I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 608 The Truth

Chapter 608 The Truth
"I made a lot of money."

When Li Yu checked this huge sky-level star ring, even with his city mansion, his heart became extremely excited. There are not only more than 50 supreme-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures in it, but also a large number of law veins, among which wind, thunder and light There is one for each, and even the extremely rare stones of the law of space and time are in stock. More importantly, he found a few fragments of the Emperor's Tower in it.


When he took out these fragments, the Human Emperor Tower in his body resonated strongly, flew out of the body and merged with these fragments, the original incomplete body of the tower became complete, and frantically absorbed The power of the law of time.

"I wipe".

[-]% of the power of the law of time that was finally condensed was swallowed up in an instant. He had to take out the law of time stone he had just obtained and absorb it quickly. .

"Hundred times the speed of time".

For a month, Li Yu was immersed in the process of crazily absorbing the Law of Time Stone. The Human Emperor Tower was suspended above his head, emitting a mysterious halo. When these heavy weapons representing the authority of the ancient emperor were finally repaired After that, Li Yu felt that the flow of time around him suddenly slowed down.

"Heaven-level weapon!".

As a heaven-level weapon in the law of time, the Human Emperor Tower is more important to Li Yu than a true god-level weapon, because what he lacks most now is time, especially in the face of this catastrophe that affects the universe. Since then, it has been an extremely rare law, second only to the law of fate, but the law of fate is not grasped by living beings. Being able to refine a heaven-level magic weapon in terms of time itself represents an extremely deep understanding of time. the point.

Consciousness immersed in the newly evolved magic weapon, Li Yu was trying to use its hundred times the time flow rate to refine other law veins, but a terrifying wave of thoughts came from the core of the Human Emperor Tower, and he froze for a while. Damn, this is actually Pangu's legacy!

"High-dimensional life?!".

Under the hundred times flow rate of the Human Emperor Tower, it took Li Yu a full day to wake up, and a deep chill enveloped his whole body. From this memory, he finally glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the primordial universe.

The primordial universe is controlled by high-dimensional beings. Ordinary material and energy attacks have no effect on them, and the mechanical heart is indeed from the primordial universe. To be precise, these high-dimensional beings deliberately released it for the purpose of In order to devour the origin of heaven and earth in each universe.

The origin of the way of heaven used to transform the true god of the machine race is actually less than one percent of the amount swallowed by the heart of the machine. The reason why the heart of the machine disappeared at the beginning was because after swallowing the source of the way of heaven in the first universe, it was swallowed by these high-dimensional beings. It was recycled, and when Li Yu got it, it was just put in again.

There is Pangu's interference, otherwise the mechanical heart will appear directly in the original universe, but these remembrances are not mentioned. After all, this is a remnant from ancient times. Li Yu also got it after entering the original universe. Known.

"Don't enter the original universe before condensing the prototype of the universe?!".

Seeing Pangu's solemn advice at the end, Li Yu was at a loss. Isn't it said that the true god level can enter the original universe?And what exactly is the prototype of the universe?

This remnant of Pangu can only be possessed by every emperor in ancient times. When the emperor abdicates, the Human Emperor Tower will continue to be passed on, but the great war that happened later caused the Emperor Tower to collapse. Li Yu guessed that he himself The first person to understand the truth of the original universe in ten thousand years.

"No wonder the heart of the machine can create a true god-level powerhouse!".

In fact, he has not had a clear concept of high-dimensional life until now, but from Pangu's tone, this kind of life is far more terrifying than a true god-level powerhouse. The two points of material and energy immunity alone are probably the same. It will make the true god-level powerhouse despair.

"The purpose of the mechanical heart is to devour the origin of the original universe."

Li Yu's heart sank. After the first universe was devoured by the origin of the universe, not only the energy became extremely thin, but also devastating disasters would occur in each era. No civilization can be avoided. Human civilization like the earth is this one. The era has just appeared, which is why the more powerful civilizations in the first universe want to enter the original universe.

If the source of heaven in the original universe is also swallowed, then when this era ends, any living being will have no way to retreat, unless they can enter the original universe, otherwise all that awaits everyone is death.

In the first universe, it has been less than a hundred years since the end of this era. Originally, Li Yu used the initial universe as a way out, but now he was disturbed by the mechanical clan, and the initial universe was also in crisis.

"Stop the Heart of the Machine no matter what."

A strong sense of urgency arose in his heart. He didn't expect that the high-dimensional life of the original universe stood behind the scenes of the machine race. He fully activated the Human Emperor's Tower and refined the ore veins corresponding to the unsatisfactory laws.

"It's another catastrophe."

The true gods of the demon race and the celestial race stared at the distant void, their faces were clouded with sorrow, an extremely huge space battleship was transforming under the thunderclouds, and the third true god-level powerhouse of the machine race was about to be born. This is simply not for them. Way to live.

"If there is really no other way then, we can only abandon these tribesmen."

The eyes of the two true gods were cold, and they had this idea in their hearts.

a week later.

"Not enough, not enough!".

In an inconspicuous corner of the initial universe, Li Yu slowly stood up. Behind him, the law of wind and the law of thunder have been completed, but the two laws of light and darkness are only barely reaching [-]%, and the law of space has reached [-]%. Layer, because part of the law of time was consumed by the Emperor's Tower, it was restored to [-]% after absorbing a large amount of law stones, but the relevant law stones have all been consumed.

Most of the supreme treasures of heaven, material and earth were consumed by him. In his inner world, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, space and time are all flowing. His luck is very good. The heaven, material and earth treasures corresponding to the remaining three attributes directly made up for the lack of potential power before, and the interaction of all the potential forces made his physical body expand again, reaching an astonishing [-] meters.

The source of the way of heaven in a universe is extremely huge. In ancient times, it took more than a hundred years for the mechanical heart to absorb the source of the way of heaven in the first universe. As a more powerful initial universe, the time it would take for the mechanical heart would be as long as Longer, but as the power of the source of the heavenly dao is consumed, the gift of the heavenly dao that Li Yu will get after going through the thunder disaster will be greatly reduced. Even if the original source of the heavenly dao is weak to a certain extent, it will become incomparable to break through the level limit difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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