I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 280 Successfully placed

Chapter 280 Successfully placed
"Stop! Which branch do you belong to? You don't know the rules here!"

When Li Yu was moving forward, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him and scolded him.

This man was over 30 years old, with the rank of colonel on his military uniform, and looked at Li Yu in front of him with displeasure: "The front is the officer's camp. Soldiers below the rank of lieutenant are not allowed to enter, don't you know?"

"I really don't know this!"

Li Yu secretly said in his heart, but he answered in fluent Somali while continuing to approach the colonel and said, "I'm sorry, sir! I have something urgent to find..."


Seeing Li Yu constantly approaching him, the colonel suddenly became alert. He was about to call out to the guards not far away, but suddenly found that his mind was in a trance, and he couldn't say anything when he reached his mouth.

"A colonel should be enough to take me into a military center like the weapon control center!"

Li Yu thought to himself, and at the same time whispered to the colonel in front of him who had been controlled by his psychic powers: "Take me to the weapon control center!"

The weapon control center has always been the most heavily guarded place in the army, and outsiders cannot approach it at all.

Fortunately, the officer under Li Yu's current rank is high enough. Although the two encountered several waves of interrogation along the way, they were all prevaricated by the colonel officer on the grounds of military secrets.

The weapons control center was built in the center of the barracks. In order to guard against night attacks by Jiang Jiu's party, the control center was always on duty 24 hours a day.

Although under the leadership of the colonel, Li Yu arrived here unimpeded all the way, but the two of them were stopped at the door of the control center - the duty officer of the control center refused to open the door for them.

"Sorry, Colonel Lott, no one can enter the control center without General Zoe's order! If you must come in, I can call General Zoe now for instructions!"

A middle-aged man in his thirties was talking to Li Yu outside the door and the colonel named Lott, and he took out his phone and was about to start dialing.

Obviously, the sudden arrival of Li Yu and Colonel Lott made the duty officer feel abnormal. He decided to report the matter immediately without waiting for Colonel Lott's consent.

"Hey, please connect me to General Zoe!"

After the middle-aged man took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, he spoke into the microphone.

"Oh, is it General Zoe? Colonel Lott is now requesting to enter the weapons control center, may I ask if he has your permission? Alright, I will ask Colonel Lott to come in right now!"

After the middle-aged man finished talking on the phone, he quickly opened the door of the control center with an apologetic face, and invited Lott and Li Yu to come in.

Unsurprisingly, Li Yu followed Colonel Lott and walked into the weapon control center together.

Of course, the middle-aged man didn't really call Zoe, and Zoe couldn't have allowed Colonel Lott to enter the control center in advance by such a coincidence.

It's just that Li Yu influenced the middle-aged man on the phone with his psychic powers, making him mistakenly think that he got through and got through the phone with Zoe.

With Li Yu's current ability, it is still difficult to control two people at the same time, so he did not control the middle-aged man like he controlled Colonel Lott, but it only affected his consciousness.

This middle-aged man was actually awake all the time, and the other staff on duty in the same room didn't notice anything unusual about him, so they thought he had really called Zoe and asked for instructions.

"This is an expert in the weapon control system. General Zoe asked me to bring him in for a routine inspection of the control system!"

After Lott took Li Yu into the control center, he pointed to Li Yu and introduced to everyone.

"Oh, so that's the case, so please go ahead!"

There were more than a dozen people on duty in the control room, and they didn't have any doubts when they heard Lott's words, and expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Li Yu pretended to check on the row of computer monitors in the control center. In fact, as a layman, he couldn't understand what the data displayed on it meant.

"Well, this is the detection program I made. Connect it to the interface of the system to automatically detect the control system!"

Li Yu walked in front of the host in the center, and while inserting the U disk in his hand into the host, he said to everyone.

At this time, everyone has believed in Li Yu's identity, so naturally they have no doubts about his behavior.


A figure in red on the monitor flashed away at a speed as fast as an illusion, but Li Yu knew that the identity of the Red Queen was activated and entered the system of the control center.

"Weapon control system testing! 30%... 40%... 50..."

A line of text is displayed on the monitor, which looks like the detection program that Li Yu said is automatically detecting the control system.

Of course, this is what the Red Queen created to confuse other people after she entered the control system.

After the number reached 100%, Li Yu took the U disk out, pretended to be satisfied and said to everyone: "Well, not bad! The control system is very safe, and no loopholes have been found!"

Everyone in the control center couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If there is any loophole in the system, it must be their responsibility. When General Zoe is held accountable, they will have nothing to eat.

Then Li Yu left the control room swaggeringly under the respect of everyone.

"Go back and sleep well, forget about what happened today!"

Li Yu stared at Colonel Lotter's eyes and said.

"Yes, I'll forget about it."

Colonel Lott's eyes were confused, and he followed Li Yu's words word by word.

After finishing speaking, Colonel Lott turned and left Li Yu.

Naturally, Li Yu couldn't kill him, otherwise the death of a colonel would definitely alarm the entire camp immediately, and Zoe would soon be able to find out that Lott took herself to the weapon control center.

If Zoe suspects that the weapon control center has been tampered with, even if he can't find out the existence of the Red Queen clone, he may change those weapons to manual operation, and then Li Yu's efforts will be in vain!
Therefore, Colonel Lotter cannot die just yet.

Li Yu was much more relaxed when he left. He met a few waves of sentries on the road, and when he saw him walking from the inside out, he regarded him as his own.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

When Wu Peng saw Li Yu again, he almost jumped up happily.

He knows how dangerous it is to enter the enemy's camp alone. If something happens to Li Yu, he really doesn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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