I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 267 Purchasing Arms

Chapter 267 Purchasing Arms
In Li Yu's vision, the umbrella mercenary company will become an international mercenary organization in the future. Even after the end of the world, the mercenary company will continue to operate and provide employment services for survivors around the world.

Therefore, in order to expand the influence of mercenary companies as soon as possible, the entry threshold for mercenary companies is set very low.

Contracted mercenaries who want to become umbrellas have to go through certain assessments, but basically anyone can become a non-contracted mercenary.

But corresponding to this, the promotion of mercenary level is very strict.

Li Yu divides the mercenaries of the Umbrella Mercenary Company into seven levels: S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. The same as the employee levels of the Umbrella Group, the mercenaries who have just joined the mercenary company are the lowest level of F class.

These mercenaries can earn mercenary points after completing the tasks issued by the umbrella, so as to improve their mercenary level.

In the future, many tasks issued by the umbrella will require the level of the mercenary, and those who do not reach the specified level cannot be accepted.

"Boss, this mercenary level is divided by the authority of my umbrella group employees, which is very good!" After reading the contents of the brochure, Wu Peng said excitedly, his eyes full of admiration for Li Yu.

From these detailed rules and regulations, Wu Peng can see Li Yu's ambitions. He understands that the mercenary company Li Yu is about to establish is definitely not a small business, but will become a large international organization.

And Li Yu's handing over this mercenary company to Wu Peng is enough to show his trust in Wu Peng.

In Wu Peng's heart, how could he not be grateful at this time?
"As long as you supervise well!"

"People who enter the group, whether they are mercenaries or workers, I only ask for one thing, loyalty, absolute loyalty!"

"If you dare to betray my umbrella, you should know how to deal with it yourself!" Li Yu's eyes flashed a bright light.

"Boss, don't worry, if you dare to betray the umbrella and sell the interests of the umbrella, your subordinates will let them know the price!" Wu Peng assured.

Wait until the next day!
Wei Quan left Somalia to purchase machinery and equipment for the production of weapons.

However, with the experience of Feng Bin's purchase last time, Wei Quan didn't have to choose one by one, and placed an order directly after arriving at the manufacturer, which was much faster.

After Wei Quan left, the Minister of Commerce of Somalia came to the umbrella company and began to discuss the order.

Li Yu also attached great importance to the first large order of the Umbrella Army Factory. Although he handed over this matter to Wu Lin, who has always been in charge of such matters, Li Yu himself will be present to listen.

In the large meeting room of the umbrella, Wu Lin and the Minister of Commerce of Somalia sat opposite each other. Many high-level officials under Li Yu's umbrella and other Somali officials who came sat on both sides of the conference table.

The Minister of Commerce of Somalia is a middle-aged fat man with a chubby face and figure, which is relatively rare among Somalis who have always been a little thin due to lack of supplies.

"Minister Auburn, how many armored weapons does your country want to order this time?"

Wu Lin first spoke to the Minister of Commerce named Auburn who was sitting opposite.

"No hurry, no hurry..."

After hearing Wu Lin's words, Auburn showed a smiling expression and asked Wu Lin: "Ms. Wu, you know that this order can be concluded with us this time, and after we can continue to provide weapons to our military in the future, we can even How much benefit has it brought to your company? This is the annual military expenditure of our military over the years, please take a look first!"

After finishing speaking, Auburn motioned to an official beside him, and handed a piece of paper to Wu Lin who was opposite.

"This seems to be a military secret of your country. It seems inappropriate to hand it over to me, right?"

Wu Lin didn't reach out to take the paper, but asked Auburn with a flat face.

As a veteran in business negotiations, how could Wu Lin not know what Auburn meant?
He obviously wanted Wu Lin to see the military expenditure of the Somali military first, and put this big cake in front of Wu Lin to tempt her, so as to add weight to the next negotiation and try to keep the price of weapons down as much as possible.

"It's really not easy for this fat man to become the Minister of Commerce of Somalia. No wonder Thiel asked him to come over to discuss with him!"

Li Yu next to him also saw Auburn's thoughts, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

As the president of Somalia and the head of the warlords, Thiel can be said to be the local emperor here.

At the press conference that day, with Thiel's rights, he could actually sign an order with Li Yu on the spot.

However, he deliberately delayed for two days and sent Minister Auburn to negotiate with the umbrella, obviously also with the intention of lowering the price.

Fortunately, Wu Lin was not a rookie in negotiations, so she refused to check the list of military expenditures sent by Auburn on the grounds that she did not want to pry into Mali's military secrets.


Seeing Wu Lin's actions, Auburn knew that the other party had seen through his plan, and looked a little embarrassed, but he continued to hand over the paper in his hand and said, "Ms. Wu is joking! Although this is indeed my Somali military Confidential, but the umbrella is my most loyal friend in Somalia, we in Somalia believe that you will not do things that are not good for our country..."

Now that Auburn has already said what he said, Wu Lin could only reluctantly accept the list from Auburn.

Just looking at it for a while, Wu Lin's expression couldn't help but change.

Even in her city, she couldn't help being shocked by the sky-high military expenditure on the paper.

Somalia was originally just a small country, plus it was split into more than a dozen large and small warlord forces. The territory actually controlled by President Thiel is actually not large, and the population under his rule is only a few million.

But even so, the annual military expenditure of Tire's military has reached hundreds of billions of Yanhuang coins, and it is still increasing at a terrifying level every year!

This is an astronomical figure for any warlord force in Somalia.

It can also be seen from this how militaristic these Somali warlords have become!
No wonder ordinary Somali people can't even eat enough to eat. I'm afraid most of their wealth has been plundered by the rulers who started the arms race as military expenses.

If Thiel hadn't firmly controlled the military and political power in his hands and suppressed resistance from all sides, I am afraid that his power would collapse just because of this sky-high military expenditure.

"Auburn... Although this military expenditure is an astronomical figure, it is not something that our umbrella military factory can afford, right?"

After Wu Lin finished reading, she slowly handed back the paper in her hand.

Although Wu Lin was stunned by this big cake, she also knew very well that with the current production capacity of the umbrella, it was impossible to swallow it all.

And judging from the past military expenditures, Somalia also purchased various types of weapons from many other countries in the world at the same time, and did not choose only one.

Obviously, even if the current output of umbrellas can keep up, Somalia will not hand over all orders to them.

Wu Lin's words are also a reminder to Auburn, don't try to get the umbrella company to give up your own interests by trying to see the big pie that you can't eat through the picture.

 PS: There are two more chapters to be added later, brothers, please subscribe and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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