I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 334 Virus Outbreak

Chapter 334 Virus Outbreak
Dr. William knew very well that if the U.S. revealed Umbrella's research on biochemical viruses and biochemical soldiers, all countries in the world would reject them, or even make them direct enemies.

"Since you don't want us to have a good time, then don't even think about it!"

A gloomy look flashed in Dr. William's eyes, and he snatched the suitcase from Roof's hand.

"Doctor, you..."

Seeing Dr. William's actions, Lu Fu was a little dazed, not knowing what Dr. William was going to do.

Then, under the shocked eyes of Rufu and others in the cabin, Dr. William directly opened the suitcase, and then threw the suitcase and the densely packed test tubes out of the cabin!
"Doctor! Don't..."

Luffy and everyone in the cabin couldn't help exclaiming, trying to stop Dr. William's crazy move, but it was too late!
The test tubes containing the biochemical virus samples have already fallen down the plane!
"Doctor, what are you doing, this is Raccoon City!"

Rufu questioned Dr. William with an ugly face.

In the past, Lu Fu had always regarded Dr. William as the person most worthy of his respect, but now he discovered that Dr. William was a lunatic!
"Hmph, don't you think we'll be fine once we leave America?"

Dr. William ignored Luffy's questioning, looked coldly at everyone in the cabin and said, "No, no! The United States will list us Umbrella as a terrorist organization, and then unite with other countries in the world to deal with us! Could it be that you Have you ever thought about the precarious life of hiding in XZ? We have to act first and spread the biochemical virus, so that the United States and other countries are too busy to take care of themselves, and they naturally have no ability to continue to embarrass us."

Hearing Dr. William's words, most people in the cabin fell silent—of course they didn't want to live that kind of life.

It's just that they couldn't help but shudder at the thought of spreading the biochemical virus to every corner of the world.

Researchers of these biochemical viruses are naturally very aware of the power of biochemical viruses. If they spread out, the whole world may be reduced to hell.

Although these people have researched biochemical viruses, they never thought of spreading them.

"But... we can't just spread the virus like this! Doctor, have you forgotten that you said before that our research on chemical viruses is only for the benefit of mankind! Is this how you benefit mankind?"

Only Roof in the room continued to question Dr. William.

In fact, even those who participated in the research of chemical viruses may not all be bad people. Many of them participated in this research with a great goal at the beginning.

For example, Roof, he has always believed that biochemical viruses can promote human genetic evolution. Although many people still cannot understand it, this technology can still benefit mankind in the end.

Therefore, he will wholeheartedly follow Dr. William.

But Dr. William's actions just now completely shattered his illusions.

"You talk too much!"

Dr. William gave Luffy a cold look, then suddenly reached out and took out the pistol from his waist, and fired three shots at Luffy's chest "bang bang bang".


Rufu looked at Dr. William in astonishment, as if he couldn't believe that Dr. William would suddenly shoot him.

Dr. William retracted the pistol to his waist, and then threw Roof's body from the plane.

He is very clear, especially at this time, but he cannot allow anyone to dare to violate his authority.

Although Luffy was usually loyal to him, since Luffy dared to question him at this time, Dr. William would never be soft-hearted.

Anyway, the biochemical warriors who boarded the plane with them only obeyed Dr. William's orders, so he didn't have to worry about anyone daring to rebel at this time.

Although some people in the cabin were very dissatisfied with Dr. William's release of the biochemical virus, but feared by Dr. William's power, no one dared to stand up against it.

"Sure enough, Dr. William and the others ran away!"

Li Yu, who had been watching the army fighting Umbrella through the camera, couldn't help sighing when he saw Dr. William and the others rushing out of the siege and boarding the plane.

For this situation, Li Yu had already expected it.

Umbrella has been operating in Raccoon City for so many years, and his strength can be described as extremely strong. It is not surprising that those American soldiers acted rashly before knowing Umbrella's details in detail.

In fact, if Dr. William hadn't sent those second-order biochemical fighters to attack the umbrella factory a few days ago and caused the entire army to be wiped out, I am afraid that these American soldiers would not be able to capture Umbrella's headquarters at all.

Li Yu noticed through the camera that two hours after Dr. William and the others left, more than 20 helicopters rushed over from other cities for support.

Although these biochemical warriors are formidable, their number is limited after all. As more and more soldiers came to support them, they soon completely fell into a disadvantage.

Under the cross attack of air and ground firepower, one biochemical warrior after another was killed.

Originally, the commanders of these armies received the orders from above and wanted to capture some captives for research, but these biochemical warriors did not know what surrender was at all, and just followed the order issued by Dr. soldier.

In desperation, these soldiers could only kill all the biochemical fighters, and in the end they didn't catch a single prisoner.

Li Yu knew that when these soldiers entered Umbrella's headquarters, they would be even more disappointed.

At the Umbrella headquarters at this time, Dr. William and the other high-level executives have all left, and only two or three kittens are left.

Moreover, all the more important research materials were taken away by the Red Queen, and they probably won't get anything if they go in now.

But this can only blame them themselves for being unlucky, saying that they came late?
Naturally, Li Yu would not hand over the research materials he had obtained to the United States—this kind of technical data would naturally be more precious the less people get it.

After the US army captured Umbrella's headquarters, they immediately sealed it up.

At the same time, they also publicized Umbrella's secret research on biochemical viruses and experiments on human biochemical transformation through the news media.

After all, this incident was too much trouble, even if Miguo wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it at all.

"What? Umbrella is actually researching biological viruses!"

"Then the media's claim that Umbrella framed Umbrella was also a lie?"


The news had just been announced, and everyone was in an uproar when they heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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