I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 609 Mecha

Chapter 609 Mecha
In the territory of the monster tribe, a [-]-meter-high armed mecha and two huge space battleships came through the air, surrounding the true gods of the tribe. The jet-black metal body presented a perfect streamlined shape, showing a unique appearance under the sunlight. beauty.

A true god-level battle unfolded in the [-]-meter void, which lasted for a whole day. After the battle, the true gods of the monster race shattered, and the huge beast body fell from the sky.

"Haha, after turning into a true god mecha, my combat power has at least doubled."

In the [-]-meter-high armed mecha, a voice rang out. The mechanical heart was embedded in its center, and it kept emitting waves of unique waves. When it took off the mechanical heart, the entire mecha instantly disintegrated. It turned into a space battleship again.

The three true gods of the official machine clan who killed the true gods of the demon clan, the heart of the machine showed a new ability after devouring a lot of the source of heaven, and was able to turn one of them into a true god mecha, which greatly improved his combat effectiveness With a huge increase, they finally understood why the machine race still had the upper hand in the face of those powerful human emperors in ancient times. As long as the heart of the machine continues to devour the source of heaven, they will be able to maintain more true gods of the machine race and transform them into armed mechas. combat form.

"The true god of the demon clan is dead?".

The true god of the Celestial Race stared dumbfounded at the corpse falling from the sky, and expressed disbelief at the result. This is a strong man of the same level as him, but he fell under the siege of the three true gods. Doesn't this mean that he will soon die? face the same fate.

"I was also forced."

He stood in the high void, overlooking the endless territory of the human race, no longer restraining the traction of the original universe on the true god-level powerhouse, his figure quickly rose, and soon disappeared.

"Master True God, he escaped."

The high-level people of the Celestial Race were confused. Tens of thousands of heaven-level powerhouses became panic-stricken after receiving the news. True god-level powerhouses could escape to the original universe, but they couldn't. Thinking of their fate of being abandoned, they were right The true god of the celestial race hated it extremely.

After the fall of the true god of the monster clan, all the powerful monster clans collapsed in an instant, either hiding in remote cosmic secrets, or mixed into the endless tide of corpses, and the resources of the clan were also quickly divided up. Under the pursuit of the machine clan, Desperate.

Within a day, the two true gods died and escaped, and the initial universe ushered in the era of machine race dominance. Space fortresses and spaceships appeared in the sky, densely packed arsenals were built one after another, and the remaining strong human race and demon race He didn't dare to show his face at all, for fear of being detected by the advanced scanners of the mechanical clan.

"What was not done in ancient times, we have done it."

The huge electronic eyes of the three true gods of the machine race kept shining with light, and at the same time, an instinctive impulse made them work harder to urge the heart of the machine to devour the source of heaven.

"What the hell is this?".

When the [-]-meter-high armed mech broke through the air before, countless people secretly noticed this scene. After all, the huge and incomparable figure is too conspicuous. Li Yu has seen it with his own eyes. What the battleship transformed, but now the sudden addition of the true god mecha made him confused. The fighting power of the true god of the machine race in this new mode is almost reaching the level of the ancient emperor.

When only the true gods of the mechanical race were left in the initial universe, they began to urge the mechanical heart in the void without any scruples, and the source of the way of heaven visible to the naked eye was continuously absorbed. Li Yu, who saw this scene on the ground, instantly disappeared in place. Must break through as soon as possible.

In a remote secret realm, the patriarch of the Celestial Race breathed a sigh of relief. Thousands of heaven-level powerhouses gathered around him. As long as the position is not discovered by the true god of the mechanical race, they will be safe in a short time.

"Finally it's our turn."

Among the thousands of heaven-level powerhouses, several people secretly took out a special communication device and sent messages secretly without anyone noticing. These people are officially descendants of the ancient human race.

"Hand over the star ring, and I can spare you from dying."

An hour later, Li Yu's figure appeared in the secret realm, and the face of the patriarch of the Celestial Human Race became extremely gloomy. They were imprisoned by Li Yu's small world, and they were struggling inside. Can't turn.

"I pay."

A large number of star rings flew over by the spiritual force. These heavenly powerhouses consciously lifted the spiritual imprint on them, which saved Li Yu some trouble.

"The same race, we can go."

The patriarch of the Celestial Clan looked at this taboo-level genius who had been in the limelight a few days ago. He didn't expect that the other party had grown to such a point. Seeing that Li Yu had lifted the restriction on them, he wrapped his body with the power of the world and was about to break Open the void and leave.

"Others can, you can't".

Li Yu shook his head, wrapped in the power of the whole system, the law of space and the law of time superimposed quickly, and punched the patriarch of the Celestial Race, directly blowing him up, and a black sky-level star ring flew out of the opponent's body. A mysterious restriction has been set up, and it is difficult to find the trace of this ring even with spiritual exploration.

"My lord!"

Seeing the pale faces of thousands of heaven-level powerhouses, the hearts of several ancient survivors were extremely comfortable. They came to Li Yu's side respectfully, wrapped in a strong space law, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Among the fleeing teams of other sects, Li Yu's figure appeared one by one, collecting all the resources carried by these people, and he led these ancient survivors to the universe channel to distribute some unused resources In the past, let them bring to the first universe.

"Don't come back without my order".


In the original universe where the machine clan was the dominant family, it was safer for them to stay in the first universe, and in the short term, the true gods of the machine race were all focused on devouring the source of heaven, which was completely useless for the first universe. interest.

"let's start"

The law ore veins Li Yu needed were finally gathered. He urged the Human Emperor Tower to continuously refine the remaining four law stones. In less than a week, the two laws of light and darkness were completed one after another, and the laws of space and law The law of time has also reached [-]%.

"The power of faith, transform it to me."

The world tree in the small world was wrapped by the strong power of faith, and began to vibrate non-stop. The fruit of the law of space and time, which had not yet been perfected, quickly became round as if it had absorbed the supreme rain. The 1000 million-meter-diameter In the small world, the power of the law of the whole system blends with each other, pushing Li Yu to the ninth level of the prefecture-level Dzogchen state.

(End of this chapter)

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