I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 303 Alice's Confession

Chapter 303 Alice's Confession
The existence of the second-order biochemical warrior is Umbrella's top secret, and it has never been dispatched before. It stands to reason that Li Yu should never know.

"You don't need to know this!"

Li Yu waved his hand and didn't explain much, but said to Alice: "Thank you very much for the news! If you need to use our umbrella when you deal with Dr. William in the future, just start!"

Since Alice even told herself about the second-order biochemical warrior, Li Yu has believed in the sincerity of the other party, and is naturally willing to reciprocate and help the other party.

Of course, the more important reason is that since Li Yu already knew the news of Umbrella's infighting, he naturally wanted to get involved.

He didn't want Dr. William and Wesker to control Umbrella so easily as they did in their previous lives. Of course, it would be even better if Umbrella's civil strife could collapse.

Li Yu never tires of things that can make things difficult for them.

"Well, thank you for Mr. Marcus!"

Hearing Li Yu's statement, Alice couldn't help showing a smile on her plain face.

She personally came to the umbrella to inform Li Yu, not just to destroy the plan of Dr. William and Wesker. If she can win over Li Yu and the umbrella behind him, it will be very natural for them to bring down Dr. William and Wesker in the future. beneficial.

As for whether Umbrella and Umbrella will be enemies or friends after Dr. William and Wesker fall in the future, that is another matter.

"By the way, there is one more thing... I think Mr. Li Yu must be very interested!"

Alice said, took out a photo from her pocket, and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu took a look at the photo handed over by Alice, and his body couldn't help but startled: "Dad, Mom!"

Although the two people in the photo looked only in their 20s and were much younger than the parents in Li Yu's impression, he could tell at a glance that the two people in white coats in the photo were his parents!
"It seems that my parents really worked for Umbrella before!"

Seeing the Umbrella logo printed on his parents' white coat, Li Yu immediately understood.

Although he had already speculated about this, this was the first real confirmation.

"That's right, your parents used to be our Umbrella's senior talents, research doctors, and now Umbrella's biochemical weapon has been successfully developed, and the two of them can be said to have contributed a lot!"

Alice nodded and said.

"Then why did they defect to Umbrella in the end?"

Li Yu's voice was a little dry, but his eyes were sharp and he looked at Alice closely and asked.

Whether it is the past life or the present life, the death of his parents is the biggest pain in Li Yu's heart.

It's a pity that Li Yu was reborn after the death of his parents, otherwise he would never let his parents die like the previous life anyway.

Although it is impossible to avoid the bad luck of the death of his parents in this life, Li Yu is determined to find out the truth about the death of his parents and avenge them!

Li Yu swore: no matter who killed his parents, he must make the other party pay a heavy price.

Therefore, Li Yu was so excited when he suddenly got the news of his parents from Alice.

He could faintly feel that the truth of his parents' death would be revealed from Alice's mouth soon!

"Actually, the truth behind your parents' defection is very simple—it was for the crystallization of the virus!"

Alice said to Li Yu: "Mr. Marcus was very opposed to Dr. William's research on biochemical viruses, but he was also designed by Dr. William and the others, and he couldn't help himself!"

"Relying on virus crystallization, the biochemical virus has been perfected step by step, but there are still unknown loopholes. Once it breaks out, Umbrella will fall into crisis. Mr. Marcus knows that if Dr. William and the others are really allowed to continue their research, then their His ambition may destroy the entire world!"

"As a last resort, Marcus told your parents about his worries. Your parents didn't know that the biochemical virus researched with the help of virus crystals would be so harmful. After they heard what Mr. Marcus said, , agreed to defect to Umbrella with the virus crystals!"

"So, the subsequent deaths of my parents were also related to Marcus?"

Li Yu looked at Alice coldly and said.

"Li Yu, you misunderstood!"

Hearing what Li Yu said, Alice quickly explained: "Mr. Marcus never thought of harming your parents! He also helped a lot to help your parents escape from Umbrella! Otherwise, you think Umbrella's defensive measures allowed the two doctors to leave safely with the virus crystals? And then Dr. William went crazy and searched for traces of your parents all over the world. It was thanks to Mr. Marcus that he didn't find them !"

After listening to Alice's explanation, Li Yu's eyes were still cold, but he did not continue to criticize Marcus.

He knew that even if Marcus hadn't told his parents before, but with his parents' personality, after they knew the harm of the virus crystals, they would definitely make the same choice and defect to Ambre with the virus crystals. pull.

At that time, without Marcus being busy, his parents would definitely be in more danger. They might not even have a chance to escape from Umbrella, and they would be caught.

"We also feel very sorry for the subsequent death of your parents! At that time, Mr. Marcus was almost emptied by Dr. William and Wesker. The power he could control in Umbrella was very limited! And William The doctor doesn't trust Mr. Marcus anymore, so we didn't know before that William and the others had discovered the traces of your parents, and they were ready to take action against them..."

Alice said to Li Yu with a look of regret on her face.

"So, the people who killed my parents were Dr. William and the others?"

Li Yu's voice was extremely cold, full of violent killing intent.

Although there have been speculations about this result, when he really confirmed the news, Li Yu still couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart for a while.

"It's so powerful... how many people has this Li Yu killed!"

Feeling the strong killing intent emanating from Li Yu's body, Alice felt cold all over her body, and her breathing seemed to become difficult, and she couldn't help being shocked.

Originally, she thought that Li Yu was just an ordinary young man. The reason why he was able to lead the umbrella company to prosper and escape William's pursuit again and again was just that he was lucky.

But feeling the terrifying killing intent emanating from Li Yu, Alice knew that she was wrong, and it was outrageous!

Originally, Li Yu was also a real strong man, a strong man whose strength was far stronger than himself!
Facing Li Yu at this time, Alice even felt that she could hardly think of any resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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