I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 266 Mercenary Company Preparations

Chapter 266 Mercenary Company Preparations

On the second day of the press conference!

When the reporters reported that President Thiel appeared at the press conference for the establishment of the umbrella military factory, it immediately caused a sensation in Somalia. Although Somalia was very chaotic and the warlords were in power, the media was not weak. Of course, this It is also due to Yanhuang.

Over the years, Yanhuang didn't know how much money he had invested in, and had assisted Somalia with a lot of supplies!
Compared with Yanhuang, Somalia is not big. If the original Umbrella Pharmaceutical Factory was only well-known in Somalia, it is really a household name now.

President Thiel's sudden visit this time has completely established the reputation of the umbrella military factory. After all, this Thiel is the only official warlord in Somalia, and the others are rebel warlords.

In Li Yu's office!
Wei Quan, Wu Lin, and Wu Peng are all three executives in Somalia!
"Military industry is the focus of my umbrella's future development, but now there is a problem!" Li Yu stared at the three of them and raised a finger.

"Our current output is too low. We must expand the factory, purchase machines, and recruit workers! Bring up the military production!"

"The military industry has just opened, and the operation is still very difficult. I don't want to produce dozens of tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles a month, but I must produce ten tanks and at least one hundred armored vehicles a month!" Li Yu said firmly. .

"Don't worry, BOSS, I will do my best to supervise the production!" Wei Quan promised.

"We must also cooperate with Director Wei!" Wu Peng and Wu Lin agreed.

"En!" Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The sensational effect caused by this press conference exceeded their original expectations, and there will be more and more orders in the future. If there is no expansion, the output of the military factory may not be able to keep up.

"Boss, our factory has been expanding, and it is estimated that it will be put into use in ten days! In Somalia, workers are also easy to recruit, but before that, we must buy the machines first."

"So I would like to ask BOSS whether to arrange for me to leave Somalia to purchase machines!" Wei Quan asked for instructions.

The last batch of machines was purchased by Feng Bin, but after sending the machines, Feng Bin returned to Yanhuang, and Wei Quan had to hand over the subsequent purchases.

Fortunately, this is Somalia, not Yanhuang. Wei Quan can buy weapons production equipment from abroad and ship them to Somalia in a big way, without having to cover up like he did in Yanhuang.

"Okay, now the company is on the right track, it's okay if you go out for a while!"

Li Yu thought for a while, and agreed to Wei Quan's request.

It is better to leave it to experts to purchase equipment. Li Yu's understanding of this aspect is naturally inferior to that of Wei Quan, the former head of the production department.

"Wu Peng, where did you recruit these new security guards from the company?"

After dealing with the expansion of the military factory, Li Yu turned to Wu Peng again.

At this time, Li Yu already had plans to build a new security force in his heart, so he was naturally very concerned about the source of manpower.

"Among the newly recruited security guards, some are native Somalis, and many are mercenaries from other countries!"

Hearing Li Yu's question, Wu Peng explained to him: "The political situation in Somalia is chaotic, but here is a paradise for those mercenaries! They can take refuge in those warlords of all walks of life, fight for them and work hard for them in exchange for generous rewards!"


Li Yuming nodded his head. Since these mercenaries are willing to work for these warlords for money, they can naturally join the umbrella and work for them.

"In this way...Wu Peng, you can continue to recruit those mercenaries to join us. There is no limit to the number of people, the more the better!"

Li Yu said to Wu Peng.

"Boss, do you want so many people?"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Wu Peng was taken aback.

With the current scale of the branch, two hundred security guards are actually enough to protect the company's security. No matter how many there are, it will only waste money, which is obviously not in the company's interest.

Although Wu Peng also hopes that the more people he can manage, the better, but he has to consider the interests of the company.

"You just do it!"

Li Yu smiled, and was very satisfied with Wu Peng's performance that he did not get carried away because of the expansion of power, but could consider the interests of the company.

After he smiled, he explained to Wu Peng: "Don't worry, these people will not keep them in vain when they are recruited! I decided to set up a new mercenary company and bring in all these mercenaries. He is going to work for our company!"

"You must always remember that the money for my umbrella is not easy to get!"

Hearing what Li Yu said, Wu Peng understood.

The security department of the umbrella is actually only serving the inside of the umbrella, and does not accept external employment.

But this newly established mercenary company is obviously going to accept outside employment.

In this way, the mercenary company can not only make money for the company, but these mercenaries also get exercised when completing the employment tasks, which can be regarded as improving the strength of the mercenary company, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Yes, boss!!"

Wu Peng said seriously.

Li Yu nodded in satisfaction, then took out a booklet and handed it to Wu Peng, saying: "This is some basic plans of the mercenary company I made, you can take a look! After all, this mercenary company still needs to Leave it to you!"

For such a loyal and loyal veteran who followed him the earliest, Li Yu naturally couldn't treat him badly, and directly handed over the future mercenary company to Wu Peng, making him the person in charge of the branch company, and he had great rights.

After hearing Li Yu's words, Wu Peng did not show an overly happy expression on his face, but solemnly took the thin booklet from Li Yu's hand.

For Wu Peng, Li Yu's handing over the mercenary company to him is a trust in him, and this trust is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility, which makes him dare not be careless.

This booklet was written by Li Yu last night, and it contained some ideas about the various regulations and reward and punishment systems of the newly established mercenary company.

In Li Yu's plan, the employees of this newly established mercenary company are divided into two types. One is to directly sign a contract with the umbrella, and any tasks will be arranged by the company in the future, and there is no right to refuse or choose; The other is the mercenaries who just cooperate with the umbrella, they can freely choose whether to accept or not from the various tasks issued by the umbrella.

Of course, strictly speaking, the second type of person is not an umbrella person. The umbrella only exists as an intermediary between them and their employer, so they are not eligible to enjoy the various preferential treatment of the umbrella.

As for the first type of mercenaries, they are their own members of the umbrella. Not only will they be supplied with the latest weapons produced by military factories for free, but they will also not be stingy with various preferential treatments such as money, cars, and houses.

Since you want people to work hard for you, the benefits are of course indispensable!
The reason for these two divisions is that Li Yu fully considered the characteristics of the mercenary group.

Most of these mercenaries are lazy, and they don't like to be restrained or submissive. It is very difficult to control them as soon as they come.

Through this kind of polarization, let these mercenaries get in touch with and understand the umbrella company slowly. In the future, they will naturally be attracted by the generous treatment of the umbrella company and become the real umbrella people.

(End of this chapter)

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