I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 302 Alice, the Queen of Biochemistry in the Past Life

Chapter 302 Alice, the Queen of Biochemistry in the Past Life
Xiao Yao knew Li Yu's strength very well. Now that the woman named Alice had been checked by various instruments, there could be no weapons on her body. Xiao Yao didn't think she could pose any threat to Li Yu.

Therefore, he will leave with peace of mind.

"There is no one else now, can you tell me about your identity?"

Li Yu looked at the mysterious woman and asked calmly.

He could tell that this woman was not simple, maybe even Xiao Yao and the others were mistaken!

There was a deep murderous aura hidden on this woman's body, which was a kind of aura that would only be revealed after killing people, and after killing many people.

Her fingers are white and delicate, but there is a layer of calluses on the joints and tiger's mouth.

Li Yu could see at a glance that this should be the trace left after the frequent use of cold weapons such as guns and some daggers.

It's just that this woman cherishes her palms very much and takes care of them frequently, so it's not as conspicuous as Xiao Yao's and others' palms.

Therefore, even Xiao Yao and the others did not see that this woman was actually a very dangerous person.

Although she didn't carry a weapon, any part of her body could be turned into a weapon at any time to deal a fatal blow.

"My name is Alice, and I am currently the director of Umbrella's security department!"

After hearing Li Yu's question, Alice reported her identity without any hesitation.

"You are from Umbrella!"

Hearing Alice's words, even with Li Yu's calm attitude towards the matter, he couldn't help but be surprised. He was incompatible with Umbrella. What is the reason for Alice's arrival?
He almost thought that this woman was sent by Umbrella to assassinate him!
However, Li Yu quickly realized: this woman is the director of Umbrella's security department. Even if Umbrella sent someone to assassinate herself, she would not let the director of the security department come to her lair alone to assassinate herself.

"Wait, Alice? Is this name familiar?"

Li Yu's mind was churning, wanting to feel familiar with this name.

"By the way. In the last days, the virus broke out. Alice, who is known as the biochemical queen, single-handedly fought against Umbrella!"

Li Yu suddenly came back to his senses, thinking of where he had heard Alice's name.

That was the apocalypse of the previous life. This Alice's supernatural ability was extremely powerful, reaching the limit of being able to resist Umbrella. The eighth-level supernatural being in the previous life was even called the biochemical queen by countless forces.

"It turns out that in the previous life, Alice was opposite to Umbrella. I don't know what happened in this life." Li Yu thought to himself.

Then put away the surprise in his eyes.

"What did Umbrella ask you to do? Did you come to declare war on our umbrella?"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes, stared closely at Alice's eyes, and asked.

He was considering whether to use his psychic powers to control Alice and take out some of Umbrella's core secrets from her mouth.

But from Li Yu's point of view, Alice, a woman, should have experienced blood and fire, and her willpower is extremely strong. With her current strength, she may not be able to control her.

Therefore, Li Yu was not in a hurry to do it, and wanted to see what Alice's purpose was.

"Hehe, declare war? Isn't your umbrella and our Umbrella already at war, and you still need to declare war?"

Alice chuckled twice and replied.

Her voice had a cool and icy taste, even when she was laughing, it made people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Well, it is true that there is no need to declare war anymore!"

Li Yu nodded in agreement, slowly pulled out the pistol at his waist and pointed at Alice, and said lightly: "Then can I shoot you now?"

"Mr. Li, don't do this, we are not enemies."

Facing Li Yu's muzzle, Alice's expression remained flat.

"Not the enemy?"

After hearing Alice's words, Li Yu couldn't help showing a sneer: "You Umbrella sent people to assassinate me many times, and when you were in Somalia, you even ordered Ivan's people to attack our umbrella, but now you tell me, your door is safe. Isn't Brera an enemy of our umbrella?"

"To be precise, those things were done by Dr. William!"

Alice explained: "Our company is now divided into two forces. Among them, Dr. William and Wesker have always been very enthusiastic about the research of biochemical viruses, and they insisted that the company take tough measures against you and the umbrella, and want to use force to capture you. Virus crystals in your hands! Mr. Marcus and I do not hope that the company will continue on the road of researching chemical viruses and biochemical weapons, so we naturally have no idea about the virus crystals in your hands—that’s why I said , we are not your enemy."

"Dr. William and Weeks?"

After hearing Alice's words, a thoughtful light flashed in Li Yu's eyes.

In his previous life, he had naturally heard the names of Dr. William and Wesker, the two people in charge of the Umbrella Company.

As for Marcus that Alice said, Li Yu had never heard of it.

Apparently, the two groups ended up having a fight, and in the end Dr. William and Wesker won.

It was also because of referring to this news from the previous life that Li Yu believed that Alice was not lying-Umbrella must have been caught in an internal struggle now.

Li Yu slowly put away the pistol in his hand, reinserted it into the holster around his waist, looked at Alice and asked, "Then what is the purpose of your coming this time? Don't tell me it's just to tell me about it. "

No matter what is going on inside Umbrella, Li Yu will not stop his plan to attack Umbrella, so that they are destined to become enemies in the future.

Li Yu didn't believe that the other party would not understand this truth.

"This time I was ordered by Mr. Marcus to tell Mr. Li Yu a message!"

Speaking of this matter, Alice's expression, which remained unchanged even in the face of Li Yu's muzzle, instantly became dignified: "Dr. William and Wesker, in order to seize the virus crystal in your hand, are already preparing to wake us up The company's new second-order biochemical warrior!"

"Umbrella created a Tier [-] biochemical warrior so quickly!"

After hearing Alice's words, Li Yu's face couldn't help changing, showing a shocked look.

In the early days of the end of the world in Li Yu's previous life, when supernatural beings were generally only at the first or second level, it was at that time that Umbrella released the second-level biochemical warriors, a batch of biochemical warriors.

At that time, as soon as the second-order biochemical warrior came out, its terrifying combat power immediately shocked all surviving humans in the entire world.

If the first-order biochemical warriors use machine guns to keep firing, they can still be killed.

But the biochemical warriors of the second level can almost dodge most of the light weapons of human beings, and the biochemical warriors are painless and insensitive, as long as they don't hit vital parts, they won't die.

At that time, Umbrella used the second-order biochemical warriors to quickly capture one survivor base after another, and his strength rapidly expanded.

Li Yu originally thought that Umbrella would not be able to create a second-order biochemical warrior until after the end of the world at the earliest, but he did not expect that they would have already produced it now!

"Do you know the second-order biochemical warrior?"

Alice was even more surprised by Li Yu's reaction, showing a look of surprise on her face for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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