I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 320 Li Yu makes a move

Chapter 320 Li Yu makes a move
It is a pity that it is not the end of the world yet, and the social order has not yet collapsed.

It is impossible for Li Yu to come out with a supervising team and kill all the escaped mercenaries.

If he did this, not to mention the chilling of other mercenaries, he would definitely choose to quit the umbrella company, even the government of the United States would not allow him to kill so many people wantonly.

Therefore, Li Yu has nothing to do about it. He can only grit his teeth and write down the mercenaries who took the lead to escape, and find them one by one after the war.

When the other mercenaries saw someone taking the lead, more people immediately chose to escape.

As these mercenaries began to flee one after another, the originally dense firepower suddenly thinned out, and it was no longer difficult to suppress them.


After a Tier [-] biochemical warrior got rid of the suppression of the firepower, he felt his whole body loosen. He couldn't help but let out a roar of excitement, and then his figure flashed, breaking into the formation of mercenaries in an instant.

After breaking into the formation of the mercenaries, the second-order biochemical warrior immediately stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, and slapped the surrounding mercenaries repeatedly.

"Crack! Kick..."

These mercenaries were as fragile as babies under the hands of this second-level biochemical warrior. He just slapped them casually and broke the bones and tendons of those mercenaries, completely losing their fighting power.

"Ah, help!"

"Run away!"


Those mercenaries who were hit uttered screams, which made the surrounding mercenaries completely lose their fighting spirit, turning around and trying to escape.

Now they have completely forgotten that there are more than 1000 of them, and these second-order biochemical fighters are only a dozen or so!

But now they want to escape, it seems a bit late.

Those other Tier [-] biochemical warriors who were suppressed before had also gotten rid of their shackles, and began to rush into the mercenary formation one by one.


A mercenary was grabbed by a second-order biochemical warrior, and he pulled it so hard that the mercenary was torn in half!
Such a tragic scene broke the heart of the mercenaries they saw around them, and they could no longer raise any fighting spirit, so they could only run away like everyone else.

Unfortunately, the speed of these second-order biochemical fighters is really too fast!

Although they look huge, once galloping, they are as fast as the wind.

As long as they are the mercenaries they target, no one can escape their killing.

"It can't go on like this!"

Looking at the mercenaries who had completely fallen into a state of defeat in front of him, Li Yu frowned, knowing that if this continues, these mercenaries must be killed by these second-order biochemical fighters one by one.

Although Li Yu originally used these mercenaries as cannon fodder, he didn't want them to die in vain.

"Xiao Yao, Jiang Xiaoyun, you cover me!"

Li Yu said something to Xiao Yao and Jiang Xiaoyun who were guarding him, and then with a "choke", he pulled out the Nepalese army knife hanging from his waist.

The saber at Li Yu's waist is about 1.5 meters long, and his figure is smooth and graceful, looking very elegant.

But this saber is not just good-looking, it is also known as the hardest and sharpest knife in the world.

The entire blade is entirely made of titanium alloy, the metal used to make the outer shell of the spacecraft, and the cost alone is worth 200 million yuan.

When he knew that the enemy tonight was a second-order biochemical warrior, Li Yu knew that it might be difficult to deal with them with ordinary guns.

And if you want to kill them, you can only use cold weapons.

Before the end of the world, hot weapons have always ruled the world.

But after the end of the world came, many people began to find that ordinary thermal weapons were gradually unable to deal with those mutated zombies.

But those top masters in the last days, they use cold weapons, but they have been able to exert far more power than hot weapons!

This made cold weapons popular again.

With Li Yu's current strength, the power of using cold weapons has actually surpassed that of hot weapons!

That's why he would take this saber with him.

"Boss, you want to go up and fight yourself? It's too dangerous!"

After hearing Li Yu's words, the expressions of Xiao Yao, Jiang Xiaoyun and the other bodyguards beside them changed.

"Needless to say! No one here is a match for these monsters except me!"

However, Li Yu waved his hand, and the aura on his body suddenly opened up, and an invisible coercion spread out, making it impossible for Xiao Yao and Jiang Xiaoyun next to him to refute.

Seemingly feeling the powerful aura emanating from Li Yu, the biochemical warriors next to them who were massacring mercenaries couldn't help turning their heads to look in Li Yu's direction, and several of them even turned and walked towards this side.

"Stand back, these biological warriors are not something you can deal with!"

Li Yu gave orders to Xiao Yao and the others, and then raised his saber and greeted the second-level biochemical warriors who were approaching.

Li Yu doesn't care too much about those mercenaries dying, anyway, as long as they have money, they can be recruited.

But if Xiao Yao and the others were killed by these biochemical warriors, Li Yu couldn't accept it, so he just let them stand aside to cover himself, and didn't let them join the battle.

Besides, with their strength, they can't keep up with the speed of the biochemical warriors. Even if they want to participate in the battle, they will only drag Li Yu's hind legs.

Seeing that Li Yu didn't turn around and run away like the others, but came towards him with a weapon, these biochemical warriors seemed to understand with their simple minds that Li Yu's behavior was obviously a provocation to them.


Several biochemical warriors couldn't help showing angry expressions, and after a roar, they rushed towards Li Yu with a hideous face.


Li Yu exerted all his strength, and the saber in his hand slashed at the arm of a second-order biochemical warrior who rushed to him first!

Li Yu's body has long been transformed by virus crystallization, possessing inhuman power.

And with the continuous improvement of his mental abilities, his own reaction ability and physical fitness have also been strengthened.

These two powers are superimposed, and Li Yu feels that his power should be stronger than these second-order biochemical fighters!
In fact, this is indeed the case. Under Li Yu's full blow, the arm shot by the biochemical warrior was instantly cut off and fell to the ground.

"Haha, great knife!"

Li Yu couldn't help laughing, even if he fought with strength, if he didn't have a suitable weapon, he wouldn't be able to cut off the biochemical warrior's arm so easily.

If such a weapon is placed in the last days, it will definitely be a real priceless treasure!

Those top masters who use cold weapons will definitely fight life and death in order to obtain it.

(End of this chapter)

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