I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 447 Killing the Japanese Emperor

Chapter 447 Killing the Japanese Emperor
In the hot spring house, Kawashima Beiling poked her head out from the door and saw Li Yu who was bound by the abilities of the supernatural being. She smiled happily at the fact that this demon was finally killed. The majestic princess of the Japanese country, this day is simply a day for her. It's like a nightmare.


She rushed out of the house, wanting to throw herself into His Majesty's arms and cry loudly.

"Go away, Kawashima, you are a disgrace to the royal family!"

To her surprise, His Majesty the Emperor, who usually dotes on her so much, pushed her away forcefully, pulled out a cold and sharp saber and put it on her neck, a trace of blood oozed from her snow-white neck, which was particularly conspicuous.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Just when the Emperor of Japan stared at Beiling Kawashima with cold eyes, several fourth-order abilities discovered that something was wrong. The layers of restraint on Li Yu in the courtyard continued to crack, and the three third-order fourth-order abilities hurriedly urged The ability to move oneself is desperately strengthened, and the rich supernatural abilities are intertwined, rendering the sky above the courtyard colorful.

"Rock barrier!"

"The Wind Barrier!"

"Metal Fusion!"


Under the leadership of the three major and fourth-order abilities, the remaining third- and second-order abilities were fully activated, and many people had bean-sized sweat on their foreheads, but the ever-deepening bondage cracks became more and more serious. big.

"Open it for me!"

Li Yu pushed the dual-line abilities to the extreme at the same time. Unlike others, these two abilities belong to him and can be superimposed perfectly. Coupled with his genetically strengthened physical fitness, at this moment, his power directly Soaring to the edge of the fifth-order supernatural being, with a roar, he broke through layers of restraints, and walked out with a face full of black energy swirling around him.


Backlashed by the ability to cast spells, many second-level ability users spit out blood. Everyone looked at Li Yu, who was almost unharmed, in horror, as if seeing a black flame demon coming out of hell.

"How can it be so strong?"

This is a union of hundreds of supernatural beings. Seeing that something was wrong, the jounin hurriedly dragged the Emperor of Japan back to the hiding place. As for Her Royal Highness, who was originally favored by thousands of people, they selectively ignored her.

Witnessed by so many people to the disgrace of the royal family, when Li Yu and the others were fighting, His Majesty the emperor with a pale face had already decided to execute Kawashima Beiling. In his heart, the honor of the royal family trumped everything else.


Kawashima Beiling fell to the ground helplessly, feeling extremely sad in her heart. The person who once loved her so much chose to abandon her, which made her completely unacceptable.

"It's over!"

After seeing the strength of the supernatural beings in the Japanese country, Li Yu became a little impatient. He surged with a powerful momentum and launched a covering spiritual impact on everyone.

His black hair fluttered, enveloped in magic flames, and at the same time, his body turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards the three third-level and fourth-level abilities. As for the third-level and below abilities, their brains seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, He held his head on the ground and cried out in pain.

"Earth Wall!"

"Metal Fusion!"

"Ice thorns!"

The three supernatural beings mastered the power of the earth, gold and ice respectively. After a period of trance, they quickly launched their best attacks.

"Ah, help me"

The first thing Li Yu attacked was the ice-type power user. Among the three, this guy's defense was the weakest. Of course, the persimmon was soft. Due to the interference of the mental shock, when Li Yu's demon-like figure appeared in front of him, this Only an ice-type power user can condense the ice spikes.

However, it was too late, the black fist broke into his body, and the virus force began to corrode his body. Even with the full force of the ice force to block him, he still fell to the ground unwillingly after a while.


A giant made of rocks attacked Li Yu crazily, and at the same time a golden figure covered in metal daringly killed him. The death of his companion aroused the anger of the remaining two fourth-order abilities Well, those who can be called high-level abilities have all come out of battle. At this moment, they overdraw their potential and start desperately using secret techniques at the bottom of the box.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The rock giants more than ten meters high and the gold-type supernatural beings attacked from left to right, and the whistling wind continued to make noise. Li Yu collided fiercely with the two from time to time, and for a while they were evenly matched.

Kawashima Beiling looked at the doomsday scene in front of her, and looked at Li Yu who was surrounded by black air with hatred. If it weren't for this demon, she would not have been reduced to the point of being abandoned by the Japanese country, but she is just a weak woman. Now She could only huddle in a corner and watch cautiously, any aftermath could easily end her life.




The figures staggered wildly, and Li Yu fought to the point of madness, as if he had regained the joy of the corpse mountain and blood sea in his previous life, and the arrogance of the sky rose from his heart. His figure became faster and his fists became heavier. Psychic powers burst out of the body, ruthlessly launching a hidden spiritual impact.

The golden figure was blown away from the distance, and he spit out fragments of internal organs on the ground, and the metal covering his body faded. He looked at the black figure, feeling so unwilling in his heart. You must know that in order to upgrade to a fourth-order ability user , he paid an incomparably huge price, but all of this was smashed by that powerful Chinese man.

"A bunch of trash! Get up and fight!"

Looking at the power users below the third level who were still howling with their heads in their hands, the only standing fourth level power user cursed wildly. Some power users stood up tremblingly and began to activate their powers with difficulty.

Li Yu in the field jumped up high, jumped onto the shoulder of the rock giant, smashed his rock head with a punch, and then looked at the only four who were launching "Earth Dungeon" and wanted to escape with playful eyes. Supernatural beings.

"die me"

Li Yu grinned, and dragged the rock giant's stump more than ten meters away to sweep wildly. Some of the newly recovered supernatural beings were rubbed by the hard rock shell, and they were directly beaten into fleshy mud. Around the supernatural powers of the earth system, the "earth escape", which can be easily completed at ordinary times, became obscure, and a large shadow shrouded the head, and the huge headless body of the rock giant was being smashed by Li Yu.

In the Japanese royal family, a large number of armed forces began to gather, densely packed soldiers protected His Majesty the Emperor inside, and everyone was praying that their supernatural beings must defeat that demonic Yanhuang man.

"Look, what is that!"

A stream of black light rushed out from the ruins of the royal courtyard, and blatantly rushed towards the Emperor of Japan, who was protected by the crowd, with a fearless unparalleled domineering.


The rain of bullets was shrouded, and there was a crackling sound of collisions under the black streamer. The bullet casings were densely piled up on the ground, but the black streamer was still unstoppable. All soldiers hit by it were sent flying like baseballs until a Only a black fist pierced through the heart of the Emperor of Japan, only to reveal Li Yu's demon-like figure.

Witnessed by tens of thousands of people, the Emperor of Japan fell.

(End of this chapter)

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