Chapter 610
"Who is going through the tribulation? It's really unlucky."

Countless sky-level powerhouses lurking in the dark sighed, crossing the catastrophe at this time is like lighting up a bright lamp in the dark night, and will be exposed to the eyes of the machine clan for an instant, maybe the three true gods of the machine clan will know Attention, isn't this courting death?

"It's that taboo-level genius!".

When Li Yu's [-]-foot golden body appeared under the thunder clouds, everyone exclaimed, and even attracted the attention of many zombies, and small riots continued to appear in the tide of corpses.

"It turned out to be him."

The three true gods of the machine race put away the heart of the machine. If it was just an ordinary human race, they might not pay too much attention to it, but when it comes to an unprecedented taboo genius, even the high-ranking true gods can't bear it. up.

"I'll go".

The true god with the mechanical heart flew out. He and Li Yu had met before, and with the fighting form of the true god's mech, he was full of confidence in killing this confidant.

"What a terrifying thunder disaster."

As soon as he flew near the thunder cloud, a trace of black and white alternating black and white terrifying thunder began to flow in the palm of the true god of the machine race. He looked at Li Yu suspended under the thunder cloud, suddenly hesitated, and rashly interfered with such a thunder disaster. Even he can't imagine what kind of chain reaction it will trigger.

"Hey, it's a great honor for the majestic true god to watch me overcome the tribulation, haha."

Li Yu can't wait for this true god to rush over. This thunder disaster has just begun, and it makes him feel bad. It would be great if he could pull a few more people into the water. Thinking of this, he joked On the one hand, he blasted at the true god of the machine race.

"I'm going, is this guy crazy? He shot at the true god of the machine race during the tribulation."

The brains of the surviving human and monster races on the ground crashed directly, and their jaws were almost shocked by Li Yu's bold behavior, but what made them even more dumbfounded was that the true god of the mechanical race turned into a space battleship immediately without saying a word Patterns burst through the void and departed.

"Fuck, the real god was scared away, what kind of thunder disaster is this?"

Looking at the thunder calamity that gradually enveloped the entire initial universe, everyone was full of doubts. The scope of this thunder cloud should be unprecedented. According to records from ancient times to the present, even the emperor's thunder calamity did not cover the entire universe. The original universe!

"Double Thunder Tribulation!".

In Li Yu's heart, the reason for the appearance of such a terrifying thundercloud is very clear. On the one hand, it is because he has laid a supreme foundation, and on the other hand, it is because he has condensed the small world in advance. Even he himself didn't know exactly how many heavy thunder calamities there were.


A deafening roar of the tiger resounded through the sky, and a [-]-meter Taikoo Thunder Tiger slowly walked out of the alternating black and white thunder. Everywhere, the space is all turned into fragments.

"Ten evil spirits in ancient times".

A well-knowledgeable human race expert shouted, this ancient thunder tiger was an existence that caused disasters in ancient times, and it was known as an invincible opponent under the emperor, but it did not expect to appear in this thunder disaster.

A huge tiger's tail cut through the space, and Li Yu flew away in an instant, leaving a huge bloodstain on his golden body. At the same time, a ferocious tiger's mouth gleaming with thunder was biting towards his neck. The extreme thunder force made his long hair stand on end.

"What a powerful body."

Without using the power of power, Li Yu is not the opponent of this ancient thunder tiger at all. As for the small world and the power of law, he didn't want to use it at the beginning.

"True God Level Attack".

The true god of the mechanical race on the side was secretly shocked. The blow from Taikoo Leihu just now had the power of a true god-level powerhouse. What made him even more afraid was that Li Yu blocked it with his physical body, and the huge bloodstain was also very fast. It was repaired and disappeared, which completely overturned his cognition. Although he knew that this guy was physically strong, he didn't expect it to be so strong.

"Three heads and six arms".

This is the physical combat skill he comprehended after the fourth step of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu. In the state of three heads and six arms, the fighting instinct will increase by ten times.

"Zi! Zi".

Incomparably huge thunder spewed out from the mouth of Taikoo Thunder Tiger, which he dodged deftly. These thunders shot into the ground, leaving bottomless pits. Li Yu's whole body was covered by powerful forces, and the small world in his body was activated. Stop this Taikoo Thunder Tiger for a short time, and then seize the opportunity to bombard it crazily.

Ten thousand breaths, he blasted tens of thousands of punches, and there was a trace of chaotic air in the void. It was the tyrannical energy generated after the space was broken and could not be repaired in time. When it was torn off, the entire tiger body was even more fragmented, and the power of thunder that made up the body was directly refined by the small world in Li Yu's body.

But Li Yu couldn't be happy. This is just the beginning, and his power has been consumed by one-fifth. Usually, the first level of thunder is the weakest. Looking at the thundercloud that slowly turns into three colors, he Take out a supreme treasure of heaven, material and earth from the star ring, and hurry up to recover.

"As expected of a taboo-level genius, even the ancient Thunder Tiger is no match."

"It's too early to be happy, this thunder disaster is extraordinary."


The powerhouses of all races who were secretly watching on the ground exclaimed in amazement. Although the fight just now was only a short dozen breaths, both Taigu Leihu and Li Yu showed terrifying physical strength. In the chaotic airflow in the void, they all sucked in a breath of cold air.

"It seems that I don't need to make a move."

Seeing such terrifying creatures in the first stage and the endless thunderclouds sweeping the entire universe, the true god of the machine race sneered, and watched Li Yu from a distance under the thunder disaster. This human race had entrapped thousands of top-level machines The strong man, even wanted to repeat the old trick just now, he was naturally full of deep disgust for Li Yu.

The thunderclouds are constantly changing, like sea waves, and a [-]-meter-long monster that looks like a fish and a bird flies away from it. The speed is so fast that Li Yu doesn't even have time to think. An extremely powerful force struck, and the [-]-foot golden body shot toward the depths of the ground like a fired shell.

"Kunpeng, one of the ten evils".

At this time, the number of people who recognized it obviously increased. Kunpeng was very powerful in ancient times, and it is recorded in many ancient books. It is said that this is a super-powerful creature born in the ancient North Sea. After becoming an adult, his strength can even compete with the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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