I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 318 Attack of Biochemical Warriors

Chapter 318 Attack of Biochemical Warriors
Li Yu simply told Xiao Yao some ways to deal with the second-order biochemical warriors.

"There are such strong monsters? Are they still human?"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Xiao Yao said in a slightly shocked tone.

Although Xiao Yao also saw an ordinary biochemical soldier sent by Umbrella when he was in Yanhuang last time, Xiao Yao was very shocked by the scene that the opponent was hit by countless guns and never died.

But this time when he knew that the biochemical warriors who came were stronger and could even withstand the attack of tank main guns, Xiao Yao still felt a little unbelievable.

"Strictly speaking, they are no longer human beings. They don't have the IQ of human beings, and they have become bloodthirsty, crazy, and delirious. They are very dangerous!"

Li Yu explained to Xiao Yao.

Hearing what Li Yu said, Xiao Yao couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Who doesn't want to be able to have a strong strength one day?Xiao Yao is no exception.

He originally wanted to wait for Umbrella to defeat Umbrella, and after obtaining the biochemical warrior modification technology, he could transform himself into a biochemical warrior with incomparable strength.

But according to what Li Yu said, this biochemical warrior transformation technology obviously still has a lot of flaws. Xiao Yao doesn't want to become that kind of irrational monster after he has strong strength.

"Don't even think about transforming yourself into a biochemical warrior!"

Seeing the look in Xiao Yao's eyes, Li Yu's expression immediately became solemn, and he solemnly warned: "This kind of biochemical warrior transformation technology not only has a very low success rate, but even if it succeeds, it will not do you any good!"

The news from Alice made Li Yu understand that in fact, not all of the biochemical warriors in Umbrella were forced to transform, and some of them voluntarily joined the biochemical warriors for the sake of having powerful power. transformation.

It's a pity what they don't know is that even if their transformation is successful, they are no longer themselves, but have become weapons in the hands of Dr. William.

Li Yu didn't want Xiao Yao to be like them, transforming himself into a biochemical warrior in pursuit of powerful power.

Although the experience of the last days made Li Yu cold-blooded, he is not the kind of person who has completely lost his conscience. Although he also wants to have a group of biochemical warriors who are completely obedient to him, he will not always be loyal to him. Xiao Yao transforms into this kind of monster that is neither human nor ghost.

After explaining the various characteristics of the biochemical warrior to Xiao Yao one by one, Li Yu asked him to go down and prepare.

Tomorrow's battle is related to the life and death of the umbrella, and Li Yu has to be cautious.

Early the next morning, Li Yu secretly left the umbrella company with his bodyguards and went to the factory in the suburbs.

When Li Yu arrived at the factory, there were almost no ordinary waiting workers here, and the factory was full of mercenaries with live ammunition.


Seeing Li Yu coming in, Feng Bin, Xiao Yao and the people next to him immediately saluted him.

"Well, everyone has worked hard!"

Li Yu nodded to them, and then called Feng Bin and Xiao Yao aside for questioning.

"Manager Feng, how is the situation at the factory?"

Li Yu first asked Feng Bin.

Feng Bin is divided into the manager of the raccoon branch factory. When Li Yu is away, Feng Bin has the final say on everything in the factory.

"According to your order, BOSS, all factories have been shut down, and the workers have also been relocated to the Dragon Nest underground base!"

Feng Bin ordered Li Yu with a nervous expression.

When Li Yu told him yesterday that Umbrella would send people to attack the factory today, Feng Bin was terrified.

However, Li Yu was still calm. At that time, he ordered Feng Bin to block all the factories, and then announced that all factories would stop working, and temporarily relocated the workers to the unfinished Dragon Nest underground base.

Although the Dragon's Nest underground base under the factory is still in its infancy, it is enough to ensure the safety of these workers.

For the sake of confidentiality, everyone in the factory is not allowed to leave, nor can they transmit any communication signals with the outside world.

Such an abrupt order naturally caused a strong panic among the workers in the factory.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao has already brought his mercenaries into the factory, and they are responsible for maintaining the order in the factory. No one dares to have any objections, and they all honestly hid in the underground base of Dragon Nest. middle.

Now the people on the ground are still left in the factory, and they are all real combatants.

All kinds of guns, tanks, planes and other weapons recently produced by the umbrella were placed in front of the open space of the factory, and then these mercenaries chose the most suitable weapons according to their own abilities.

After the aircraft was handed over to Jiangjiu in Somalia, there are now three Dragonhawk helicopters, four Dragonhawk fighter jets and two Dragonhawk transport planes in the umbrella factory.

With the current number of mercenaries in the umbrella mercenary company, it is not difficult to find enough talents to fly these planes.

In order to avoid Umbrella knowing that his side already knew their plan, Li Yu did not order all the planes to take off, but just sent one of the helicopters into the air as usual, hovering over the factory.

On the surface, the Dragon Eagle helicopter was being tested for a flight test, but it was actually monitoring the movement around the factory. Once the people sent by Umbrella arrived, the personnel on the plane would immediately report to Li Yu.

Li Yu deeply knew the strength of the enemy this time, so he took out all the most powerful weapons in the factory and arranged them in a dense formation.

Only by using these powerful weapons to carry out intensive saturated attacks can it be possible to injure a second-level biochemical warrior.

Of course, if you want to really kill them, the difficulty will be even higher, and it is already difficult for ordinary weapons to do so.

Everyone waited until it was completely dark, and the Dragon Eagle helicopter in the sky did not find any trace of the enemy.

Everyone gradually became impatient.

Li Yu is not surprised by this. Even if Umbrella wants to do something to the umbrella, it must be after dark, maybe in the quietest morning hours.

So he was not in a hurry, he just asked Xiao Yao to go down to appease everyone who was getting a little anxious.

The best way to deal with these mercenaries is of course to throw money directly.

When Xiao Yao announced that after the battle was over, all the mercenaries would receive an additional reward of [-] yuan, and many of the mercenaries suddenly became energetic again, showing joyful expressions one by one.

In Li Yu's heart, he secretly felt pity for these mercenaries. They still didn't know how terrible the enemy he was going to deal with tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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