I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 601 Reaching the Abyss

Chapter 601 Reaching the Abyss
"Which of you is Asura, who is?".

"I, what's the matter?"

Asura, who was checking the information about the Abyss Cage in the mission hall, was stunned. He had just come to the Illusory Demon Clan. Few people knew about him. These people were not very enthusiastic about an acquired awakener like him before. The only one who knows himself is Li Yu, but he is only a weak person at the first level of the earth level on the surface, and he should not be able to call a strong man at the sky level to call himself.

"Brother Asura, you are lucky, there is a big man who wants to see you, even the patriarch is here."

The heaven-level powerhouse came over flatteringly, pulled Asura and flew out, and kept getting close to him on the way, which made the confused look on Asura's face even more intense.

"Are you sure you won't find more people to protect you?"

Asura was shocked when he was drawn to the goal. The one who tried to persuade Li Yu with sincerity turned out to be the patriarch of the Illusory Demon Clan.
"No need, I won't take on some dangerous missions, and the less people know about the identity of a monster-level genius, the better. It would be too obvious if I sent a ninth-level heavenly level to protect me."

Li Yu's words made the patriarch of the Illusory Demon Clan speechless. Sensing Asura's fifth-level cultivation base, he felt that these words were not unreasonable. After giving Li Yu a golden token, he left with a group of high-level officials.

"Patriarch order!".

The heaven-level powerhouse who accompanied Asura was shocked. The power represented by this kind of token is second only to the patriarch. It seems that I have to curry favor with this big man.

Looking at the respectful eyes of the people around him, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yu's mouth. This effect was exactly what he wanted, and soon he got the information he wanted, which was much faster than going around to inquire about the abyss cage up.

"What is the elixir sent through the Illusionary Realm?".

"My lord, that is the Bloodline Pill, which was passed down from ancient times and can enhance the bloodline in the demon clan's body."

Li Yu took the giant egg out of the star ring, and ordered a large number of blood pills to be piled up around. The mouth corners of Asura and many phantom demons next to him twitched. This is too wasteful, so many blood pills were used to catalyze An egg, they had never heard of such a luxury before.


After absorbing a large amount of energy from the blood egg, the giant egg slowly turned red, with cracks surrounding it, and a white lion's head emerged from it.

The first person the newborn white lion cub saw when he opened his eyes was Li Yu, and he threw himself into his arms intimately before returning to the original place to eat the eggshells.

"Heavenly monster".

All the phantoms were shocked. The blood of this little lion is so strong that it can possess heaven-level strength just after birth. Not ordinary.

"From now on, your name will be Simba."

Li Yu remembered the cartoons that were once popular on the earth, and announced loudly that the little lion seemed to understand his words and let out a cheerful cry, and a flame composed of the power of the world also surrounded it. The newly born The little lion showed extremely extraordinary strength.

The abyss is imprisoned in an abandoned secret realm of the monster clan, where the demon clan with vile blood is imprisoned. Originally, the monster clan planned to drive them all to extinction. Unexpectedly, the nine-tailed fox clan from the upper clan came forward, and the demon clan was able to escape. Survival.

"lets go".

"Yes, boss."

Asura's tone is much more respectful than before. Li Yu, who has the patriarch's order, has allocated a lot of precious resources to him just now. Following such a boss, he feels that the future is bright.

In the Holy Land of the Demon Clan, a mysterious Rubik's Cube was played by the newly restored True God of the Demon Clan. After so long, he still hadn't understood the mystery inside, and he still didn't understand why this small Rubik's Cube could be used by ordinary people in ancient times. The machines produced life, and also created a large number of true gods of the machine race.

"The original universe, what kind of magical place is it?".

A sigh came out from the void. Regarding the origin of the mechanical heart, it is not a secret among the three major forces. Only strange things from the original universe can have such a magical ability.

"Another monster-level genius was born in our family, haha, not bad."

Seeing the report from the Illusory Demon Clan, the True God laughed out loud. Although he was wounded by the remnant soul of the ancient Human Race Emperor a few months ago, he got the Heart of the Machine, and the Machine Clan has recently fought with the Human Clan Becoming hostile is a double blessing.

"Have you found out the whereabouts of that forbidden human genius?"

"Not yet. After that catastrophe, he seemed to disappear out of thin air."

The small world of the true gods of the demon clan keeps running, and they want to inquire about Li Yu's information through Tiandao, but they still haven't found it. In the past six months, the secrets have become more and more obscure, and even a true god-level powerhouse like him cannot see clear fragments.

"A taboo-level genius who can kill thousands of top powerhouses of the machine race."

The true god sighed. It is said that the boy named Li Yu was able to reach the prefecture level, and he had such an amazing record. He is indeed an unprecedented taboo-level genius. For such a character, even if he is a true god, All felt a burst of pressure.

"Have you found the mechanical heart yet?"

Among the machine race, the once majestic true god seemed a bit weak. Among the three true gods, his strength was the weakest, so he has not fully recovered until now. The worst thing is that the heart of the machine that was originally determined to win has not yet returned. Without a trace, even a trace of breath cannot be detected, which is undoubtedly a great blow to the true god of the machine race who has been going smoothly.

"Damn Li Yu".

Every time he thinks of this human race, the true god of the machine race can't stop his anger. He didn't expect that this taboo-level genius has the remnant soul of the ancient emperor, and it belongs to ten great emperors. Thousands of the top powerhouses of the machine race are all wiped out in the thunder calamity , the current machine race has fallen into the weakest time in the past ten thousand years.

Even they hated the human race. In the past, he wanted to let the human race and the monster race consume each other's strength, but now he can't control so much, and joins the opposition of the human race.

"Boss, you have completely offended the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan!".

In front of an abandoned secret realm, a large number of corpses of nine-tailed masters fell in front of Li Yu. Asura looked in shock at the small world behind him, and only then did he truly understand the horror of a taboo-level genius.

More than a dozen strong men of the ninth level of the sky fell from the sky powerlessly, unable to even escape. After Li Yu's power of law was finally able to be used, the strong men below the true god level were no longer enough for him.

(End of this chapter)

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