I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 358 The Power of Skyrocketing

Chapter 358 The Power of Skyrocketing

The implementation of the base is controlled by the Red Queen. Although Brent has the second-level authority in charge of the base, as long as Li Yu gives an order, the Red Queen can expel him or trap him in the base.

Therefore, Li Yu is not worried at all that Brent will be too big to get out of his control in the future.

The other Yanhuang people basically want to return to Yanhuang, while Li Yu is going to the two newly built islands to do the final inspection work.

The blockade of Raccoon City has been lifted, and the people in the underground base began to leave the base in batches the next day.

The reason for batching is because there is still strong radiation outside, and all personnel who want to leave the underground base must wear protective clothing until they leave the nuclear radiation range of Raccoon City.

However, the current number of protective clothing in the base is insufficient, so everyone can only leave the base in batches one by one, and then change a group of people after leaving Raccoon City to change the protective clothing.

Li Yu also went to the airport with these employees who were about to leave the United States. Although the United States lifted the blockade of Raccoon City, public places such as airports and train stations in various places have stepped up their vigilance.

The airport is full of plainclothes police, heavily armed soldiers, and agents of the CIA. Once someone shows symptoms of suspected biochemical virus infection, they will be taken away secretly by these people immediately.

The United States can now be said to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, taking precautions against biochemical viruses to the extreme.

It seems that the Resident Evil incident in Raccoon City really scared the United States.

Li Yu has been watching at the airport all the Yanhuang employees in the base boarded the plane one by one, and then returned to the base under the protection of Zhao Hu and other bodyguards.

The base, which was originally quite lively, is now completely quiet.

In the entire base, apart from Li Yu and the bodyguards who followed from Yanhuang, there were Brent and the Americans who had come over under him.

"Boss, Xiao Yao is awake!"

Li Yu stayed in the base for about half a month, and the Red Queen finally notified Li Yu of Xiao Yao's waking up.

"Go, go and see!"

Li Yu was overjoyed, and hurriedly walked towards the infirmary.

Xiao Yao's physique is top-notch among umbrella mercenaries and security guards, and Li Yu expected Xiao Yao to wake up at the same time.

When Li Yu rushed to Xiao Yao's ward, he found that Xiao Yao was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes wide open. Next to him, three medical staff were busy doing various tests on him.

These medical staff were specifically asked by Li Yu to stay. After all, everyone who enters and exits the base must undergo biochemical virus inspections, and the base cannot do without them.


Seeing Li Yu coming in, Xiao Yao was about to get up, but Li Yu waved to him and said, "No busy, you should cooperate with the doctors to do a physical examination first."

"The body temperature is 39 degrees 7, which is about three degrees higher than the normal body temperature!"

A doctor who helped Xiao Yao measure his body temperature looked surprised. Seeing that Xiao Yao’s face and physical condition are normal now, she doesn’t seem to have a high fever at all. She quickly asked Xiao Yao: “Mr. , May I ask if you have any discomfort now?"

"Uncomfortable? No, I'm fine, and now I feel like I have endless energy!"

Xiao Yao waved his fist, as if he wanted to vent the excess power in his body, but unfortunately this is a ward, he looked left and right, and there was nothing suitable for his fist here, so he could only endure this impulse again .

"Unbelievable! Could it be that after injecting the genetic medicine, the normal body temperature can reach such a high level?"

After hearing Xiao Yao's words, the doctors next to him showed shocked expressions.

Gene medicine, a magical medicine, completely violated the medical knowledge they had learned in the past.

Li Yu next to him didn't take it seriously. After his body was strengthened by virus crystals, his body temperature was significantly higher than normal, so he understood what happened to Xiao Yao.

"Mr. Xiao's heartbeat is also much slower than normal, only thirty beats per minute!"

At this time, the doctor in charge of helping Xiao Yao measure his heart rate also spoke, his tone full of surprise.

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

After Xiao Yao woke up, several doctors in the ward said "unbelievable" how many times. Almost every item of Xiao Yao's physical condition was measured, and they were amazed.

In fact, after the injection of the genetic medicine, Xiao Yao's life essence changed. To put it too exaggeratedly, he and ordinary people can't even be said to be the same species anymore.

Next, these doctors did another blood test on Xiao Yao and scanned his whole body with X-rays. After working hard for a long time, they finally came to an end.

"Huh... it's finally over!"

When the doctor in the ward announced that Xiao Yao could leave, he couldn't help exhaling often.

"Come on, I'll take you to the training room to test your current strength and speed!"

Li Yu spoke directly to Xiao Yao who just got up.

Li Yu also wanted to know what level Xiao Yao's physical attributes had reached after being injected with the genetic medicine.

"I like this……"

Xiao Yao laughed, and violently swung his fist a few times in the air, making a "Puff" sound.

Xiao Yao can obviously feel that his strength has been greatly improved, but he doesn't know how much he has improved.

Therefore, Li Yu's proposal is exactly what he wanted.

"Hey, why is there no one in the training room?"

After the two entered the training room, Xiao Yao couldn't help asking in surprise.

Usually, the training room in the base is often overcrowded. Whether it is a mercenary or an ordinary employee of the company, they like to fiddle with the training equipment in the training room when they are free.

"Oh, you don't know yet, right? Now that the blockade of Raccoon City has been lifted, the company's Yanhuang employees are almost gone!"

Li Yu simply told what happened in Xiao Yao's deep sleep these days.

"Oh, I see!"

Xiao Yao nodded clearly, then stopped talking, walked directly to a strength tester in the middle of the training room, and punched the steel plate in the middle.


The strength tester made a loud noise in the silent training room, and jumped up almost being smashed, and the steel plate hit by Xiao Yao was vibrating endlessly.


A shocking number appeared on the display on the strength tester!

"How powerful is my strength?"

Seeing the numbers displayed on the strength tester, Xiao Yao was also taken aback. He almost thought that the tester was broken—he punched just now very casually, and he didn't use all his strength at all.

Now the power of the world's strongest boxing champion's right fist is about one ton, but the power of Xiao Yao's random punch before is more than five times the power of the world's boxing champion!
No wonder even Xiao Yao himself couldn't believe the numbers he printed on the strength tester

(End of this chapter)

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