I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 268 An Order Worth [-] Million

Chapter 268 An Order Worth Ten Billions
"If the price of your company's products satisfies us, we will of course order your company's products vigorously in the future. As an official of the Somali Ministry of Commerce, I guarantee it!"

Auburn didn't answer Wu Lin's question directly, but changed the subject with a smile.

Auburn naturally knows that Somalia's purchase of large amounts of weapons from other countries actually has the intention of pleasing those countries. Therefore, no matter how good the umbrella's weapons are, Somalia cannot only purchase from the umbrella.

After being told by Wu Lin about his intentions, Auburn no longer used the previous method to lower the price. He directly handed Wu Lin the list of weapons that Somalia wanted to order from the umbrella this time.

"One hundred tanks, two hundred armored vehicles, one thousand rocket launchers, various other guns and grenades..."

Taking the list from Auburn and looking at it, Wu Lin nodded with a serious expression.

Naturally, this amount is far from being able to compare with Somalia's annual military expenditure, and is only equivalent to a fraction of it. However, this is also the limit that the military factory of the umbrella can eat at present.

Moreover, this is the first cooperation between the two parties. After the Somali military realizes more about the advantages of the weapons produced by the umbrella, it will naturally increase the number of follow-up orders.

"You are the first batch of customers of my umbrella, and the purchase quantity is still so large, we naturally have to give a discount!"

A bright smile appeared on Wu Lin's face, and she wrote her quotation on a piece of paper directly according to the order list given by Auburn.

"We don't accept Somali currency, it's better to trade in US dollars!"

Wu Lin smiled while writing.

The currency system in Somalia is very chaotic. The major warlords will basically print their own currency, and in order to create profits against their opponents, they will also print a large number of counterfeit currency of the opponent.

This has caused Somalia's currency to fluctuate greatly and depreciate rapidly, basically like waste paper.

In the past, when the umbrella drug factory sold drugs in large quantities, it was also directly traded in US dollars.

"A tank costs $500 million, an armored vehicle costs $100 million, and a bazooka costs $[-]..."

Auburn looked at the price list given by Wu Lin, his face darkened slightly.

"This... isn't your quotation a bit too high?"

Auburn asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I believe you have all seen the test a few days ago. I don't need to say more about the performance of the armored weapons we produce. With such high performance, the cost will naturally be higher!"

"Our umbrella is a development-oriented group, so naturally we won't quote blindly. These prices are all reasonable and well-founded!" Wu Lin smiled, and didn't seem to let go, as if Auburn wasn't going to buy it, and Wu Lin wouldn't either. Not the slightest step backwards.

"As the first batch of buyers of your group, the Somali government can't use some discounts anymore?" Auburn came to the umbrella negotiation, and naturally got the president's consent, and he was bound to win the umbrella weapon.

"Well, I'll ask our umbrella president for instructions. As long as he agrees to make concessions, I have nothing to say!" Wu Lin thought for a while.

"Okay, okay." Auburn nodded hastily.

In the end, Wu Lin called Li Yu to inquire again, and finally agreed to give Wu Lin a [-]% discount on the price quoted by Wu Lin, and finally signed a purchase contract and reached a deal.

"Minister Auburn, congratulations on our happy cooperation!"

Wu Lin got up with a smile on her face and shook hands with Auburn.

"Happy cooperation!"

Auburn shook Wu Lin's hand with a stiff smile. He knew that this time he might have been brutally slaughtered by this woman.

It's just that as the Minister of Commerce, he can let others see it, otherwise others will question his ability.

Not only that, but when he went back, he wanted to brag to Tyre about how good the umbrella weapon was, and how cheap it was this time!
"It's finally gone!"

"My first batch of orders for the umbrella military industry is considered a success, and the next step is to look at the military factory!" Wu Lin let out a sigh of relief.

After seeing off Oban and the Somali officials he brought, everyone on the umbrella side couldn't help but smile.

"well done!"

After a while, Wu Lin came to Li Yu's office to report.

"Good job!" Li Yu patted Wu Lin's shoulder with satisfaction and praised.

"Work for the umbrella!" Wu Lin said respectfully.

"Reward for meritorious deeds, and punish for demerits. This is my principle of life, Li Yu. This time, Supervisor Wu has made great contributions to the group. I decided to reward her with 100 million Yanhuang coins. Do you have any opinions?" Li Yu laughed loudly. .

"No! Manager Wu's contribution is indeed not small!"

"We support the boss's decision!"


Although many other people showed envious looks on their faces, they all agreed.

After this order is completed, at least it can bring tens of billions of Yanhuang coins to the company's net profit. It is indeed appropriate to reward Wu Lin with 100 million.

And to be able to follow such a generous boss, these people are also full of motivation.

Next, the Umbrella Military Factory can be said to be at full capacity, working around the clock.

The employees in Somalia are indeed very hardworking. Although overtime is free in the umbrella factory, almost none of these employees would choose to refuse to work overtime, and they all showed great enthusiasm.

Because working overtime represents more income, so that the family will no longer go hungry.

After a week, Wei Quan, who went abroad to purchase production equipment, finally returned to Somalia.

The factory buildings that have been under construction have all been completed before then.

Therefore, the first major expansion of the military factory can finally begin.

This time, the workers of the military factory directly recruited 1000 people, which is five times that of the last time.

After the Somali news media heard the news, they praised the umbrella company that solved a number of civilian jobs for Somalia.

After the expansion was completed, the output of the Umbrella Army Factory immediately began to increase significantly.

In just over a month, all the orders placed by Thiel have been delivered.

Moreover, after the order was delivered, there were still five tanks and more than a dozen armored vehicles left, which greatly increased the strength of the company's security team.

Most of the veterans like Wu Peng had experience in driving tanks and armored vehicles when they were in the army, and they could get started right away.

Even other security guards who have no driving experience can learn it quickly under their professors.

Therefore, outside the umbrella company, there are more tanks and armored vehicles that are constantly patrolling back and forth every day, which is daunting.

Now there will never be any short-sighted guy who dares to come up with the umbrella company's idea.

Before the delivery of Thiel's order, several other warlord forces or alliances with better relations with Thiel also placed some orders for the umbrella military factory.

Although the number of these orders is not as high as Thiel's, the total sum is not a small amount. Therefore, after the delivery of Thiel's order, the Umbrella Army factory did not stop working, and it was still producing continuously.

And at this time, the Umbrella Mercenary Company has completed its initial creation, and Wu Peng has recruited more than 300 mercenaries to join the Umbrella Mercenary Company and become contracted mercenaries.

At the same time, there are still many mercenaries who have not signed a contract, but have reached a cooperation intention with the umbrella mercenary company. After the umbrella receives the mission, they can also choose to complete it freely.

With the addition of these mercenaries, Li Yu doesn't have to worry about not having enough manpower to produce weapons.

Therefore, even if all orders are completed, the production of military factories does not need to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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