I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 322 Strong

Chapter 322 Strong
"who am I?"

The biochemical warrior couldn't help muttering to himself.

The long-lost memory in his mind made the biochemical warrior suddenly sluggish.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yu flashed a cold saber in his hand, and slashed at the biochemical warrior's neck.

With Li Yu's strength, coupled with this extremely sharp saber, he didn't even cut off the biochemical warrior's neck at once, but after cutting off most of it, he was killed by the cervical spine on the back of the biochemical warrior's neck. Got stuck.


Large streams of blood came out of the biochemical warrior's mouth, and his eyes stared at Li Yu. The originally crazy bloodthirsty eyes seemed to suddenly become clear.

Li Yu didn't have time to pay attention to the eyes of a dead biochemical warrior. He just held the handle of the knife with both hands, trying to pull the general knife out of the biochemical warrior's neck.

However, because the saber was stuck too tightly, Li Yu had already taken the body of the killed biochemical soldier off the ground, but he hadn't pulled out the saber yet.

At this moment, two biochemical warriors appeared behind Li Yu. They each waved their weapons and slashed at Li Yu's back.

Feeling the strong wind coming from behind, Li Yu had no choice but to slam the biochemical warrior's body, together with the saber in his hand, toward the back.


The body of the biochemical warrior in Li Yu's hand collided with the two biochemical warriors behind him who wanted to sneak attack Li Yu, making a loud noise.

The bodies of these biochemical warriors were harder than steel, and under such a violent collision, the ground under the three of them immediately trembled.

The two biochemical warriors who originally wanted to attack Li Yu were hit by this corpse, and their forward figure suddenly stagnated, and Li Yu's saber that was originally stuck was also smashed by him under the force of the previous shock. Pull it out.


Li Yu's eyes burst out again, and the invisible psychic power enveloped the two biochemical warriors who attacked him.

The eyes of these two biochemical warriors also couldn't help being in a trance for a while, and instantly became dull.



Taking advantage of the moment when the two biochemical warriors were sluggish, the saber in Li Yu's hand was as fast as lightning, and it passed between the necks of the two in an instant, making a harsh friction sound like cutting metal.

With the lessons learned from the previous saber being stuck by the card owner, Li Yu no longer slashed directly this time, but chose to swipe across the opponent's neck.

Even though the injuries caused by the direct chopping were not serious, even if the neck was only cut in half, it was fatal enough.

Although these two biochemical warriors have been modified to have monster-like strength and defense, they are still human in essence and still need to breathe.

After their necks were cut open by Li Yu's saber, blood immediately flowed out from their necks, and their strength began to disappear rapidly.

"Boss actually killed two more biochemical warriors!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao and the others showed shocking expressions on their faces.

They were very surprised when they saw Li Yu cut off the arm of a biochemical warrior before. Now that they saw Li Yu beheading two biochemical warriors with one knife, they felt Li Yu's strength and unfathomable strength even more.

In fact, this is also related to the greatly lowered mind after the biochemical warrior was transformed.

Although their bodies have been strengthened, their spirit and will have been seriously attenuated, and mental abilities like Li Yu are precisely their nemesis.

Li Yu ignored the shocked expressions of others, and he began to release his mental abilities with all his strength.

The biochemical warriors who besieged him next to him, as soon as they entered the range around Li Yu, would immediately become in a trance, and the weapons waved towards Li Yu in their hands could not help but stop.

Li Yu took this opportunity to kill three more biochemical warriors one after another.

"Damn it, damn it! Who can tell me, how could Li Yu be so strong? Why can't our second-order biochemical fighters kill him!"

Dr. William, who had seen this scene through the video, was yelling at the senior executives of the company under Umbrella.

As Umbrella's ultimate weapon, Dr. William also attached great importance to the dispatch of the second-order biochemical warriors. They were tracked and filmed by micro-cameras throughout their actions.

This is for the purpose of obtaining more clearly the physical data of these second-order biochemical warriors during actual combat, and for Dr. William to control them in a more comprehensive way.

At the beginning, Dr. William was still very excited when these second-order biochemical warriors killed the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company like chopping melons and vegetables, and his heart could not help but expand his boundless ambition.

And just when Dr. William thought that these biochemical warriors would soon kill all the mercenaries in the umbrella, and finally kill Li Yu and grab the methamphetamine crystals in his hands, with Li Yu's strong shot, the situation on the field But it changed in an instant.

Li Yu cut off the arm of a biochemical warrior with his own strength, making him lose his combat effectiveness, and at the same time killed two biochemical warriors instantly!

Seeing this scene, Dr. William couldn't believe his eyes!
He didn't believe that there were actually people who could surpass the Tier [-] biochemical warrior he created with just their personal strength!

This is completely beyond Dr. William's cognition.

If the strength of human beings in this world can really be so powerful, then what's the point of him making biochemical warriors?
Dr. William has sent his men many times before to attack and kill Li Yu and get the virus crystal.

But these people all failed in the end, and they didn't test out Li Yu's real strength at all!
Dr. William didn't care too much about this. In his mind, the reason why the previous attacks and killings failed was only because Li Yu had better luck. In his eyes, Li Yu was just an ordinary person. How strong can he be?

But now Li Yu has shown the strength that Dr. William can believe, and easily killed several of his second-tier fighters.

These second-order biochemical warriors were created by Dr. William and Umbrella's painstaking efforts. Every time they lost one, Dr. William seemed to feel his heart bleeding.

However, Li Yu doesn't care about Dr. William's mood. If he knows how heartbroken Dr. William is now, he will kill more vigorously!

Psychic powers combined with Li Yu's indestructible sharp saber, and soon three more biochemical warriors fell under Li Yu's knife.

(End of this chapter)

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