I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 262 Somali Military Industry Conference

Chapter 262 Somali Military Industry Conference

Xiao Yao's expression was startled, and he asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true...but if you don't like it, forget it!"

Li Yu smiled majestically, and said in a somewhat teasing tone.


Xiao Yao nodded suddenly, as if he was afraid of Li Yu's repentance, armored vehicles, even the top richest people in Yanhuang don't have them, only the army owns them, this is in Yanhuang, Xiao Yao dare not even think about it, But when it came to Somalia, it was so easy to get.

And Xiao Yao can be sure that he will definitely get more in the future!

After a while, Wu Peng came. As Li Yu's confidant, he naturally didn't favor one over the other. Li Yu directly attributed a tank to his name.

Wu Peng was also overjoyed.

Of course, the cost of a tank is much higher than that of an armored vehicle, but Wu Peng originally joined the umbrella earlier than Xiao Yao, and now he has gone abroad to expand the company's territory and made great contributions. He will be rewarded for this tank. Although I can't say anything envious.

From the choices of Wu Peng and Xiao Yao, we can also see their personalities and fighting styles: Wu Peng prefers tanks with extremely powerful defense performance, while Xiao Yao prefers armored vehicles with relatively balanced defense, speed and attack.

The newly produced rocket launcher Li Yu has also been tested.

The rocket launcher produced by Umbrella looks similar to the RPG individual rocket launcher in appearance, and the operation method is also the same.

However, its weight is only 2 kilograms, which is lighter than ordinary rocket launchers, and an ordinary adult can carry it while running and shooting.

Moreover, the maximum range of this rocket launcher has reached 1500 meters, far exceeding the power of ordinary rocket launchers.

As for the accuracy of this rocket launcher, it is also very satisfactory.

In short, the data of this rocket launcher is much higher than that of ordinary rocket launchers.

Li Yu can be sure that after the press conference is over, the bazookas produced by the umbrella will definitely be snapped up by the major warlords in Somalia, replacing their original bazookas that were either produced by themselves or imported from other countries.

Li Yu is not worried that after these weapons are sold, others will use them against him.

First of all, although the political situation in Somalia is chaotic, they value foreign businessmen like them very much, and they will not do anything like killing chickens to get eggs.

Secondly, these are only primary military armored weapons. When Li Yu extracts intermediate or even advanced armored weapons in the future, these should be eliminated.

The third is that after the establishment of his military factory, Li Yu already had the idea of ​​​​establishing a new security force in his heart. By then, all these people will be equipped with the latest weapons, and they will definitely become a powerful military force. Naturally No longer fear any threats.

With these three reasons, Li Yu dared to sell his weapons boldly without worrying about being backlashed.

Three days later, the press conference for the opening of the Umbrella Military Factory was finally officially held.

Before Li Yu's arrival, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals had been operating in Somalia for several months, and its avian flu vaccines, antibiotics, and antimicrobial drugs also caused quite a stir in Somalia.

In Somalia, although the current umbrella is not a household name, it is already a small name.

Therefore, after the news of the establishment of the Umbrella Military Factory was released, many reporters came to the press conference to interview.

In a chaotic country like Somalia, no amount of caution is needed. Li Yu didn't want a good press conference to turn into a terrorist attack.

And after the last attack at the airport, Li Yu can be sure that Harrison of Umbrella must have arrived in Somalia from Yanhuang with him, and now he may be hiding in a corner, planning the next assassination against him !
Of course, Li Yu would not be careless.

Therefore, on the day of the press conference, Li Yu not only summoned all of the company's more than 200 security guards, and asked them to surround the entire conference venue with water, but also asked them all to replace them with various new weapons from the Umbrella Army Factory.

The two tanks and five armored vehicles that were just produced were also slowly driving around the press conference, patrolling the audience.

Those foreign reporters, seeing the fully armed posture of Umbrella Company, almost thought that they had gone to the wrong place, not the press conference site, but the military camp!

If it was in Yanhuang, most of the reporters would be too scared to come in when they saw this scene, but these reporters in Somalia have all seen the world, and some even often walk among the hail of bullets and see the umbrella This scene is just a little surprised, and he will not be scared to turn around and leave.

According to the usual practice, the security guards at the gate conducted regular checks on the journalists and the items they brought. After finding no weapons or dangerous items, they were put into the venue.

By the time the press conference was officially held at [-]:[-] p.m., hundreds of reporters had already gathered in the venue, and almost all Somali media, large and small, had sent people.

Wei Quan, the general manager of the Umbrella Branch, personally presided over the press conference.

In Somalia, Wei Quan's popularity is obviously much higher than that of Li Yu, and this kind of professional explanation is obviously more suitable for Wei Quan, so Li Yu will not compete with him for this opportunity to show off.

"Dear reporters and friends from the media, these are the latest weapons that have appeared in our Umbrella Military Factory. You can come up and visit them at will. I will take you to the shooting range to test fire later!"

After Wei Quan arrived at the meeting place, he straight to the point pointed to the various types of guns placed on the shelves in the meeting place and told the reporters.

Naturally, these guns have no bullets now, so there is no need to worry that some people with ulterior motives will mix in among the reporters to make trouble.

"Mr. Wei Quan, as far as I know, your umbrella company only produces medicines, and now it suddenly starts producing military weapons. Do you have any experience in this field?"

A young female reporter in her 20s approached Wei Quan and asked a sharp question in fluent Somali.

Wei Quan knew it clearly: the moment the reporter came in, he asked such sharp questions without saying a word. Obviously, the other party was either bought by other competitors, or they were directly sent by them to add trouble to the Umbrella Military Factory.

If Wei Quan can't answer well, tomorrow a tabloid in Somalia will try to discredit the weapons produced by the Umbrella Army Factory by taking out of context and other means.

In Somalia, the military and weapons industry is very developed. Just around the city of Bayer, there are more than a dozen military factories, large and small, and some small weapon workshops are even more numerous.

The small ones of these military factories only produce some small firearms and bullets, and the large ones can even manufacture aircraft and missiles.

They have already divided up the arms market in Somalia. Now that the umbrella military factory has been born, it will naturally make other colleagues dissatisfied. It is really normal to send people to add trouble to them.

(End of this chapter)

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