Chapter 261

"Also, give me all the chefs in the cafeteria, and go to Yanhuang to find some real chefs... Even if the conditions are not good, you can't make it so bad, right?"

After leaving the cafeteria, Li Yu said with a cold expression.

Obviously, Li Yu still has deep resentment for the unpalatable meals in the cafeteria.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Wei Quan did not intend to disobey at all, and immediately agreed. As the production supervisor, he has the power to dispose of the entire factory, so changing the chef is naturally easy.

It was not until the afternoon that Li Yu went to the main goal of this trip to Somalia - the military factory.

Before Li Yu's arrival, Feng Bin handed over the purchased equipment and lathes to Wei Quan, and Wei Quan'an put them in the temporarily rebuilt military factory building.

After all, Li Yu ordered Wei Quan to prepare for the military factory in a hurry, and it was impossible for him to build a new factory in such a short time.

Therefore, Wei Quan converted some warehouses of the pharmaceutical factory into workshops of the military factory to house the machines Feng Bin sent.

Of course, these are only temporary. The official factory building of the military factory is still under construction with overtime, and it will be fine to move there after it is completed.

"Boss, I have already found someone to try out these manufacturing equipment. As long as the workers are recruited, they can be put into use immediately!"

Wei Quan pointed to the machines in the factory and said to Li Yu.


Li Yu also stepped forward to carefully inspect these brand new machines exuding the smell of engine oil and metallic luster, and nodded.

Although a head of information was instilled by the intellectual brain, those are just dead knowledge after all, and Li Yu himself is not good at this aspect.

But since Wei Quan, the former head of the production department, said that these machines are fine, they should be usable.

"How long will it take to complete the recruitment work? Has the government of Somalia made arrangements?"

Li Yu asked Wei Quan.

These specific affairs are naturally done by these people under his command, and Li Yu only needs to control the overall situation.

"Based on the way our company treats employees, it only takes three more days to fill up the staff—after all, our military factory is only a start-up, and we only need to recruit 500 people in the early stage. Keep recruiting!"

Wei Quan reported to Li Yuhui: "As for the convenience of the Somali government, Wu Lin has always been dealing with them. You have to ask Manager Wu about this."

"I am indeed in charge of this matter!"

Wu Lin next to her remained rigorous, and explained to Li Yu: "Although there is no difference in the procedures for starting a military factory in Somalia and other ordinary private companies, and it will not go through too strict a review, the Somali government is easy. It can be approved! But weapons are a bit sensitive after all, we still need to say hello to the Somali government first, lest they come to trouble us with excuses in the future!"

"In short, I will leave this matter to you, I just want to see the result!"

Li Yu nodded clearly, and handed over all the opening of the general factory to Wu Lin.

"Don't worry, BOSS, I will definitely manage it beautifully!" Wu Lin promised.

In fact, these warlords in Somalia are fighting each other endlessly, and the fighting happens almost every day. The consumption of weapons and ammunition is extremely alarming. Their own production capacity can't keep up, so they often need to buy various products from the outside world. Weapons and ammunition.

Not only will the major forces in Somalia not oppose or suppress companies that run military factories like Umbrella, but will rather support them.

Three days later, with the official approval from Somalia, [-] workshop workers of the Umbrella Army Factory have been recruited. They are only the lowest-level employees of the Umbrella, and they have no access to core secrets. They are only responsible for assembling weapons.

After all, weapon design is also very core to the umbrella, and it is controlled by its own red queen, and the protection is tight!
If it weren't for the small scale of the military factory, Wei Quan had restricted the number of recruits, and even if he recruited another 1000 people in the past three days, he would still be able to recruit—the most indispensable thing in Somalia today is those unemployed people who have nothing to do.

If they were in Yanhuang country, many people would not choose to work in a dangerous factory like a military factory, and the workshop is full of all kinds of harmful dust substances.

But in Somalia, these unemployed civilians have no right to pick and choose, and the treatment of the umbrella company has always been good, so they flocked immediately after hearing the news.

After the recruitment of these workers was completed, Li Yu immediately ordered to start work, asking them to manufacture a batch of armored weapons according to the technical information Li Yu brought.

Umbrella This military factory mainly produces rocket launchers, tanks and light armored vehicles, and other low-tech firearms and ammunition will also be manufactured.

Li Yu imagined that they would rush to produce a batch of weapons first, so that they could equip the security guards to increase their strength; secondly, when the military factory officially opened and held a press conference, they could use these samples to make their own weapons. Fame, an instant hit!

Li Yu believes that the technical information given to him by Zhinao must be the most advanced compared with similar weapons in other countries on the earth.

As long as these weapons are manufactured, they will surely shock other people's eyes, which will be very beneficial to the next sale of these weapons.

It took another two weeks, the military factory worked overtime, and combined with the weapon design drawings given by Li Yu, the newly established military factory finally released five armored vehicles, two tanks, eighty rocket launchers and various other types. Machine guns, rifles, grenades and bullets.

Li Yu immediately asked Wu Peng to bring the company's security guards into these newly manufactured weapons.


Wu Peng drove a tank, rampaging in the open space in front of the military factory, and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Hahaha, our umbrella finally has its own tank! If there were these big guys before, who would dare to mess with us!"

Thinking of those comrades who died in the battle before, Wu Peng was excited, but also saddened: Now the Umbrella Company finally has a weapon that can protect itself, but they can't see it!

"Boss, this armored vehicle surpasses the one I drove when I was in the army, both in terms of speed and defensive capability!"

However, Xiao Yao couldn't put it down for the newly produced armored vehicle. He reluctantly jumped off the armored vehicle and went to Li Yu to report to him on the use of the armored vehicle.

The shells of these five armored vehicles made by the umbrella are made of the most advanced and hardest alloy in the world, and they can withstand the continuous bombing of more than ten rocket launchers at the same time without any damage. Under the circumstances, the maneuverability is more than a few blocks away from the tank.

In terms of cost alone, this armored vehicle is more than 1000 million Yanhuang coins, which is comparable to some small aircraft.

"Since you like it so much, then this armored vehicle will be handed over to you in the future!"

Li Yu smiled majestically, and directly gave the ownership of an armored vehicle to Xiao Yao, which was regarded as a reward for his loyalty during this period of time, and protecting himself and the company through life and death.

Anyway, being left and right is just a nominal matter. Even if this armored car is privately owned by Xiao Yao, he is still serving the company when he drives the armored car.

(End of this chapter)

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