I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 330 The army dispatched to surround Umbrella

Chapter 330 The army dispatched to surround Umbrella

In these materials, it is clearly recorded that Umbrella used living people to carry out experiments on the transformation of biochemical warriors, and various illegal activities of researching dangerous viruses such as biochemical viruses, all of which were printed with the seal of Umbrella Company, and Dr. Researcher's signature.

"Okay, as long as these materials are handed over to the government of the United States, then Umbrella will definitely be full and walk away!"

Li Yu couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately asked the Red Queen to sort out the information and prepare to send it directly to Jims.

Naturally, Li Yu would not hand over the complete biochemical research technology.

Although he wasn't a good person, he didn't want to see more organizations like Umbrella madly researching bio-viruses and bio-warrior transformations in the world after the information was leaked.

Anyway, only part of the information is enough to convict Umbrella, and there is no need to hand over all of it.

Of course, Li Yu would not naively think that after convicting Umbrella, they could be completely destroyed.

Today, Umbrella has established many overt or covert companies and bases all over the world. Even if they destroy their headquarters in Raccoon City, it will only deal a heavy blow to Umbrella. Not to mention the extent of completely destroying Umbrella.

Soon, the Red Queen sorted out some of the information about Umbrella's criminal evidence in the information, and then sent it directly to Jims' private mailbox under Li Yu's order.

Li Yu knew very well that there must be someone from Umbrella among the officials of the city hall, so he would never send these materials to the officials of Raccoon City.

I believe Jims should also know this, and will make proper arrangements for the information Li Yu sent to him.

Less than half an hour after Li Yu sent the information, his mobile phone rang.

Li Yu took it out and saw that it was Jims' number.

"Hello, Mr. Li Yu? Excuse me, where did you get these materials?"

As soon as the phone was connected, James' slightly hurried voice rang in Li Yu's ear.

"This is because a person in Umbrella took the risk to bring out these materials because he was dissatisfied with Umbrella's use of living people for experiments."

Li Yu had expected that Jims would ask this question, and told Jims about his cooperation with Alice in a leisurely manner.

But in the end, the matter of obtaining the evidence by the Red Queen's avatar was all pushed to Alice.

Naturally, Li Yu would not tell about the Red Queen, so he could only tell about his previous cooperation with Alice.

This can be regarded as whitewashing Alice's identity. Even if the US government captures Alice in the future, it will be dealt with lightly because of this incident.

And now that Alice has left Umbrella, even if Li Yu exposes her betrayal of Umbrella, Umbrella can't find her for a while.

"Well... did she give you any other more information?"

Jims inquired insinuatingly.

Li Yu didn't know whether Jims was worried that the umbrella would get the biochemical test data and go on the old path of Umbrella, or he or someone behind him was also interested in these materials, but no matter what, Li Yu certainly denied it without hesitation Le: "No more! Alice doesn't have much trust from Dr. William, and she has already tried her best to get these materials!"

"OK then!"

Li Yu seemed a little disappointed in Jims' voice. He sighed and said to Li Yu solemnly: "I have given the information you gave me to the CIA. I believe the results will be given soon. , you have to keep this matter a secret for the time being, and don’t let it out!”

"Of course I won't say it!"

Li Yu nodded, knowing that James was worried that Umbrella would get the news in advance, and it would be a trouble if they escaped early.

After Li Yu submitted Umbrella's criminal evidence, the entire Raccoon City still seemed to be calm, but no one knew that there was already a dark tide inside.

In the early morning of the next day, the people of Raccoon City discovered to their astonishment that a 2000-man army stationed in Raccoon City suddenly came out fully armed!

After the neatly lined up American soldiers got into tanks and armored vehicles, they quickly headed in the direction of Umbrella's headquarters.

"This... is this going to war?"

The citizens of Raccoon City, who have always been used to peace, were filled with astonishment.

The gunfire from the Umbrella Factory a few days ago had already aroused heated debate among the citizens of Raccoon City, but after all, it was only heard, and it was not the same as seeing it with their own eyes like now.

These American soldiers ignored the astonished expressions of passers-by. After they arrived at Umbrella's headquarters with tanks and armored vehicles, they immediately surrounded the entire Umbrella headquarters.

When Dr. William got the news, the entire Umbrella was surrounded by soldiers, not even a fly could fly out.

"What the hell is going on? Who can tell me! Why did the army suddenly come and surround our company? Ah!"

Dr. Williamson was startled and angry, and couldn't help being furious at the high-level officials in Umbrella who also panicked after receiving the news.

In the United States, the use of the military is not a trivial matter, at least it requires the consent of most members of Congress or the president himself.

Obviously, in the past few days, Mayor Jims of Raccoon City must have directly delivered some important secrets of Umbrella to the President, so that the army could be transferred so quickly.

What made Dr. William even more angry was that their people in the city hall hadn't gotten any news about such a big event.

"William, it's too late to say anything now, let's think about how to deal with the troops outside!"

Weeks, who was sitting next to Dr. William, frowned and said to Dr. William.

"These armies are indeed a problem... However, Yanhuang has a saying that 'to fight against the outside world, one must first secure the inside', I think it makes sense!"

Dr. William looked at Marcus, who was sitting in the center, with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Before dealing with those troops, shouldn't we deal with the ghost who betrayed our company first?"

"Huh? William, what do you mean by this? Do you think I attracted these troops?"

Hearing William's words, Marcus said hesitantly: "I also participated in what you did. What good will it do me to attract these troops now?"

"Hmph, you didn't do it? Then tell me, why haven't we seen Miss Alice in our company for the past two days? Don't tell me, she's not yours!"

Dr. William stared at Marcus and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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