I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 329 Gene potion, powerful umbrella weapon!

Chapter 329 Gene potion, powerful umbrella weapon!

Li Yu knows that after he gets Umbrella to get the criminal evidence, Umbrella may not obediently plead guilty to the law. Instead, they may jump the wall in a hurry and directly release the biochemical virus they developed to the world.

This possibility is very high, and it is what Li Yu has been worried about.

Therefore, in the past three days, Li Yu has been directing Jiang Yuyao and Wei Quan to start selling a large number of products in the umbrella inventory, and then use these funds to buy all kinds of daily necessities.

Li Yu was worried that if the biochemical virus broke out, he would not be able to find a channel even if he wanted to sell it.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for reaching 600 billion in assets, and getting a chance to draw a lottery!"

Three days later, because Yanhuang and Somalia sold a large number of umbrella products at the same time, Li Yu's assets also increased sharply, and finally ushered in another chance to draw a lottery!

Li Yu waited nervously for Zhinao's lottery draw. He knew that this might be his last lottery draw before the virus broke out.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the primary pharmaceutical technology—the primary genetic medicine manufacturing technology! Genetic medicine can promote the evolution of human genes, and greatly improve people's physical abilities such as vision, hearing, strength, and speed!"

Zhinao finally announced the final lottery result.


After hearing Zhinao's voice, Li Yu stood up suddenly, and at the same time couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

With Li Yu's calmness, there will be such a big reaction, which shows how surprised he is!
"Genetic medicine... Isn't this the same as Umbrella's biochemical warrior?"

Li Yu couldn't help asking Zhinao in shock.

"Master, don't compare Umbrella's immature modification technology with genetic medicine!"

After hearing Li Yu's words, Zhinao's voice seemed very disdainful: "Although the biochemical warriors of Umbrella are also a kind of genetic modification, they are too backward, too primitive, and have great defects! And I provide The gene medicine technology given to the master has actually promoted the evolution of human genes, although the effect is not as obvious as the one-time promotion of biochemical warriors, but there are no defects, and the growth potential is even greater!"

After listening to Zhinao's explanation, Li Yu understood the difference between this genetic medicine and the biochemical warriors of Umbrella, and he was overjoyed.

He was worried at first, what if people like Xiao Yao and Jiang Xiaoyun were unable to become supernatural beings after the biochemical virus broke out?
Although after the outbreak of the end of the world, people with supernatural powers began to appear in large numbers, but there are still many people who cannot awaken their supernatural powers at all.

These people are very sad. Not only are they all reduced to the bottom of the food chain, living a precarious life, but with the continuous evolution of zombies and supernatural beings, the strength gap between the two sides can be said to be getting bigger and bigger. In the end, people couldn't survive in this world at all, and almost all became food in the mouths of zombies.

But now with this genetic medicine, it is different. Li Yu is equivalent to mastering another evolutionary path of human beings. Even if Xiao Yao and the others cannot become supernatural beings in the future, Li Yu can still inject them with this genetic medicine. They become genetic warriors.

After thinking about this, Li Yu was suddenly excited and a little uncontrollable. He immediately called Yanhuang's Jiang Yuyao and Wei Quan, and at the same time transmitted the production formula of the genetic medicine to them, ordering them to immediately produce this kind of medicine with all their strength. genetic medicine.

The production of this gene medicine does not require the purchase of additional production equipment, and the equipment in the umbrella pharmaceutical factory is sufficient to complete the production.

"Boss, I have made contact with the avatar!"

Not long after Li Yu hung up the calls of Jiang Yuyao and Wei Quan, the red queen suddenly appeared and said to Li Yu excitedly.

"it is good!"

Hearing the news from the Red Queen, Li Yu couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked the Red Queen, "How is the situation with the avatar now?"

This is also the news that Li Yu has been waiting for these days, and it is related to the key to dealing with Umbrella in the future.

"My avatar has devoured Umbrella's artificial intelligence program and completely controlled Umbrella's internal core network. However, in order to avoid being discovered by Umbrella's people, my avatar is still continuing to disguise itself as the previous security system. Brera's artificial intelligence program."

The Red Queen said to Li Yu: "Now all the core networks inside Umbrella are under my control. Even if the avatar secretly accesses the Internet and gets in touch with me, Umbrella's people will not be able to find out."

At this time, the Red Queen's avatar has secretly connected Umbrella's core network to the Internet. Naturally, there is no need for Alice to take risks to help the two parties contact each other. The Red Queen can control everything about Umbrella at any time.

"Great, download all the information in the Umbrella database to us immediately!"

Li Yu excitedly ordered to the Red Queen.

In such a hurry to obtain the information in Umbrella's database, Li Yu not only wanted to get Umbrella's criminal evidence, but also wanted to see how many advanced technologies Umbrella had developed over the years.

Li Yu has also coveted Umbrella's various technical materials for a long time.

"Since I got in touch with the avatar, the download has already started. Boss, you can open your computer to check!"

The Red Queen said, and turned on Li Yu's computer directly.

The list of data line by line began to appear on Li Yu's computer monitor.

"Medicine, electronics, biochemistry, military industry, aviation, radio..."

Li Yu was startled by the above lines of text. Unexpectedly, the technology developed by Umbrella has been involved in so many fields without knowing it.

Compared with Umbrella, the current umbrella is like the difference between a primary school student and a university professor.

Some of the most advanced technologies of Umbrella are all drawn by Li Yu from Zhinao, and Umbrella's own R&D team is actually not even third-rate in the world, and it cannot be compared with Umbrella.

Fortunately, with these technologies from Umbrella, the technological background of the umbrella will definitely develop by leaps and bounds.

With so much information, Li Yu's personal computer obviously couldn't load it.

All these precious materials were directly transferred to the database of the umbrella company by the Red Queen, and only when Li Yu needed them, would a part of them be transferred to his personal computer.

However, Li Yu is not a professional scientific and technological researcher, and he can't understand most of these materials. He just flipped through them casually and skipped them, and then began to focus on those researches that involved biochemical transformation and other serious violations of the law.

 PS: Countdown to the end of the world! ! !These are just a few, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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