I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 304 Alice wants to cooperate

Chapter 304 Alice wants to cooperate
"Yes, it is true that the people sent by Dr. William killed your parents!"

Faced with Li Yu's overwhelming murderous aura, Alice's voice became a little difficult.


The murderous aura on Li Yu's body slowly subsided, and the air in the room seemed to finally relax again.

"William and Wesker? Well, I'll remember them!"

Li Yu's voice was so cold that even someone like Alice, who had been killed for a long time, could not help but shudder.

"Okay, you can go!"

Li Yu said to Alice coldly.

Although he knew that Marcus had helped his parents at the beginning, but after all, his parents would defect to Umbrella under his instruction, and their deaths could not be separated from Marcus.

It can even be said that they died in the end because they were used by Marcus.

Although Li Yu wouldn't go to Marcus for revenge because of this, he also didn't have any good feelings for him, and naturally he didn't have a good face when he treated Alice sent by Marcus.


After seeing Alice heard what she said, she didn't move a bit. She frowned and snorted coldly.

"Mr. Marcus asked me to tell you the things I told you before. Now that I have completed his commission, let's talk about my own affairs now!"

Alice looked at Li Yu lightly and said.

"What? Don't you and Marcus have the same heart?"

Hearing Alice's words, Li Yu reacted instantly, and suddenly felt a little funny in his heart.

No wonder Marcus suffered a crushing defeat in the battle with William and the others in his previous life - his own strength was not as good as the opponent's, but his companions still had other ideas, so it's no wonder they didn't lose in the end!
"I used to follow Mr. Marcus wholeheartedly, because I thought he could help me stop Dr. William and Wesker's research on biochemical viruses."

Alice said in a flat tone: "But now I find that I was wrong. Mr. Marcus did intend to stop William and Wesker, but he himself was too deep, and he had too many deadly handles on William. And in the hands of Wesker, it is impossible for Mr. Marcus to bring them down."

"So, you want to cooperate with me now?"

Li Yu understood what Alice meant.

She was indeed sent by Marcus to find her this time, but she also had her own plans.

"Yes, I want to cooperate with you to destroy the entire Umbrella together!"

Alice said bluntly: "Since three years ago, I saw those who were selected to do biochemical warrior transformation experiments in the company. The idea of ​​completely destroying it is why I took refuge in Mr. Marcus, but unfortunately he has done nothing in the past three years, and I am completely disappointed in him!"

Li Yu stared closely at Alice's eyes, judging the truth of what she said.

Although Li Yu didn't activate his own abilities, he could faintly feel Alice's heartbeat, the flow of her blood, and the fluctuations of her spirit with his powerful mental abilities!
Alice looked at Li Yu with a calm expression, without the slightest ability to see through herself.

In front of Li Yu's eyes that seemed to be able to see through all disguises, Alice felt as if she had been stripped naked, and there was no secret in front of Li Yu.

But what Alice said just now is all true, so under Li Yu's gaze, she did not show any guilt.

The two looked at each other for about 5 minutes before Li Yu withdrew his gaze.

"You are not lying!"

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He is confident that his eyes are more accurate than the world's most advanced lie detector. If Alice had deceived her before, she would never be able to hide it from Li Yu's eyes.

"Tell me, how do you want to cooperate with me to deal with Umbrella?"

Li Yu asked Alice.

Of course he will continue to cooperate with Marcus to deal with Dr. William and create civil unrest in Umbrella.

But at the same time, Li Yu is also planning to swallow Umbrella's vitality after defeating Dr. William with Marcus.

Li Yu has been envious of the various world-leading technologies developed by Umbrella for a long time.

If there is a chance to swallow Umbrella, Li Yu will never be soft.

As for the cooperation with Marcus, shopping malls are like battlefields, is it still rare to stab one's allies in the back?

Moreover, he and Marcus are only interested in cooperation, not to mention any allies, and Li Yu has no psychological burden to do so.

Therefore, when he knew that Alice wanted to cooperate with him sincerely to deal with Umbrella, Li Yu agreed without hesitation.

"In Umbrella's biochemical laboratory, there are people from me. Now he is collecting Umbrella's research on biochemical viruses, and taking evidence of human experiments. As long as he can successfully bring out these evidences, he can immediately report to the United States. CIA, put Umbrella to death."

Since she wants to cooperate with Li Yu, Alice no longer hides it, and tells Li Yu all her plans.

Alice's purpose is only to destroy Umbrella. As for how much Li Yu can get after destroying Umbrella, Alice doesn't care.

Moreover, Alice also knows that these interests are also the most important chips for him to attract Li Yu to cooperate with her.

Therefore, Alice did not mention the distribution of benefits after the final defeat of Umbrella.

"This is indeed a feasible plan, but unfortunately the risk is too great!"

After listening to Alice's words, Li Yu couldn't help shaking his head: "With Umbrella's internal defense measures, it's not easy to leave with those evidences?"

Since Li Yu's parents defected to Umbrella, it is conceivable that Dr. William's defense arrangement for the biochemical laboratory must have reached an extremely strict level.

Even Li Yu, who has multiple abilities, is not sure that he can get out of it safely, let alone other people.

"But it's the only way!"

Alice said helplessly: "It's even more impossible to use other means to obtain evidence! Now Dr. William sends those biochemical soldiers to guard the company's core secrets, and he doesn't trust our company's security at all. I have no other choice!"

These biochemical warriors were all created by Dr. William, and Dr. William naturally has the means to control them, and they all only listen to Dr. William.

Therefore, although Alice is the supervisor of Umbrella's security department, she can only lead the security guards to take charge of the company's peripheral affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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