I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 357 Evacuating the Raccoon

Chapter 357 Evacuating the Raccoon
This situation lasted for a total of three days, and all the soldiers evacuated after three days.

Li Yu soon discovered that the survivors in the quarantine area were also allowed to leave one after another, and the soldiers who blocked Raccoon City around them also began to evacuate one by one.

"Okay, now those who want to return to Yanhuang can leave!"

After discovering that the blockade around Raccoon City was lifted, Li Yu told the news to everyone in the base through the base broadcast.

"Oh my God, I can finally leave!"

"I want to go home!"


After hearing Li Yu's words, bursts of cheers came from the base.

Although they are safe in the base, human beings are used to being free creatures after all. They are restrained in the base and cannot go out, and they have long been unbearable.

Hearing the cheers coming from the base, Li Yu had some pity in his heart, and had to remind them: "Everyone, although the zombies in Raccoon City have been temporarily wiped out, this is not the end, but just the beginning! What caused this Umbrella, the chief culprit of the spread of the secondary biochemical virus, is still at large. Since they were able to create such a biochemical virus incident, they can certainly create a second one..."

Li Yu's words poured over everyone's heads like a basin of cold water, and the cheers in the base stopped abruptly.

"But everyone can rest assured that as long as you are still our employees, the umbrella will always be your strongest backing!"

Li Yu went on to say: "In Yanhuang, we also have more than a dozen such underground bases in the umbrella. If there is a biochemical virus in Yanhuang in the future, you can immediately take your family members to find help for the umbrella, and our underground base will give you shelter! "

In the last days, the population is naturally extremely important. Without people, nothing can be done.

Li Yu is reminding them now that he also wants to wait until the biochemical virus breaks out in Yanhuang in the future, so that these people can join the major bases.

Hearing Li Yu's words, everyone was naturally very grateful. Regardless of whether Yanhuang will break out of biochemical viruses in the future, at least everyone has an extra way out.

"Now the company's employees with positions above supervisor come to the conference room for meetings!"

After notifying everyone of the matter, Li Yu immediately ordered the company's senior management to come to the conference room for a meeting.

Now in the entire base, there are more than ten people above the supervisor level, including Chu Hanyun, Feng Bin, Xiao Yao, and several other supervisors who have just been promoted.

Because Brent brought thousands of people to join the company, although he just joined the umbrella, Li Yu also promoted his position to the supervisor level.

It's just that Chu Hanyun, Feng Bin, and Xiao Yao of the crowd are still sleeping after being injected with the genetic medicine, so they can only be absent.

"Everyone who is doing this is the top management of the company, and I will not hide some things from you!"

After everyone was seated, Li Yu said straight to the point: "I have received definite news that the incident in Raccoon City is just the beginning, and then the biochemical virus will sweep every country in the world!"


After hearing Li Yu's words, the faces of everyone in the conference room changed suddenly.

It's just that a biochemical virus broke out in a mere raccoon city. If the biochemical virus spreads around the world, wouldn't the entire human race be in danger of extinction?
For Li Yu's consistent trust, these company executives did not have Li Yu's words.

It's just that when they think of the future where zombies are everywhere, they all feel chills in their hearts.

"Don't worry everyone!"

Seeing the pale faces of everyone in the conference room, Li Yu went on to say: "We have already established bases on these two islands in the Pacific Ocean..."

Speaking, Li Yu pointed to the world map projected on the wall behind him, pointed to two inconspicuous small islands on the map and continued: "After this period of operation, these two islands are now full of people. Rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, missiles and other weapons can be said to be impenetrable!"

"What does BOSS mean, let us all transfer to these two islands?"

Brent seemed to understand Li Yu's meaning and asked aloud.

"Not bad!"

Li Yu affirmed Brent's guess and said: "When the biochemical virus breaks out in the future, there will be so many zombies on land that they can't be killed at all! Only on this rare island, isolated from the passage on land, There will be no zombies! After the biochemical virus breaks out, you can bring your family members to live on these two small islands..."

This is why Li Yu bought these two islands in the first place.

Whether it is Yanhuang, Somalia or the United States, although Li Yu has established many bases, he did so only to expand the power of the umbrella after the end of the world.

These places are only suitable as the front line of fighting zombies, but they cannot be used as the base camp of the umbrella.

Although the two small islands in the sea are remote, they are just suitable as the main base of the umbrella, and they are also the safest rear of the umbrella.

"Thank you BOSS!"

After hearing Li Yu's words, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but thank Li Yu gratefully: "Don't worry, boss, when I return to Yanhuang, I will immediately pick up my family and go to those two islands together!"

When the biochemical virus breaks out, even if they are not worried about themselves, they will be worried about their family members.

Li Yu can think so much for them, how can they not be grateful?

"Huh? Brent, you don't want to go?"

Everyone in the conference room expressed their opinions one after another, only Brent remained silent, and Li Yu couldn't help but turned to look at him and asked in doubt.

"Boss, I want to stay here..."

Brent's voice said firmly to Li Yu: "I hope that one day in the future, Raccoon City can be rebuilt."

"I'm afraid this day is far away..."

Hearing Brent's words, Li Yu couldn't help but shook his head, and said: "Just the radiation here, I don't know how long it will take to disappear. And after the biochemical virus breaks out, it is extremely dangerous for you to go back to the ground."

"This is our home after all! I hope the boss will allow us to stay..."

Brent begged Li Yu again.

"Okay! Since you are willing to stay, then stay!"

Seeing Brent's firm attitude, Li Yu could only agree: "Since you choose to stay, then this base will be handed over to you in the future, and I will ask the Red Queen to give you the second-level management authority of the base. Wait until the end of the world erupts After that, you can continue to take in more people to enrich the population of the base."

Although the vast majority of people in the base will leave and return to Yanhuang, the base will not be abandoned just like that.

Since Brent is willing to stay, it is just right for him to be in charge of guarding the base.

(End of this chapter)

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