I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 281 Attack of Armed Forces

Chapter 281 Attack of Armed Forces
"It's okay!" Li Yu smiled brightly, showing a confident smile, as if nothing in the world could stop Li Yu.

Looking at Li Yu's confident expression.Wu Peng immediately understood that Li Yu had done what he said!
"The current strength of the boss is really getting more and more unfathomable!"

Although it had been expected, Wu Peng was still shocked in his heart.

"Convey my order to Jiang Jiu, let him lead people to attack Zoe with all his strength after dawn, tell him not to hold back this time, and attack with all his strength!" Li Yu said to Wu Peng in a low voice.

In order to avoid confusion, Li Yu will not tell Jiang Jiu's side that the Red Queen has controlled Zoe's weapon control center, otherwise Li Yu's effort will be wasted tonight if it is revealed.

Li Yu believes that with his control over Jiang Jiu and his subordinates, even if they don't understand this order, they will definitely not dare to follow it at all-unless they don't want to live anymore.

"Yes, BOSS!"

Wu Peng nodded and was about to call Jiang Jiu when Li Yu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Li Yu picked up the phone, and just after listening to a few sentences, his face suddenly changed!
"What's wrong? Boss!"

A bad premonition rose in Wu Peng's heart, and he asked Li Yu quickly.

Li Yu has always looked confident, but Wu Peng rarely sees him showing such a look.

"Ivan is leaving the station with a regular army of [-] people fully armed, ready to attack our umbrella headquarters!"

Li Yu exhaled slowly, and said word by word.

"What! Isn't Ivan the group of warlords in the west of us? Our umbrella and him have always been inseparable!"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Wu Peng was taken aback immediately: "How dare he do this? Our umbrella is now on Tyre's territory. Isn't he afraid of causing Tyre's dissatisfaction?"

"It's not clear yet! Maybe he got instructions from other forces, maybe even he has reached a deal with Tire!"

Li Yu's eyes flickered with coldness: "In short, no matter what, our umbrella will probably have a tough battle this time!"

What Ivan sent this time was a regular army, completely different from the criminal gangs that the umbrella had dealt with before!

"Boss, how long do they have to wait? I'll take someone back with you right now!"

Wu Peng couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately ordered the more than 20 mercenaries nearby to gather.

"According to the information received by the Red Queen, the people sent by Ivan have already set off for an hour, and we must hurry back now!"

Li Yu said with a serious expression.

He originally wanted to wait until tomorrow to watch the final battle between Jiang Jiu and Zoe in person, but now it seemed that he had to rush back immediately.

The two didn't say any more, and immediately ordered all the mercenaries to get in the car together, and hurried back to the umbrella company.

After getting into the car, Wu Peng dialed Jiang Jiu's phone and conveyed Li Yu's order to him.

Although he had doubts about this order, Jiang Jiu did not dare to disobey Li Yu's order at all, and immediately stated that he would definitely follow the order tomorrow morning.

Let go of things here, and when Li Yu took Wu Peng and the others back to the Umbrella Company, he found that the entire Baoshan Company had completely entered a state of martial law.

All the security guards and official mercenaries are fully armed at this time, ready to deal with enemy attacks at any time.

"BOSS is back!"

"Boss and the Wu Corps are back!"


Seeing the appearance of Li Yu and Wu Peng, everyone in the umbrella finally cheered as if they had found their backbone.


After Li Yu came back, Wei Quan and Wu Lin rushed over to see him immediately, their faces turned pale.

After all, they grew up in a peaceful environment like Yanhuang. Now that they think of fighting against the regular army with a mere company, both of them are very nervous.

"Did you call the police?"

Li Yu asked the two in a flat tone.

Except that Li Yu was surprised when he heard the news, now he has completely calmed down.

"Call the police! But the police said that they can't handle this kind of thing!"

Wei Quan's tone was a little angry.

For Wei Quan's answer, Li Yu was not surprised. If he wanted to rely on the police to block these troops, it would be like hitting a stone with a pebble, unless the regular Somali army was dispatched.

"What about Taylor?"

Li Yu continued to ask.

"We have already called President Thiel, but it was President Thiel's secretary who answered the phone. She said that the president is resting and cannot be disturbed." Speaking of this matter, Wei Quan was even more annoyed. Obviously, This guy Thiel did it on purpose.

"Hmph, others are going to call the door of the house, and Tire is still in the mood to sleep?" Li Yu sneered.

If he was just guessing before, then he can be sure now that Ivan must have greeted Taylor in advance.

Although this incident violated Tyre's interests, it is not difficult to achieve this as long as Ivan offers enough compensation.

What's more, Tire was already afraid of the rapidly expanding strength of the protective umbrella. Now that he can kill people with a knife and get a benefit, it is not difficult to guess what choice he will make!

"It seems that these outsiders are unreliable. If we want to keep the umbrella, we can only rely on ourselves!"

Li Yu said to Wu Peng solemnly: "Wu Peng, you immediately start to deploy the defense line in the company! All tanks, armored vehicles and other weapons are deployed by you!"

Wu Peng is a soldier, and the formation of troops is what he is best at, so Li Yu will naturally leave it to him.

"Yes, BOSS!"

There was no tension in Wu Peng's voice, but he was extremely excited, which was in stark contrast to the nervous Wei Quan and Wu Lin next to him.

"The Red Queen discovered the opponent's actions in advance this time, which gave us enough time to prepare! They wanted to sneak attack us, but they didn't know that we had prepared the arrangements in advance, but they could catch them off guard once."

Li Yu's eyes flickered with coldness, and his tone was serious: "Since they dare to mess with our umbrella, they must be prepared to be bitten back!"

"The mercenaries of the first brigade are responsible for defending the west, the second team is responsible for defending the north, and the third team..."

After Wu Peng left Li Yu's office, he immediately began to deploy the defense of the umbrella.

The fifty tanks, which are the main combat force, were concentrated in the middle of the company.

After it can be determined from which direction the enemy is attacking, these tanks will attack in groups.

After all, only when tanks are used together can they show their power, and once they are scattered, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The company's [-] armored vehicles were scattered within [-] miles around the company, responsible for patrolling and sentry work. Once the enemy was found, they would immediately return to the company and send out a signal to notify others.

At the speed of armored vehicles, it is not difficult to regroup.

(End of this chapter)

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