I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 260 Inspection of Somali Factory

Chapter 260 Inspection of Somali Factory


Hearing Li Yu's soft words, Wu Lin, who has always been very strong in front of people, couldn't help but two lines of tears flowed from her eyes.

At this moment, Wu Lin felt that everything she had done was worth it!

Li Yu usually has a domineering appearance in front of people, but now he suddenly said such tender words, which pierced Wu Lin's heart in an instant.

"Everyone has worked hard too!"

Li Yu said to the umbrella employees who greeted him that in Li Yu's eyes, these employees who were dispatched to Somalia are all good, and they are all great contributors to the umbrella.

There are also many new faces among the people, but there are also many who come from the Yanhuang head office. Li Yu naturally said this to them.


The world-renowned dangerous country, under the order of the group, they abandoned themselves and rushed over. This has to be said that they are loyal to the umbrella.

"Boss, we don't work hard!"

"It's right to do your best for the umbrella!"


Hearing Li Yu's words, the employees of these umbrellas all had strong respect and said excitedly that they were very proud to be affirmed by Li Yu.

Of course, only God knows how many of them are sincere and how many are fake.

Li Yu then inspected the entire company under the leadership of Wei Quan and Wu Lin.

Naturally, the conditions here cannot be compared with those in China. Li Yu saw that many hardware facilities in the company are a bit behind.

In a chaotic country like Somalia, it is very inconvenient to enter and exit the country. Some facilities cannot be easily bought with money, and Wei Quan is also very helpless about this.

However, due to the perennial wars in Somalia and the small population, the land prices here are relatively cheap.

Wei Quan only spent about 2000 million Yanhuang coins to buy the company and the nearby five or six thousand square meters of land, and has permanent ownership of these lands.

And if it is in China, such a large piece of land on the outskirts of the capital, don't even think about it without billions of Yanhuang coins.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ownership in Yanhuang. Even if you spend billions of dollars to buy a piece of land, you only have the right to use it. Once the 70-year use right comes, it will be immediately taken back by the state for free.

For the sake of safety, the pharmaceutical factory is built behind the company, the two are completely connected, and it is more convenient to protect together.

Li Yu then went to the pharmaceutical factory behind to take a look.

There are more than 2000 workers recruited here, all of whom are locals from Somalia.

Ordinary civilians in Somalia have experienced wars all year round, and they cherish the hard-won peace and this job even more, which makes them generally work harder than Yanhuang people.

Moreover, although the wages paid by the umbrellas to them are already very high in Somalia, they are still less than half of the wages of Yanhuang workers!
These Somalis can be said to be the most high-quality and cheap labor in the world.

The reason why the government of Somalia is so polite to Li Yu and the umbrella is because they helped Somalia solve the employment problem of such a group of people.

There are a large number of unemployed young people in Somalia. They either directly become beggars or become criminals, which poses a great threat to the security of Somalia.

For any company that can help Somalia solve the civilian employment problem, the Somali government will give great help and security guarantee.

Don't look at the fact that hundreds of gangsters have stormed the umbrella branch in the past few months, but this can only be regarded as a small problem.

If it weren't for the secret care of the Somali government, I'm afraid there would be those soldiers driving armored vehicles coming to the door to extort money every three days or so.

After spending the whole morning, Li Yu visited the company and the factory.

Li Yu also praised Wei Quan, Wu Lin and Wu Peng who came here with bare hands and started this overseas company, and each gave them a bonus of 100 million.

The money is not only a reward for them, but also a kind of subsidy for them. After all, not everyone can bear this kind of life away from home, away from family and friends.

When it was time for lunch, Li Yu specifically asked Wei Quan and the others to take him to the staff canteen for dinner.

"The food in this cafeteria is a little too bad!"

Seeing the food that Xiao Yao had just ordered back in line, Li Yu's expression was a little unsightly.

Except for a few servings of fish, these dishes are all vegetarian dishes, and there is not even any other meat.

Li Yu picked it up and tasted it, and even spit it out directly, and said to Wei Quan angrily: "Where did you find the chef in this canteen? This level is too bad!"

Food is the most important thing for the people. Food may seem insignificant, but it is a major event that can directly affect the work efficiency of workers!

If the workers can't eat well, how can they have the energy to work?
"This... Somalia has always been short of supplies. In fact, it is very good to have these foods!"

Seeing Li Yu angry, Wei Quan quickly explained with a wry smile.

Somalia is surrounded by the sea, and most of the land on the island is not suitable for farming, so most of the food has to be imported.

In Somalia, only those high-level executives and dignitaries can eat big fish every day, and the food of ordinary civilians is rationed according to quotas, even if they have money, they cannot buy it.

Li Yu looked around, and sure enough, he saw those Somali workers lying on the dining table one by one, eating very sweetly, without any disgust, and then he knew what Wei Quan said was true.

"There is no way to go on like this..."

Li Yu thought to himself, even if these ordinary workers can endure such meals, Wu Peng and his security guards have to exercise every day, and consume a lot of physical energy when fighting. If they can't eat well, it will obviously affect them. Combat.

"Wu Peng, when you were in the army, you should have your own breeding farm, right?"

Li Yu looked at Wu Peng and said, "Now is the time for you to carry forward your fine traditions! I will set aside a piece of land in the factory for you to build a small farm, and you will be responsible for feeding these livestock when you are free. Can you do it in the future? It’s up to you to eat meat every day!”

"Okay, this idea is really great, why didn't we think of it before!"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Wu Peng couldn't help laughing.

Yanhuang soldiers have a skill that other countries do not have, that is, they can grow food and raise livestock wherever they go. This ability is almost impossible to see in the armies of other countries.

Soldiers from other countries have their nostrils upturned. They feel that their job is to fight, and they have the right to refuse if they are asked to do other things.

Can you imagine a picture of an American soldier wearing an apron feeding pigs in a pigsty?Or, go to the fields to plant rice seedlings?

For Wu Peng and the Yanhuang soldiers, this is not a problem at all!
The other security guards thought that they would be able to eat and drink every day in the future, and they also praised Li Yu's wise order, and they flattered for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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