I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 333 The Prelude to the Eruption of the End Times! ! !

Chapter 333 The Prelude to the Eruption of the End Times! ! !

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this, why can't it be killed?"

It's just that as soon as the two sides fought, these American soldiers who underestimated the enemy and were careless immediately suffered a big loss!
They found that after their bullets hit those biochemical warriors, at most they could only slightly retard their forward momentum, but they couldn't kill them at all.

And the few second-order biochemical warriors in the lead directly ignored all the bullets they fired, and only stopped slightly after being hit by heavy weapons such as tanks and bazookas.

"Quick, put on the armor-piercing bomb!"

Although he didn't know what kind of monster was on the other side, an officer still reacted and immediately gave orders to the soldiers under him.

Armor-piercing ammunition is usually used to deal with tanks and armored vehicles. This kind of bullet has great penetrating power.

Some soldiers quickly replaced the armor-piercing bullets, and found that they were able to injure or even kill those invulnerable monsters.

Immediately, more than a dozen first-order biochemical warriors died under these armor-piercing bullets.

However, their joy did not last long.

Those Tier [-] biochemical fighters rushing to the front quickly rushed into the formation of the US army at an astonishing speed.

The speed of these Tier [-] biochemical warriors was really too high, many soldiers didn't react at all, they just felt that those Tier [-] biochemical warriors had already arrived beside them in a blink of an eye.


When these second-order biochemical fighters arrived next to the soldiers, they punched them in the head without saying a word.

Then, these ordinary heads were as fragile as watermelons, and were directly blown away by the biochemical warrior's fist.

"Damn, how could their speed be so fast!"

"Hurry up, form a defensive formation, don't let them rush in!"


These soldiers panicked one by one, trying to rearrange themselves to defend against the attacks of the biochemical soldiers.

It's a pity that the speed of these second-order biochemical fighters is so fast that the naked eyes of ordinary soldiers can't even catch their traces, let alone defend them.

It was these eight second-order biochemical warriors who made a mess of the 3000-strong American army. They could only fight on their own, and they no longer cared about attacking the first-order biochemical warriors who rushed like them not far away.

And when the remaining first-order biochemical fighters also rushed into the soldiers, the situation fell into complete chaos.

The biochemical warriors used their own speed to start killing those soldiers frantically.

Although these soldiers had an advantage in numbers, but at this time the two sides were fighting together, their number advantage could not be brought into play at all.

For a while, the battlefield fell into a stalemate, with casualties on both sides.

"Go, it's now!"

Dr. William hurriedly led Umbrella's top management away from the company headquarters, and under the protection of a team of biochemical fighters, they rushed towards the parking lot behind the company.

Dr. William is very clear, although these biochemical warriors seem to have the upper hand now, but this is taking advantage of the sudden attack and the opponent's carelessness.

At this time, there are still dozens of tanks and armored vehicles outside, and these are not something that biochemical warriors can directly destroy with their own strength.

And even if these American soldiers are defeated, more soldiers will rush over to support them.

This could be said to be a battle that Umbrella was doomed to lose before it even started.

The reason why Dr. William ordered those biochemical warriors to attack was that he didn't expect them to defeat the thousands of troops outside.

He just wanted these biochemical warriors to create opportunities for him and Umbrella's top executives to escape.

Now the opportunity is at hand, and Dr. William naturally wants to seize it.

A group of dozens of people hurried towards the parking lot behind the company.

"Someone is running from over there, catch them!"

Some soldiers shouted immediately when they saw the whereabouts of Dr. William and others.

It's just that now the soldiers are completely overwhelmed to deal with the biochemical warriors, so they don't have the energy to chase Dr. William and the others who escaped.

There were more than a dozen helicopters parked in the parking lot behind Umbrella Corporation. After Dr. William and the others arrived, they immediately climbed into three of the helicopters.

"Come on, let's get out of here, out of America!"

Dr. William immediately ordered everyone to start the helicopter in a deep voice.

The helicopter carried everyone and slowly flew up into the sky.

As the plane flew higher and higher, the Umbrella headquarters below and even the entire Raccoon City became smaller.

"It's a pity that these biochemical warriors are left like this!"

Looking at the biochemical warriors who were still fighting with the American soldiers below, Weeks twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a hint of reluctance.

Those first-order biochemical warriors were fine, but those second-order biochemical warriors were only eight of Umbrella's left, so leaving them like this made Weeks twitch with distress.

"No way, saving our lives is the most important thing now!"

Dr. William twitched his lips. Although he also felt very reluctant to abandon the Umbrella headquarters below and those biochemical warriors, he still comforted Weeks and others and said, "As long as we can leave the United States alive Well, I believe we can create more biochemical warriors in the future!"

Hearing what Dr. William said, everyone felt better.

It's just that no one knew that although Dr. William was comforting them in this way, a strong flame of anger was suppressed in his heart.

More than 20 years ago, Li Yu's parents stole the virus crystal, ruining Dr. William's years of hard work.

And today, 20 years later, Li Yu personally destroyed Umbrella's headquarters.

Thinking of the grievances between Li Yu's family and himself, the anger in Dr. William's heart could not be suppressed anyway.

"Huh! Li Yu, do you think that destroying our company's scientific research materials can destroy all of our Umbrella technologies? We have backups of those important research results in various bases, etc. We have left the United States, and we can still continuously produce more biochemical warriors! At that time, it is not impossible to dominate the entire world. We can destroy you and your umbrella company at any time in return for the destruction of our headquarters. enmity."

There was a sinister gleam in Dr. William's eyes.

Suddenly, Dr. William saw a suitcase beside Luft in his hand.

"Ruffy, what is this?"

Dr. William asked Roof suspiciously.

"Doctor, when you asked me to copy those research materials, although I found that all those research materials had been destroyed, there was still a box of biochemical virus samples that were recently researched, so I brought them out..."

Ruff quickly explained.

"A newly researched biochemical virus sample?"

Looking at the suitcase in Lufu's hand, a crazy idea suddenly popped up in Dr. William's mind.

 PS: The exciting moment is coming, brothers, subscribe and go, tip over!Thanks a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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