I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 272 Activating Red Post Monitoring

Chapter 272 Activating Red Post Monitoring
The top three will take turns to fight in the end, each of them will play against the other two once, and it will be clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker.

But the final result of the game was beyond everyone's expectations!
The winner, Jiang Xiaoyun!
The Chinese youth who was thinner than the Somali black man and the white man, Jiang Xiaoyun's, finally defeated the two men who were taller and stronger than him!

This result greatly exceeded everyone's expectations, and even Li Yu was a little surprised.

This Chinese man named Jiang Xiaoyun, whether he is evading or attacking, has shown extremely brilliant fighting skills. If he wears a dagger, it is a killing technique. You can tell at a glance that this person's fighting skills , obviously after being instructed by an expert.

"Such a person. No matter which warlord joins him in Somalia, he will definitely be reused. Why did he come to protect him?"

Li Yu watched Jiang Xiaoyun meditate secretly, and felt that the origin of this person might not be that simple.

"And that Paris, he's not that simple." Li Yu's eyes fell on the second-ranked Somali Paris.

After watching the battle just now, Li Yu saw something, that is, Paris seemed to be deliberately keeping his hand, and deliberately did not compete for No.1.

"Both of them have situations, and we will make arrangements when we go back." Li Yu secretly thought, but he didn't point it out for the time being, let alone ask the three winners.

"The three of you have already decided the winner. Now, I will fulfill my promise. No. 1 will reward Yanhuang coins with 50 yuan, and No. 2 will reward Yanhuang coins with 30 yuan." Li Yu said loudly with a majestic smile.

As the president of the umbrella, Li Yu has tens of billions of assets, so how can he care about this mere 100 million.

"Thank you BOSS." Jiang Xiaoyun, Paris, and the white man named Townsend looked at Li Yu gratefully.

"This type of competitive competition will be held frequently by mercenary companies in the future, and will be joined by security companies." Li Yu said with a smile, which is equivalent to telling everyone that similar shooting competitions and other types of competitions will be held in the future. There are generous rewards.

"BOSS, BOSS" fell, all the mercenaries waved their arms excitedly, shouting in their own language, at this moment,
Under the combination of Li Yuen's prestige, he has initially established his prestige among these mercenaries in the mercenary company.

After leaving the mercenary training ground, Li Yu returned directly to the president's office!

"Red Queen, let me secretly monitor two people, one named Jiang Xiaoyun and the other named Paris." Li Yu ordered to Red Queen.

"Yes, master." The red queen's data projection appeared in front of Li Yu, and he accepted the order.

The Red Queen is an artificial intelligence program. As long as there is a network, she has tens of thousands of avatars, and she can shuttle back and forth at will, and Somalia is naturally no exception.

After Li Yu arrived in Somalia, he asked Red Queen to monitor all corners of the entire branch.

In the umbrella branch, Li Yu had already arranged many cameras in advance.

These cameras are on and off, the cameras on the bright side are only for people to see, and the tiny cameras hidden in the dark are the real killer moves.

Every plant and tree in the company, almost nothing can escape the monitoring of the Red Queen.

Li Yu's order is to let the red queen increase the monitoring of Jiang Xiaoyun and Paris, mainly because she is curious about their skills and their origins, and there is also a kind of defense that originates from the heart, beware that the two are lurking from other forces spy.

Under the strict monitoring of the Red Queen, if there is a problem with the two people being monitored, it will definitely be exposed. If there is no problem, Li Yu can use them with confidence.

But Li Yu didn't find that one of the monitoring people would be exposed so quickly.

"Boss, I found Paris to be abnormal!"

On the third night when the Red Queen monitored Paris, the Red Queen discovered Paris's small movements and immediately notified Li Yu.

"Turn on the surveillance video." Li Yu ordered.

"Accept instructions." Red Queen mechanized replied, and then a video appeared on Li Yu's computer.

On the screen, Paris got up from the bed at one o'clock at night and headed for the bathroom.

This was normal at first, but after Paris entered the bathroom and squatted on the toilet, something abnormal happened.

"Master, look here!"

The Red Queen zoomed in on one of the pictures, so that Li Yu could clearly see Paris' hand in his trouser pocket, which seemed to be shaking slightly and regularly.

If it weren't for the red queen to point it out, Li Yu wouldn't be able to see it at all.

"This is?"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and understood.

Paris's hand in his trouser pocket is now using his cell phone to send messages to others!
If ordinary naked eyes were to view it through the monitor, they probably wouldn't have noticed Paris' anomaly at all.

Only intelligent life like the Red Queen can see it.

"Red Empress, can you know who Paris is sending messages to?" Li Yu asked solemnly.

Paris's behavior was so sneaky, obviously he was not doing something above board.

"Master, don't worry, my control network is spread all over the company, and I have information filtering devices. All electronic signals in the vicinity must first pass through my filtering before they can communicate with the outside world!" The red queen projection smiled cutely.

"Master, please see."

After the Red Queen finished speaking, the message sent by Paris was completely presented on the monitor in front of Li Yu.

"Is this some completely meaningless number?"

After seeing the series of Arabic numerals on the display, Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "Paris should use a secret language, can you translate it?"

"What's so hard about this!"

The Red Queen just nodded slightly, and the translated Yanhuang characters appeared again behind the string of numbers.

"Your Excellency, the Umbrella Mercenary Company currently has 253 officially contracted mercenaries, all of whom are equipped with the latest light weapons that appeared in the Umbrella Army Factory! The number of other non-contracted mercenaries in the Mercenary Company has also reached more than 467, and These numbers are still increasing! The subordinates suggest that Your Excellency the President immediately find a way to limit the development of the umbrella company, otherwise it will be difficult to govern in the future, and even form a new warlord force, threatening your status... Agent 023 report! "

After reading this translated text, Li Yu couldn't help showing a sneer on his face: "It turns out that this Paris is actually from Thiel! It seems that this President has already made rapid progress on our umbrella company during this period of time." The development has vigilance!"

If the Umbrella Company was simply producing weapons, Thiel wouldn't be so afraid.

After all, no matter how powerful the weapon is, there must be enough people to use it.

However, during this period of time, the establishment of the Umbrella Mercenary Company and the continuous recruitment of manpower made Thiel feel jealous.

As the saying goes, "The side of the couch allows others to sleep soundly", although Somalia does not have this sentence, but Thiel must understand the meaning.

He absolutely does not hope that such a powerful group of forces that do not belong to him will appear on his own territory.

Li Yu got up and paced in the office, lost in thought.

This is definitely not good news for Li Yu and the current umbrella company. Although the number of mercenary companies seems to be quite large, they are far from being able to compare with the army controlled by Thiel.

Once Thiel prepares to suppress Umbrella Company, it will definitely put Umbrella in huge trouble, let alone continue to develop, maybe it will be completely swallowed up by Thiel in the end.

To be able to become the largest group of warlords in Somalia, Thiel's methods and scheming should not be underestimated.

"By the way, is there any problem with that Jiang Xiaoyun?" Li Yu asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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