuang from the machines you bought!"

Li Yu handed Feng Bin a list and said to him in an unquestionable tone.

Li Yu is not worried that Feng Bin dares to betray himself.

These people not only enjoy the company's high salary and high treatment, but also have seen his methods of making people die silently. With this kind of kindness and power, they will only report themselves unless they have a problem with their brains.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Although there are still doubts about this matter, after all, Feng Bin has just entered the company's core circle, and he dare not dare to put forward his opinions in front of Li Yu like Lin Tianxing and others, so he can only nod in agreement and reach out to take it. I got the list that Li Yu handed over.

Hundreds of machines and materials of various types were densely written on the list. As the deputy director of the production department, Feng Bin also had real talents. He roughly recognized the uses of these machines and materials just by looking at them.

Most of them are actually coincident with the machines needed to make cars. It should not be suspicious to transport them back to China in the name of purchasing car manufacturing machines.

After Feng Bin handed over the company affairs to his subordinates, he left Yanhuang the next day.

The production of Umbrella Company was not affected by Feng Bin's departure, and both the pharmaceutical factory and the automobile factory were working overtime and producing with sufficient horsepower.

But even so, the medicines and cars produced by the factory are gradually unable to keep up with the increasingly large orders.

Fortunately, the branch factory ordered by Li Yu to be built in the surrounding cities of C City has been gradually completed. As long as the machines are purchased and workers are recruited, they can be put into use.

(End of this chapter)

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