Chapter 600

"right here?".

Under the leadership of Asura, Li Yu came to a bare peak and looked around suspiciously.

"Well, boss, wait a minute."

Ashura stood in place and began to stimulate his own blood power. In the void in front of him, a huge portal of several hundred meters gradually appeared. Li Yu stepped in behind him, and suddenly it became clear inside, one by one. Huge formations The Dharma floated before my eyes, and there were pure cosmic energy and law fluctuations everywhere.

"It seems that there is at least one top-level law vein below."

Li Yu's heart moved. His star ring has collected all the law veins of the epee gate, and he can't be wrong about this aspect.

"Yo, the newly joined Phantom Clan!".

Two heaven-level ninth-level phantoms flew towards the sky, sensing the same blood power in Li Yu and Asura's bodies, and nodded with satisfaction. They were directly taken to a mountain peak with rich energy and temporarily resettled.

"Is this the end?".

Li Yu looked at the backs of the two phantoms going away, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Although the environment is really good, let's talk about things in the Phantom Clan.

"Boss, don't worry, everything you want to know is in my blood information, just ask me."

Asura laughed, but it was the first time he saw Li Yu deflated.

"Then do you know where the abyss cage is?".

"do not know".

Li Yu rolled his eyes, even if this guy got blood information, what help would it be?

"However, there may be related tasks in the mission hall."

Asura thought for a while, but if he wanted to perform the task, he had to prove his strength first, which was different from the human race in this point, and the best way to test his strength was to break through the Phantom Demon Realm, which was to prevent low strength The phantom went out without authorization, in order to prevent his noble blood from being wasted in vain after encountering danger.

"Phantom Demon Realm?".

Li Yu didn't expect that the Illusory Demon Clan still has this broken rule. The Illusory Demon Extreme Realm is a place similar to the puppet passage of the Epee Gate, but the test objects inside are all transformed by the power of the law, and generally at least reach the ninth level of the earth level As for the heaven-level powerhouse, they can accept the task at any time and freely enter and exit the Phantom Demon Clan.

"So if I can't pass, I can't go out?".

"Theoretically yes, boss."

Asura was speechless. Li Yu was able to escape for more than a month after so many sky-level ninth-level pursuits. If he couldn't pass through the Phantom Demon Realm, no one could pass.

"You go to the mission hall and wait for me. If there is a mission for the abyss cage, let me know immediately."

"Yes, boss."

In front of the Phantom Demon Extreme Realm, many young phantom demons came out one after another dejectedly. It was obvious that they had failed to clear the level. Only Li Yu, who was at the first level at the prefecture level, caught their attention, and walked towards the entrance without raising his head. At that time, everyone laughed loudly.

"Look, it's just the first step, and I don't think he can even pass the first level."

"Haha, it's scary not to have self-knowledge. I bet he will lie down and come out in less than 5 minutes."


These young phantoms gathered together and pointed at Li Yu's back. Although they failed, they still passed a lot of levels, so when facing the weak at the first level of the ground level, there is still a kind of innate Superiority.

"This is the Phantom Demon Realm, isn't it good?"

Li Yu walked through the extreme realm densely covered with energy puppets step by step, and reached the end within ten breaths, and the entire phantom realm lit up, which meant that he had passed the test.

"how is this possible?".

A heaven-level ninth-level phantom flew over and looked at Li Yu in shock. The ground-level first-level level could break through so quickly. This has crushed the fastest record of the phantom extreme for thousands of years. Unbelievable color, after handing a stone box to Li Yu, he flew in another direction, such a genius, he had to tell the clan as soon as possible.

"what is this?".
Li Yu opened the box, and a fist-sized pill was revealed inside. A strong medicinal fragrance came out, and there were waves of fluctuations in his star ring. It turned out that he had picked it up in Kuangshiling, the land abandoned by God. dome.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you."

He put the pill on the giant egg, and watched the energy emitted by it slowly cover the egg body.

Outside the Phantom Demon, the young Phantom Demons who were taking Li Yu's challenge as a joke were all stunned. If they read it correctly, this should be a sign of successful passage. Looking at Li Yu who walked out from the other side intact, They suspect that their brains are not enough.

"It must be that there is something wrong with the Phantom Demon Realm. How can a first-level prefecture-level pass? You must know that I am already an eighth-level prefecture-level, and I am still a little bit close to the end every time."

"Yeah, this is simply luck, I don't accept it."

"I'm not convinced either, since his strength is so low, how could he accept the task one step earlier than us."


Chaotic protests resounded outside the Phantom Extreme. These young phantoms have long been tired of staying here, thinking about going out all the time. After all, only a few people like Asura raised their bloodlines to join in. Most phantoms here just Born with a powerful bloodline.

"Patriarch, this is the genius I told you about, ten breaths, this is simply a miracle."

An excited voice sounded from afar, and all the discussions came to an abrupt end, because those who descended from the sky were all big figures of the Phantom Demon Clan, even the patriarch, the highest authority, among them, how could they dare to continue to be presumptuous.

"You are not convinced, come on, now I will give you a chance to challenge him. If you win, you will not only get a lot of rewards, but also have someone to protect you to do the task."

The patriarch of the Illusory Demon Clan had a gleam in his eyes. If it wasn't for the expert guarding the Illusory Demon Realm, he wouldn't believe that the first level of the Earth Level could successfully break through in ten breaths. Let's try Li Yu's strength, the most powerful one in the eighth order of the official prefecture level he selected.

"Thank you patriarch".

The young phantom who was selected was overjoyed. He didn't expect such a good thing to happen to his head. He didn't even think about it, so he urged the power of law in his body and blasted at Li Yu's head.


Li Yu stood still and didn't move. He flew upside down just relying on the countershock force of his body, and sprinkled a large mouthful of dazzling blood in mid-air. The young phantom fell to the ground as soon as he made a move, and his bones were shattered. The breath is also extremely weakened.

"Such a powerful physical body, well, well, it seems that our family has added a peerless genius."

The patriarch of the Illusory Demon Clan is full of smiles on his face. It may not be as simple as a peerless genius to have such a powerful physical body. It is not impossible to be a monster-level genius. When he was struggling, the patriarch smiled even more.

(End of this chapter)

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