I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 321 Li Yu's Powerful Strength

Chapter 321 Li Yu's Powerful Strength

But it is a pity that after the arrival of the strange, all kinds of human technology have been destroyed, and human beings are no longer able to produce this titanium alloy saber.

It's not that Li Yu never thought of equipping Xiao Yao and the others with such sabers, but unfortunately they are still too weak now, not even supernatural beings.

For them now, giving them the best cold weapon is not as powerful as giving them a gun directly.

"What! Am I not mistaken? Boss, unexpectedly..."

Xiao Yao and others, who have been paying close attention to Li Yu, saw that Li Yu cut off the arm of a biochemical soldier with a single knife, and their eyes showed disbelief.

They have all seen with their own eyes just now how strong the defense capabilities of these biochemical warriors are.

Even the tank's main artillery bombarded them, they couldn't break their skin, and Li Yu was able to cut off the arm of a biochemical soldier with just a saber?

"Since when did the strength of the boss become so terrifying?"

Even Xiao Yao, who has been with Li Yu for the longest time, couldn't believe it, and muttered to himself.

Seeing Li Yu swinging his saber and continuing to slash at the figures of other biochemical warriors, Xiao Yao couldn't help showing a look of envy in his eyes.

He also hopes that like Li Yu, he will have such a powerful power one day in the future.

It's a pity that the transformation of biochemical warriors has too many flaws. Even if Xiao Yao wants to pursue strength, he doesn't want to become such an irrational monster.

The other biochemical warriors have also seen Li Yu's extraordinary strength at this time. Although they have low intelligence, they have a beast's intuition for the perception of strength, which is even sharper than ordinary people.

"Roar! Roar..."

One of the biochemical warriors roared, and then surrounded Li Yu with other biochemical warriors.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao and others knew that Li Yu's strength was extraordinary, but they were also worried that he would suffer under the siege of so many biochemical warriors.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xiao Yao and others pulled the trigger on the biochemical warriors surrounding Li Yu.


Jiang Xiaoyun's sniper rifle even directly hit the eyeball of a biochemical soldier, smashing his eyeball on the spot, causing the biochemical soldier to let out a scream of "Aw".

Jiang Xiaoyun's sniper rifle has been specially modified. From the outside, it is even bigger than a bazooka.

As far as the attack power against a certain point is concerned, the power of such a sniper rifle has already surpassed most artillery.

He is also the second person besides Li Yu who can pose a threat to biochemical warriors today.

In the last days, there are also some people who can only use thermal weapons because they cannot awaken their abilities, and they are improving their own strength by continuously improving the power of thermal weapons.

This is actually a path of evolution, but it is too dependent on external objects, after all, it has its limit, and it is also a helpless move for non-supernatural beings to improve their strength.

Seeing this scene, the others were also greatly encouraged, and shot at these biochemical warriors one after another.

It's a pity that their weapons are not as powerful as Jiang Xiaoyun's weapons, and their marksmanship is also not as good as his. They can't hit those biochemical warriors moving at high speed at all, and it is difficult to pose any threat to the biochemical warriors.

"Good come!"

For the biochemical warriors who came around, Li Yu laughed, without dodging or evading, and directly raised his knife to meet them.

With such a sharp sword, Li Yu's fighting spirit could not help but improve.

Since his rebirth, Li Yu has almost never tried his best to deal with the enemy. Tonight is just to verify the limit of his current strength.

The sword in Li Yu's hand waved a cold glow, and slashed towards the surrounding biochemical warriors.

With Li Yu's physical fitness, the explosive speed of swinging the knife is extremely fast, and the light of the knife is connected into one piece, and Li Yu's figure is almost gone.


However, although Li Yu's speed is very fast, the speed of the biochemical warriors around him is also not slow. They also waved the weapons in their hands, frantically resisting Li Yu's attack.

The thermal weapons originally held by these biochemical warriors have all been scrapped under the previous round of intensive firepower attacks.

However, Dr. William couldn't have imagined that with the strength of these biochemical warriors, the power of holding cold weapons is actually stronger.

Therefore, in addition to the previous hot weapons, each of these biochemical warriors is also equipped with a cold weapon.

Although their weapons are not as good as Li Yu's sabers, they are also the best products tailored for them by Umbrella at a huge cost. It is not so easy for Li Yu to cut off their weapons.

The biochemical warrior whose arm was cut off by Li Yu before was just because he didn't know Li Yu's strength at the beginning, thinking that Li Yu would be easily torn into pieces by him like other ordinary people. .

At this time, the other biochemical warriors felt the threat of Li Yu, and naturally they would no longer have any thoughts of underestimating the enemy.

Don't think that they are easy to deal with because their intelligence has decreased after being transformed into biochemical warriors.

The IQ of human beings is much lower than that of wild beasts, but if they fight head-on, human beings have never been the opponents of those wild beasts.

The same is true for these biological warriors, the fighting instinct has been fully integrated into their beast-like intuition.

Attack, dodge, retreat...even more complicated feints and coordinated attacks, these biochemical warriors are also very good at, when Li Yu fought against them, he didn't feel their intelligence problems at all, but through their bloodthirsty red eyes Eyes, you can see the cunning hidden in it.

Under the siege of more than a dozen biochemical warriors, even if Li Yu is a third-level supernatural being, he still feels a little bit strenuous, but it's not to the point where he can't resist.

Supernatural beings, first order and first heaven!

A single second-order biochemical warrior can only be compared with a second-order supernatural being, but Li Yu is a third-order supernatural being, which is better.

Li Yu turned around and cut off the arm of a biochemical warrior again. The latter screamed in pain and became more and more fierce.

A stern light flashed in Li Yu's eyes: "Just relying on the strength of my body, this should be my limit... It seems that I have to use the ability!"

Although Li Yu's body is strong, it is definitely not his hole card against him.

Not daring to live in the past or in this life, Li Yu's greatest reliance is his own spiritual powers!
Looking up at the blood-red eyes of a biochemical warrior who was slashing at him with a knife on the opposite side, Li Yu's eyes suddenly burst into an inexplicable brilliance.

The biochemical warrior who was stared at by Li Yu suddenly felt a trance in his brain. His originally low mind seemed to suddenly recall his life as an ordinary human before he was transformed into a biochemical warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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