I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 446 Li Yu's Strong Attack

Chapter 446 Li Yu's Strong Attack

"What do you want to do"

When Hattori Hanzo's body fell powerlessly to the ground, Kawashima Hokurei finally realized that something was wrong. This is a peerless expert specially invited by His Majesty the Emperor. She did not expect to fall in front of this gentle and elegant man in just a few breaths. , Seeing Li Yu getting closer and closer, deep fear rose in her heart.

"It's just asking for some interest. From now on, you will be my maid."


The eyeballs of everyone in the hotel, including Kawashima Beiling, were almost shocked by Li Yu's arrogant words. What a daring lunatic, he dared to accept His Majesty the Emperor of Japan's most beloved princess as a maid. This is simply the biggest joke in the world .

And when Li Yu turned this into a reality, everyone couldn't laugh anymore. Everyone in the hotel had trembling legs. They were smart enough to realize that there was a terrible disaster. Although Li Yu's behavior had nothing to do with them, But as witnesses of the royal scandal, they were crushed to pieces by His Majesty's fury.

When they felt that the sky was about to collapse, Li Yu had already disappeared in place with Chuan Dao Bei Ling.

In the royal family of the Japanese kingdom, a ninja barged in with a panicked face, which made His Majesty the emperor very displeased. These subordinates are becoming less and less ignorant of the rules. It seems that the ninja department needs to be cleaned up again.

"It's not good, it's not good, Her Royal Highness was taken away by gangsters, and he still said, and said..."


The Emperor of Japan drew out his samurai sword angrily. In the central Yinhua base of the base camp, some people even said that his favorite child was taken away. Who gave these stupid men the courage to make such absurd jokes with him?
And when more and more ninjas came to report in a panic, even if the Emperor of Japan did not believe it, he had to admit that it was true.

"What else?"

"Also said that Her Highness the Princess will be taken as...a slave"


The Japanese Emperor pulled out his samurai sword and chopped several ninjas in half, but the burning anger could not be extinguished for a long time.

"Find him for me, I will cut him into pieces, and make sure to bring my daughter back to me safely"



A violent turmoil started to spread from the royal family, the entire Yinhua base was urgently closed, a large number of samurai and ninjas took to the streets, and began to investigate the situation of suspicious persons, high-level supernatural beings hid in the dark, and quickly carried out investigations.

"Exercise, yes, this is the position, haven't you eaten yet?"

When the Wa Kingdom concentrated its efforts to search for Li Yu's traces, he had already sneaked into the Wa Kingdom royal family with Kawashima Bei Ling quietly, enjoying the massage of the newly accepted maid in a hot spring room.

"You devil"

There were tears in Chuan Dao Beiling's eyes. When did she ever do such a humble job, but Li Yu was not the one who pityed the women of the Japanese country, and tortured her to death if she was a little dissatisfied.

In Li Yu's eyes, since the Japanese people never put their Yanhuang people in their eyes, he didn't need to be polite. He served tea and water, fed fruits, undressed and warmed the bed. He took great pleasure in teaching this clumsy maid.

As for escaping?

In front of his majestic fourth-level abilities, isn't this just a dream.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. The Japanese elites never imagined that the enemy they had to dig three feet to find was in their royal buildings.

"Useless Japanese!"

When night fell and Li Yu was about to fall asleep under the service of Chuan Dao Bei Ling, he was finally discovered. At this time, the princess of the Japanese country was diligently holding a golden footbath, and patiently wiped his feet for him. After such a long period of torture, it seemed that she had resigned herself to her fate.

"your Highness?!"

The samurai who discovered it first looked at Kawashima Beiling who was squatting on the ground in disbelief, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world. The Emperor of Japan impatiently brought high-level supernatural beings and ninja warriors to surround the hot spring house where Li Yu was. A leak.

"Let My Daughter Go"

The Emperor of Japan was heartbroken to see that his pampered daughter had really turned into a maid doing a lowly job. He drew out his saber and pointed at this hateful Chinese man. Take off Li Yu's head.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

Li Yu whipped Chuan Dao Bei Ling's back severely with a whip, revealing deep bloodstains. Chuan Dao Bei Ling whimpered and continued to wash her feet.


The Emperor of Japan almost fainted from anger. A madman surrounded by his army dared to humiliate the dignity of the royal family face to face. At this moment, he didn't care about the relationship between father and daughter, so he swung his sword and gave the order to kill this person.

"Waiting for you for a long time"

Li Yu pushed the newly recruited maid away. The group of people outside really thought that he was so confident because he held the princess of the country of Japan hostage. He sneered, and it was time for these clowns to see what real power is.

"You're going to die badly"

The Emperor of Japan gritted his teeth and stared at Li Yu word by word, wishing to peel off his skin and pull out his bones. This time, there were only three fourth-level power users, ten third-level power users, and second-level people. There are more than a hundred supernatural beings and jounin. Even if this hateful guy has wings, it is impossible for him to rush out of such a siege.

"Oh, let's see who dies first!"

Li Yu walked out of the door calmly, the virus power on his body was stimulated to the limit, and thick black smoke came out all over his body. He wanted to have a great battle, and let the Emperor of Japan go to the abyss of death in despair.


The wind was blowing under his feet, and he slammed his black fists into the crowd. A second-level power user who was burning with flames stood in front of him arrogantly, and did not show an expression of infinite horror until Juli approached him.

Just one punch!A second-level supernatural being was blasted to pieces by him, and several jounin who were swept by black fists turned into corpses before they even had time to struggle.

"Be careful, his fists are poisonous!"

A fourth-order ability user reminded loudly, while manipulating the sharp ground thorns to launch a range of attacks on Li Yu, but all of them were smashed by his punch, and the aftermath of the battle alone caused countless ninja and second-level ability users Lost combat effectiveness.

"Go together!"

Three fourth-tier abilities and ten third-tier abilities became the main force in the battle. All kinds of strange abilities kept greeting Li Yu until his body was tightly wrapped by the rock of the earth. The feet were bound with tough rattan by wood-type supernatural beings. Gold-type supernatural beings gathered hard~hard metals to continuously strengthen the rocks of the earth. A huge water ball became stronger under the solidification of ice-type supernatural beings. is to freeze it completely inside.

In less than ten minutes, this battle of supernatural beings destroyed the entire royal courtyard beyond recognition. When His Majesty the Emperor cautiously poked his head out with the help of other people, Li Yu, who was considered dead, felt the surrounding The strong binding force, the fighting spirit in the heart was really provoked.

"The warm-up is over!"

He muttered to himself, a terrifying psychic ability superimposed with the virus ability, for him, the battle has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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