Chapter 445

Li Yu shot out strands of black superpowers, and the Japanese soldiers who wanted to draw their guns solidified into immobile statues, and fell to the ground one by one like bone nomita cards. Li Yu's pervasive and powerful spiritual impact has become an idiot.

The ear-piercing alarm signal kept ringing, and the refugees, without the supervision of the soldiers, began to rob the porridge. Li Yu just swaggered into the base, making a perfect time difference with the Japanese reinforcements coming on the road.

Zhumen's wine and meat stinky roads have frozen bones. Compared with the miserable and shabby refugee camps, the Yinhua base is a completely different scene. The streets are decorated with lights and festoons, and the various shops are full of customers. It is completely impossible to see the scene of doomsday. , People who can enter the Central Yinhua Base are generally either rich or expensive. Passers-by are dressed in gorgeous clothes, and a few coquettish women from the Japanese country often wink at the handsome and extraordinary Li Yu.

Li Yu found a hotel to live in. For this operation, he planned to take advantage of the dark moon and high winds at night. He ordered a pot of Japanese shochu and a few famous appetizers, and began to admire the scenery on the street by the window. Looking at the scenery, at this moment, he is not at all like a super expert who is brewing a terrifying murderous intention. On the contrary, he is easy to be regarded as a chic and unrestrained noble son.

A few men with the appearance of Japanese warriors were overwhelmed by his demeanor, and ran over to toast him. He didn't bother to pay attention, and said "scroll" lightly.

"The Chinese!"

An authentic and pure Yanhuang language exposed Li Yu's identity, but he didn't care, Ju~~Long~ never bothered to compete with a group of ants.

The faces of those warriors immediately changed. As the guests under the curtain of Her Royal Highness, even the noble Japanese royal family would not despise them so much. I didn't expect that a Chinese man who came out of nowhere in the base would dare to insult them openly. them.

They pulled out their knives and slashed at Li Yu at a tricky angle, as if they had a sworn enemy.


Li Yu yawned, dragged his chin with his hand, turned a blind eye to the light of the knife cut at the extreme speed, and silently activated his mental power, controlling the body of one of the warriors in an instant.


The swords of the other samurai were blocked by another samurai sword that suddenly changed direction, and they launched a fierce attack on the remaining few people. They glared at their accomplices who suddenly turned against each other inexplicably, and cursed at the same time.

"Matsushima-kun, are you crazy?"

"You idiot, it's the Chinese that should be attacked"


"I did not do it on purpose"

The samurai called Mr. Matsushima looked aggrieved, but his body was completely out of his control. Under the guidance of Li Yu's spiritual power, he broke out twice as powerful as usual, and several companions fell in a pool of blood Looking at him with reluctance to die, he didn't expect to die unexpectedly without even touching the body of that Chinese man.

"What's going on?!"

Mr. Matsushima felt that he was going crazy, and then something even more terrifying happened. The samurai sword in his hand was stabbed towards him uncontrollably. illusion.

The waiters and guests of the hotel witnessed all this weird thing, and they all cursed Matsushima-kun who went crazy. This samurai who helped outsiders kill his companions was completely ashamed of the Japanese country.

If Junquan Matsushima knows, he will be pissed off again, Nima, he really didn't do it on purpose!

However, who would believe these words?

"Your Excellency is really good!"

In the corridor of the hotel, a beautiful woman in kimono stepped on clogs and clapped her hands. The whole hotel became silent, and everyone exclaimed in unison. The woman in kimono who came downstairs was the most beloved daughter of the Emperor of Japan—— Princess Bei Ling of Kawashima.


Li Yu raised his head and stared at the princess of the Japanese country playfully. Could it be that his psychic powers were seen through at a glance?

"What a brilliant hypnotism, Kawashima admires"

Kawashima Beirei twisted her waist and sat opposite him, looking him up and down with a pair of curious big eyes. Matsushima-kun has the strength no less than Jonin, but he didn't expect to be played by this mysterious man in the applause. She licked her lips, as if she had found something interesting.

"Hatori Hanzo, give this princess a try of his skills"


Chuan Dao Beiling yelled into the air, and a thick mist rose from the table, and a sword-wielding warrior wearing a bamboo hat attacked Li Yu expressionlessly.

"Third-order power user!"

Li Yu perceives the obvious fluctuation of the supernatural ability, and draws a conclusion in his mind. The body sitting in front of the wine table remains motionless, and he raises his hand to wrap the porcelain bowl in front of him with mental power and shoots it out.


The porcelain bowl exploded violently in front of Hanzo Hattori, and Hanzo Hattori turned into a cloud of white mist and disappeared on the spot. After a burst of supernatural power fluctuations, Hanzo Hattori reappeared in front of the Princess of Japan and blocked the radiating porcelain pieces for him.

"The body of the mist?"

It was the first time Li Yu saw this kind of magical ability, so he decided to play with him without using the ability.

Deciding to use only physical strength, he stood up, shrouded in a strong fighting spirit, under his handsome ~ tall ~ straight body, the muscles as hard as steel were perfectly distributed, before Hattori Hanzo could react, he punched the other Booming over, the fist rubbed against the air, making a huge explosion, Kawashima Beiling's hair was blown around by the strong wind, and he couldn't open his eyes at all.

A big hole appeared in front of Hattori Hanzo's ~chest~~, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood. If it wasn't for the supernatural ability, he would have died just now. This kind of supernatural ability is not invincible , Li Yu's attack power obviously exceeded his ability to bear.

"Princess, let's go!"

Hattori Hanzo pulled up Kawashima Hokurei, and was about to use his supernatural ability to escape. This is the base camp of the Wa Kingdom. Although he was defeated this time, as long as he saw the Emperor, he could immediately summon more experts to besiege this powerful Chinese.

"Did I let you go?"

Li Yu's figure returned to the wine table at the moment of the attack just now. In the eyes of the hotel guests and waiters who were watching, he was as if he hadn't moved, so no one knew why this royal master who guarded the princess of the Japanese country was in a hurry get away.

A powerful spiritual force erupted from Li Yu's body. He sat there like this, pulled Hattori Hanzo back abruptly, and even the body of Huawu returned to his original shape. Under the shock of terrifying mental power, Hattori Hanzo's face was bulging with veins, and even speaking became extremely difficult.

"Surrender or die?"

A black virus force appeared in Li Yu's hands, which made the experienced Hattori Hanzo feel the crisis of death.

"Dare to touch Your Royal Highness, the royal family will not let you go"

Hattori Hanzo stared at him fiercely, uttering these words with difficulty.

"Go to hell then"

As soon as Li Yu waved his hand, Hattori Hanzo was attacked by the virus, and died in pain with a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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