I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 448 Tough

Chapter 448 Tough
This day is destined to be the shame-humiliating day of the remaining Japanese forces. It is not a powerful national base or force that caused all this, but Li Yu alone.

When he turned his head and stared with pitch-black eyes, all the soldiers fell silent, and the more timid ones directly dropped their rifles on the ground.

Li Yu is not interested in these people. He changes his body shape, uses the scanning of psychic powers, moves back and forth in the royal family, and begins to determine the location of the treasury of the Japanese royal family. As the sixth largest base on earth, there must be a lot of good things in it. .

Kawashima Beiling disappeared in the ruins. He didn't care about the sudden disappearance of the maid who was accepted by him. Even the Emperor of Wa Kingdom died under his fist, let alone a mere princess of Wa Kingdom. After a circle, he still found nothing. He used his psychic powers to interrogate several important cabinet members of the Wa country, but he still didn't get any news. ,

"Hmph, Japanese people really know how to hide things!"

After a great battle, he was a little dispirited. After infiltrating into its military base, he hijacked a Japanese fighter jet and soared into the sky, flying all the way to the main base of the Umbrella Company. He promised Jiang Yuyao and the two of them that he would go back soon. .

"Ah! His Majesty the Emperor!"

The central Yinhua base fell into unprecedented chaos due to the death of the Japanese emperor. The cabinet members mobilized soldiers to cover up the truth about the death of the Japanese emperor. At the same time, they were eagerly looking for candidates for the new emperor. A brutal power storm was about to strike.

The Japanese people who didn't know the truth heard the news of the emperor's death, and the whole country wept bitterly. As the only central Yinhua base with electricity and communications, it played mourning for His Majesty the Emperor around the clock. A grand state funeral will be held at the Yinhua base in three days. It was held, and countless people took to the streets, waiting to send the last line for their emperor.

The information about Li Yu was listed as an "SSS" file. Several cabinet ministers were worried all day long that they would be recruited for the same assassination. However, they really thought too much. Cabinet ministers of this level have not yet entered Li Yu's eyes. It wasn't until reliable news that a man with a suspicious identity hijacked a fighter jet in the armed area that they began to slowly confirm that Li Yu, the evil god, had really left.

While the superiors breathed a long sigh of relief, they realized for the first time the power of high-level supernatural beings. Although the powerful thermal weapons are still extremely deterrent, high-level supernatural beings come and go without a trace. Even the power to assassinate the Emperor of Japan still makes them terrified, especially for a high-level ability user who has sneaked into one's own base, the weapon of mass destruction is equal to losing its effect.

What these superiors didn't realize was that they blocked the news too late. For a strategic base like the Central Yinhua Base, intelligence personnel from other countries had already lurked in. For a while, the European Union, Yanhuang and other countries were closed. The news has arrived, and the news has been shown to the world's top leaders with the help of people who are interested.

Those countries with powerful supernatural beings are very fortunate, and some countries that did not pay much attention to supernatural beings before have a serious sense of crisis. The status of supernatural beings in the world has risen sharply, and they have truly come to the front of the world stage.

According to the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the supernatural beings, they are temporarily divided into levels from one to ten. The information of some supernatural beings has begun to be revealed to the public. As long as someone breaks through to the supernatural beings, they will be rewarded by the country.

Li Yu didn't know that his move had such a profound impact. At this time, he was leisurely driving a fighter jet and landed in the familiar main base.

"Have you found out who that person is?"

"I'm afraid this can't be done by a fourth-level power user? As far as I know, there are no less than three fourth-level power users in the Wa country."


Intelligence personnel from all over the world have received urgent inquiries from their superiors, but Li Yu's identity has become a mystery. Many people secretly speculate whether it is Yanhuang's fifth-order ability user who cannot be hidden. After all, he is the only one who is so powerful. Ability.

Unknowingly, a powerful fifth-order supernatural person took the blame for killing the Emperor of Japan for Li Yu.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Beiling Kawashima ran hard with the help of several heartfelt warriors. The exquisite kimono was full of traces of mud. Fortunately, they were not noticed by the zombies active in the wild.

At the foot of Mt. Fuji, Kawashima Beiling took out a strangely shaped stone and pressed it into the groove in front of the stone wall. This is the key to open the treasury of the Wa Kingdom. Only His Majesty the Emperor of each session can have it. She also accidentally During the eavesdropping, I learned about the treasury and these related news.

She looked expectantly at the huge bare stone wall in front of her. It is said that there are divine relics passed down from her ancestors inside. Several warriors looked around cautiously, holding their katana tightly in their hands.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a strange sound in the hinterland of Mt. Fuji. In front of Beiling Kawashima, the stone wall fell off piece by piece, revealing mysterious lines. A rich red light radiated, and a huge stone gate three feet high was revealed, and slowly opened in the billowing smoke and dust. Open.


Beiling Chuanshima gritted his teeth, and led a few warriors in. After several people entered, the stone gate closed again, and countless torches lit up in the dark environment, forming a long guiding passage. The clogs echoed hollowly on the wet floor.

"This is the royal treasury?"

At the end of the passage is a huge statue of a nine-tailed fox. A crystal ball-shaped transparent stone emits a red light that becomes stronger and stronger as Kawashima Beirei, the royal blood, approaches. Finally, when she screams in fear, into her body.

"your Highness!"

Several warriors who were loyal to protect the lord rushed forward, but an indestructible mask appeared around Beiling Kawashima, and the red light inside enveloped Beiling Kawashima's body. The phantom is like a shadow in it.

Kawashima Beirei's face was distorted, as if she was suffering from great pain. The kimono was completely drenched with sweat, revealing a delicate and graceful figure. Several samurai were in a hurry outside, but they were still unable to form a substantive effect on the mask. harm.

Chuan Dao Beiling fluctuated in the red light, gradually absorbing traces of red energy. When the red light dissipated and the beautiful Japanese princess opened her eyes again, a powerful aura emanated from her body. If Li Yu If you are here, you will be surprised to find that in less than an hour, Li, the maid he once accepted actually possesses the strength of a third-order superhuman.

Three coquettish red tails protruded from behind Kawashima Beiling, causing the eyes of several warriors to widen in astonishment. She glanced at them with dissatisfaction, and her tail flickered, devouring them into dry bones.

Three days later, at the national funeral ceremony of the Wa Kingdom, after the body of His Majesty the Emperor was sealed in the crystal coffin, the new Emperor will be announced soon.

But a charming woman in kimono pushed away the crowd and walked in front of everyone without fear.

"your Highness!"

During the national funeral, there were bursts of high-pitched exclamations.

(End of this chapter)

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