I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 319 Powerful

Chapter 319 Powerful
Although Xiao Yao also told these mercenaries that the people who came to attack the factory today are very powerful, and like monsters, it is difficult for ordinary guns to harm them.

But these mercenaries obviously didn't take Xiao Yao's warning seriously.

Compared with Xiao Yao's alarmist talk, these mercenaries are more willing to believe in the weapons in their hands. In their view, there is no one whose weapons cannot kill them.

Li Yu knew the thoughts of these mercenaries, but he had no choice but to mourn for them in his heart.

The enemy is already very strong, and these mercenaries are so careless, they will definitely suffer a big loss in the end.

Li Yu estimated that when the battle is over, half of these mercenaries will survive.

Fortunately, these mercenaries are similar to cannon fodder. As long as they have money, they can continue to recruit at any time, and Li Yu will not feel distressed no matter how many deaths.

Everyone waited until about one o'clock in the morning, and the helicopter in the sky finally sent a signal to Li Yu: "BOSS, forty degrees south of the west, about ten miles away from the factory, there seems to be movement!"

"Continue to investigate to see if it is an enemy?"

Li Yi ordered solemnly.

The helicopter fired a searchlight in the air towards the ground, and slowly flew towards the southwest.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the air, and a huge fireball exploded in the air.

"not good!"

Li Yu's face couldn't help changing, and he saw that the location of the explosion was in the direction of the helicopter.

"Ready to fight!"

Li Yu quickly ordered to the mercenaries in the factory.

His complexion was a little ugly, not only because of the loss of a Dragonhawk helicopter just now, but also because of the courage of Umbrella's visit this time.

After they found out that they were spotted by the helicopter, not only did they not have the slightest intention of retreating, but they brazenly took the lead.

It can be seen that they have strong confidence in their own strength.

Seeing that our helicopter was killed by the opponent so quickly, the expressions of the mercenaries who were not concerned at first became serious.

They also now realize that the enemy's strength has exceeded their expectations.


After hearing Li Yu's order, the dozen or so planes originally parked in the open space began to take off one after another.

At this time, I can't care less about continuing to hide.

In case the enemy rushed to the front, it would be too late to take off.

After these planes took off, they all increased their flight altitude this time, for fear that they would be destroyed by the opponent like the first helicopter.

Less than 5 minutes after the helicopter exploded, the factory gate was blown to pieces with a bang, and a giant with a height of more than two appeared outside the gate carrying a bazooka.

The huge bazooka rested on the giant's shoulders, as light as a toy.

And behind this giant, there are more than a dozen equally tall figures standing behind with various weapons.

Through the searchlights from the factory, one can clearly see the ferocious faces of these people, with bloodthirsty and killing red lights shining in their eyes.

"Biochemical Warrior!"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and immediately recognized the identities of these ten people.

"Concentrate the maximum firepower immediately and fire all!"

Li Yu immediately gave a loud order to all the mercenaries to fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."


After hearing Li Yu's order, the sound of guns and guns in the entire factory suddenly rang out.

All the mercenaries fired at the dozen or so people who aimed their weapons at the door.

They originally thought that under such an intensive attack, the dozen or so people at the door would be bombarded to the point where not even the dregs were left.

But the actual result surprised everyone so much that their eyeballs almost fell out!
They saw that the dozen or so people at the door were bombarded by such dense guns, not only were they not blasted into pieces, but they walked into the factory step by step against the dense guns.

Although the clothes on their bodies were smashed into pieces, there were indeed no wounds on these biochemical warriors!

All the mercenaries who saw this scene changed their colors in horror.

Only then did they know what Xiao Yao meant when he told them that these people were all monsters.

They seemed to ignore the force of the guns hitting them. Except for occasionally taking a step back after being hit by heavy artillery, other ordinary guns and artillery could not stop their progress at all.

"It's so powerful, it really deserves to be a second-order biochemical warrior!"

Li Yu, who was protected by everyone at the back, was also very surprised.

When he was in Yanhuang before, he had seen the strength of ordinary biochemical warriors. At that time, the biochemical warrior was shot by machine guns for more than ten minutes before he was completely killed.

But when ordinary biochemical warriors appeared that time, they were completely incomparable with these second-order biochemical warriors in terms of strength!
Li Yu saw with his own eyes that after a Tier [-] biochemical warrior was hit in the chest by a shell fired from a tank's main gun, his body was only slightly stagnant, and then he continued to rush forward.

These second-order biochemical fighters are not only stronger and stronger in defense, but their actions are actually very agile.

It was just because they were temporarily suppressed by the guns that they couldn't exert their own speed for a while.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Oh my god, why can't I beat him to death!"


As the attack continued, the emotions of some mercenaries began to collapse.

Although many of these mercenaries have also participated in wars, and their hands have been stained with blood, they have a much stronger will to fight than ordinary people.

But now facing monsters like Tier [-] biochemical warriors who can't be killed no matter how hard they fight, the performance of these mercenaries is actually not much better than ordinary people.

"Don't stop, keep attacking!"

Seeing that some mercenaries even started to give up their attacks and wanted to turn around and run away, Li Yu's face couldn't help changing, and he quickly shouted through the communicator.

Li Yu is very clear that now he can only rely on powerful firepower to temporarily suppress these second-order biochemical fighters, so that they cannot exert their speed.

But if the firepower is weakened and these second-order biochemical fighters can display their full speed, then it will be difficult to target them and shoot.

And once they rushed into the melee among the mercenaries, it would definitely be a one-sided massacre.

It's a pity that many mercenaries were already terrified in the face of this incomprehensible existence. Even after hearing Li Yu's stop, they didn't mean to stop, and continued to turn and run away.


Li Yu couldn't help being annoyed, knowing that if these people escape, then others will follow suit, and the whole formation will definitely collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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