Chapter 607
"This is simply another end of the world!".

Li Yu, who returned to the initial universe, said with emotion that the power of the master biological virus is too terrifying, and there are endless zombies and alienated monsters everywhere. No matter whether this crisis can be overcome, the cultivation civilization of the initial universe will surely be destroyed. There is a fault.

The moment he walked out of the cosmic passage, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu in his body automatically operated, directly annihilating the biological virus that came to his face. Li Yu realized that this ancient body training method had a powerful effect on biological viruses. Resistance, no wonder Shennong still had time to find an antidote when the ancient plague was raging, instead of falling directly like he is now.

This body training method is said to have been passed down by the Great God Pangu after the creation of the primordial universe. As a top-level body training method, the Bajiu Xuan Gong has retained most of its essence, while the second-level ones like the ancient dragon and elephant work , it is not so comprehensive, but no matter what, these body training exercises are inexplicably related to Pan Gu, the top power among the ancient emperors.

Strictly wrapping his aura with the small world, Li Yu easily mixed into the zombie tide along the way, marching towards the territory of the demon clan.

"The weakness of these zombies is really obvious!".

Li Yu shook his head. As long as the breath of the living is not leaked, these zombies have nothing to do with themselves. Presumably the remaining heavenly powerhouses also used the same method to persevere among so many monsters, but they used it themselves What they are talking about is a small world, and what the other party is using is the power of the world.

Along the way, Li Yu found that there were arsenals of the mechanical clan everywhere, and mechanical life was manufactured, searching for various cosmic resources everywhere. What shocked him even more was that some mechanical clans mixed with the breath of the mechanical heart , Just after it was manufactured, it actually has the strength of the sky.

A large number of spaceships, space fortresses, and all kinds of strange machines have been continuously transformed into mechanical life with different strengths. Because they are cold metal bodies, zombies who are only interested in the breath of fresh flesh and blood are interested in mechanical life. It did not cause any resistance, and most of the territory that originally belonged to the human race and the monster race has been controlled by the machine race.

"That prophecy has come true!"

The true god of the Celestial Race has a gloomy face. As a true god-level powerhouse, he can enter the original universe at any time, but once he leaves, all the remaining heavenly-level powerhouses will face the fate of extinction. Extinct, don't expect another true god-level powerhouse to be born in the future.

The true gods of the monster race also thought the same thing, but since the birth of the two true gods of the machine race, their situation has been extremely passive. After all, this is not the ancient times, there are so many terrible emperors, and the current situation has fallen into a precarious situation. Even the true god has no way.

In the depths of the void, traces of the origin of the Dao of Heaven are constantly being devoured. The two true gods of the machine race looked at the changing color of the mechanical heart, showing a satisfied smile. As long as they maintain this devouring speed, it will not be long before a new true god The super strong will be born, and until now, the mechanical heart has not been noticed by the origin of the original universe, which surprised the two true gods.

"The mountain gates are closed!".

In the hinterland of the monster tribe, Li Yu, who had just walked near the King Kong tribe, was embarrassed. He wanted to sneak into the King Kong tribe without anyone knowing it. It seems that he took it for granted.


At this moment, hundreds of giant King Kongs with thousand-meter stone sticks came out, and swept the zombies and monsters around. The strong power of the world caused huge cracks to appear on the ground, and even more Many Vajras flew out from the entrance, and flew deeper toward the demons in the northwest direction.

At the same time, the God Ant Clan, Golden Winged Peng Clan, Earth Dragon Clan, Blood Demon Clan, and Illusory Demon Clan all rushed out and flew in the same direction. Just now, they received the order of the true god and restrained themselves. After collecting all the materials of the group, they are ready to transfer to the secret realm where the true god is located, so as not to be broken by the machine group one by one.

"Heavenly Star Ring".

Surrounded by stars like a moon, King Kong wears a huge ring engraved with intricate patterns, which is in stark contrast to the rings worn by other King Kongs around.

"Are they going to migrate?".

Li Yu raised his head and saw the golden-winged roc passing by in the sky in the distance. He immediately made a judgment in his heart. The resources of the monster clan accounted for [-]% of the resources of the seven upper-class clans. Now it is a time of turbulence, and they can only gather together. I don't worry about the wanton looting of the two true gods of the machine race.

"You are the one".

He looked at the eyes of the Vajra with the heaven-level star ring. The power of the law was rapidly consumed, and the small world behind him instantly enlarged, and at the same time he turned into a golden body of fifty thousand feet. He rushed forward with all his strength. After all, it is the center of the monster clan, so he must fight quickly. Although he thinks he can save his life in front of the true god-level powerhouse, he doesn't want to make fun of his own life.

"Why can't I move!".

The heavenly powerhouses of the King Kong race were horrified, they were all bound by the small world. Some heavenly rank nine powerhouses could barely move, but their speed was like a snail. A huge foot fell from the sky and directly knocked the King Kong race away. The patriarch of the patriarch was crushed into meat, and a huge star ring was absorbed into Li Yu's hand by spiritual force. His figure became smaller and he quickly swept away towards the distance.

"The consumption is so large!".

It was his first attempt to hold so many heavenly ninth-level powerhouses at the same time, and the power of law that was originally full in the small world was instantly reduced by one-third. Before the true god of the demon race could react, he became an ordinary Zombies merged into the endless tide of corpses.

"Is there a true god-level powerhouse who has taken away the resources of the Vajra clan?".

Flames of anger burst out from the eyes of the demon gods, and at the same time, he looked at the strong King Kong clan who came to report and was a little suspicious. It stands to reason that there is no need for a true god to leave a life alive.

"A golden body of [-] feet? A small world? No, this is the taboo-level genius of the human race."

Before Li Yu was crossing the catastrophe, he personally shot it. At that time, Li Yu, who was only at the first level of the prefecture level, condensed the prototype of the small world, and he didn't know what kind of body training method he had practiced. The body is extremely powerful. If it is a true god level The power of the strong should be far more than that, so it is very likely that it is Li Yu.

It's just that I didn't expect that the other party had grown to such a level after only seeing each other for a few months, and was able to face so many elites of the Diamond Clan and gain an absolute advantage.

"It's really fast to escape!".

The true god of the monster race looked into the void, and began to search for Li Yu's traces with all his strength, but found nothing, so he could only complain angrily, and then ordered other strong men of the upper class to come as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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