Chapter 273
"Master, there is nothing wrong with that Jiang Xiaoyun. Through monitoring him, I discovered that he was originally a special sniper of Yanhuang." The Red Queen replied honestly.

"Yanhuang's special sniper?" Li Yu's expression froze, and he asked in surprise, "He was sent by Yanhuang?"

"No, he's not. He was originally a peacekeeper from Yanhuang, but he violated the military discipline that peacekeepers can't use force, killed several militants, and was expelled from the army before he came to Somalia." The red queen said.

"I see." Li Yu nodded clearly.

"It seems that this Jiang Xiaoyun can preliminarily rule out the suspicion of being a spy, but he still needs to increase monitoring. When it is completely confirmed, he can be reused. After all, he is also a talent." Li Yu secretly made a decision.

"Continue to monitor Jiang Xiaoyun and try to collect all his information. If there is no problem, I will reuse him." Li Yu gave instructions to the red queen.

"Instructions accepted." The red queen's data flashed.

"Tell, I didn't want to conflict with you at first. I sell my medicines and ammunition, and you are your warlord, but you actually set your mind on me, so don't blame me."

"It seems that I have to think of a way to deal with it. My umbrella can't be an ant at the mercy of others!"

Li Yu stopped suddenly, his eyes flickered sharply, and he made a decision in his heart.

Eggs can't just be put in one basket. Now that Thiel has been vigilant and guarded against the umbrella, Li Yu will start to transfer the strength of the umbrella to other places, so as not to over-stimulate Thiel's nerves. Another is to use This transfers strength, develops strength.

"The Red Queen, send me a copy of the detailed information on the major warlord forces in Somalia."

Li Yu sat at the desk and said to the red queen.

"Yes, Master."

The Red Queen transferred the information to Li Yu's computer according to her words.

Li Yu looked at them one by one, trying to find out if there was any force that could cooperate with the umbrella.

"Huh? This..."

Li Yu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Jiang Jiu, a Yanhuang man, controls an armed force of 3000 people, and currently occupies the city of Bulan in the northeast of Somalia and its vicinity for thousands of miles."

After looking around.

The information about this warlord leader named Jiang Jiu immediately aroused Li Yu's interest.

In Somalia, although these warlords have been fighting endlessly all year round, if any foreign forces want to intervene in Somalia's political situation, I am afraid that it will immediately cause a joint counterattack by all forces.

Jiang Jiu, a Yanhuang man, was able to occupy a territory in Somalia and become one of the warlord forces. Obviously, this person's means are extremely extraordinary.

"Jiang Jiu? Looks like I'm going to meet him!"

Li Yu thought to himself.

"Red Empress, continue to monitor Jiang Xiaoyun, Paris, and tell me everything they do!"

Li Yu finally gave the Red Queen the order to continue monitoring, and let the Red Queen return to the data.

"Let's keep this Paris for the time being, and see what purpose Thiel has." Liu Bian thought to himself.

Although the virus crystals in the body can be used to make Paris die silently, it's just that it is not good for Li Yu and the umbrella except for the relief.

On the contrary, Tire will send other agents to sneak into the umbrella at that time, and the hiding will only go deeper.

In this case, it is better to keep Paris, the exposed agent, for the time being, so that he can use him to pass some information to Thiel that Li Yu wants Thiel to know.

Early the next morning, Li Yu quietly left the umbrella company alone.

If you want to go to someone else's territory, it's useless to bring more people with you.

However, Li Yu's personal goal is very small, and it is not easy to attract the attention of other forces, but it is more convenient.

Shortly after leaving the company, Li Yu took a taxi like an ordinary person and drove towards Bran City.

Bran City is more than 500 miles away from the capital city of Bayer. Fortunately, although the major warlords fought in a melee, they did not adopt a complete blockade strategy for the economic development of their respective territories, allowing businessmen and civilians to come and go.

As an outsider, Jiang Jiu's strength can only be ranked last among the major warlords, and the city of Bran occupied by his forces is only a small city, which is naturally far from being comparable to the capital city of Bayer.

Li Yu set off in the morning, and it was already dusk when he arrived in Bran City by taxi.

Walking casually on the streets of this small city, Li Yu found that there are many Yanhuang people on the street.

The number of Yanhuang people in this city is even more than that of Somalis.

There are various billboards with Yanhuang characters hanging on the street, which makes Li Yu feel kind.

Wearing casual clothes, Li Yu is not conspicuous at all walking on the street full of Yanhuang people.

Jiang Jiu's team was stationed in the center of Bran City. When Li Yu approached the center of Bran City, he found that there were many more soldiers in military uniforms and weapons patrolling the street.

Almost all of these soldiers are Yanhuang people, and there are only a few Somalis themselves and people from other countries.

"Stop! Do you have a pass? Only those with a pass can enter!"

A soldier with live ammunition stopped Li Yu, who was about to move on, and shouted at him.

"Pass? What's that?"

Li Yu looked at the soldiers blocking his way in front of him, a strange light flashed in his eyes suddenly, and his voice seemed to become ethereal.

He activated his psychic powers at the soldiers in front of him. With Li Yu's current third-level powers, it is easy to confuse a small soldier.

"The pass is a certificate issued by General Jiang to members of the forces. Only those who hold the pass can enter the city center!"

The soldier's eyes instantly became dull, and his voice mechanically answered Li Yu's question.

"Show me your pass!"

Li Yu said.


The soldier reached into his arms without hesitation, and took out the small green book with the words "pass" on the cover and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu took it over and opened it to take a look. There were photos and details of the soldier inside.

Putting the pass directly in their pockets, Li Yu continued to walk forward.

When Li Yu was more than 100 meters away, the soldier just now felt a trance and woke up.

"Well... what's the matter with me? I seem to be in a bad mood. Could it be that I slept too late last night?"

The soldier shook his head in doubt, and muttered to himself.

He didn't realize at all that the pass in his pocket was gone, and he even forgot the previous meeting and conversation with Li Yu.

"Stop, please show your pass!"

As Li Yu continued to move towards the city center, the guards on the road became more and more strict.

Just after advancing less than 200 meters, Li Yu encountered a patrolling soldier again.

Li Yu reached into his arms without hesitation, and took out the pass he had obtained from the soldier before.

Seeing that Li Yu really had a pass in his hand, the soldier's vigilant expression immediately relaxed, but he still dutifully took the pass from Li Yu's hand, and was about to open it for a closer look.

"Well, it is indeed your own pass, please keep it!"

The soldier's eyes were suddenly in a trance, and the photo on the pass in his hand seemed to have changed to Li Yu's appearance. After closing the pass, he handed it back to Li Yu, and his tone became more polite.

Li Yu took the pass with a smile and put it away, and continued to walk forward.

Obviously this time Li Yu activated the psychic power again, making the other party mistakenly regard the photo on the pass as Li Yu himself.

In this way, Li Yu entered the city center almost unimpeded all the way, and walked into the most central office building.

Li Yu has already used his psychic ability to get Jiang Jiu's location from other soldiers, knowing that he usually handles all affairs in this office building.

(End of this chapter)

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