I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 611 Power

Chapter 611 Power
Wanmi Kunpeng is constantly hitting Li Yu from all directions. Its body surface is covered with a layer of strange devouring power. After each impact, it can swallow part of the power of Li Yu's body surface. The body is also stronger than Taikoo Thunder Tiger. , Li Yu kept spitting out big mouthfuls of blood, and it was obvious that he couldn't handle it with physical strength alone.

"Determine for me".

The small world of 1000 million meters opened up in an instant, and the powerful binding force prevented Kunpeng from maintaining its extreme speed. It stopped suddenly, opened its huge mouthparts, and frantically devoured the strong power of law in the small world.


Li Yu was taken aback. Seeing the increasingly powerful Kunpeng, he rushed over with a teleportation and immediately interrupted the devouring power. When he was about to attack, the Kunpeng instantly expanded by a hundred times, reaching 100 The astonishing level of Wanmi swallowed him in one gulp.


Endless darkness!
There was not even a trace of light in Kunpeng's belly, and his mental power seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, and he could only radiate ten meters away. A coolness rose from his skin, followed by a flood of severe pain. , a large amount of corrosive liquid covered him, Li Yu quickly wrapped his whole body with the power of force, and began to rush aimlessly.

The million-meter-sized Kunpeng was suspended in mid-air, causing a huge shadow to appear on the ground, and bumps appeared in every corner of the Kunpeng, making it howl in pain, and the radiating sound waves scattered countless Zombies and machine races were shattered, while the heavenly powerhouses were bleeding from all orifices, desperately resisting with the power of the world.

"This is just a young Kunpeng, the slightest aftermath will hurt me."

The sky-level powerhouses in the shadows fled frantically. It is easy to judge whether the Kunpeng is an adult. The huge fish scales of an adult Kunpeng will all fall off, but this Kunpeng is densely covered with fish scales.

"Break it for me".

Li Yu's [-]-foot figure kept colliding in Kunpeng's body. Fortunately, he had the support of the whole system of power, otherwise he would not be able to support it for so long. As for the small world, for some reason in this space, he could not Summoned, even the power of the law fell into silence.

In the sky outside, the million-meter Kunpeng was rolling around. It was only in its infancy and it should not have swallowed Li Yu at all, because the devouring world in the body had not yet been fully formed. This fatal mistake caused Li Yu to hit it by mistake. Xia seized the opportunity, and after adapting to the powerful corrosive force, he began to devour the energy in Kunpeng's body. After all, this is not the real Kunpeng, but transformed by Thunder.

Just like eating a lot of supreme treasures, Li Yu found that the power of space, wind and thunder in his body was skyrocketing, and the essence of Kunpeng's body became the supreme tonic at this time, making his body The blood was filled to the point of boiling.

An [-]-foot figure broke a big hole in the ever-shrinking Kunpeng. Looking at the energy scattered between the heaven and the earth, Li Yu showed an extremely painful expression, but in the small world in his body, the absorption of the power of the three attributes has reached Saturated, I can only watch it return to the thundercloud.

"It's raining".

In the downpour, a [-]-meter-long real dragon poked its head out of the thundercloud, and at the same time, a huge portal that once appeared in the earth-level catastrophe stood horizontally in the void. Li Yu was surrounded by colorful thunder storms, and his whole body Feeling numb, he was picked up by the real dragon in one bite, and rushed towards the giant door at a high speed.

"Stop it."

Li Yu roared in his heart. The breath coming from behind the giant door made him tremble in his heart, but he was bitten by the sharp dragon teeth, and he couldn't exert his body strength at all. Seeing the giant door getting closer, he couldn't help it. He turned his head and bit the real dragon's reverse scale fiercely.


The teeth collided with the inverse scales, emitting dazzling sparks, without even leaving a trace. The real dragon spewed out a mouthful of scorching dragon breath, instantly submerging him. It was scorched so badly that he recklessly bit Nilin with his teeth, while the small world with a diameter of tens of millions of meters restrained the ascent of the real dragon with all its strength.

When a drop of real dragon's blood flowed into his mouth, Li Yu felt that his whole body became extremely painful. The real dragon screamed, but still dragged him into the portal relentlessly.


The gate of the horizontal void was closed, and Li Yu completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What's the situation? Why is that door so frightening even to me?".

The true god of the mechanical race looked at the thunder that was still tumbling, and he didn't understand why Lei Jie had such a change. Every time he met this taboo-level genius of the human race, some unpredictable things would happen. This kind of out-of-control The feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"Thunder cloud swallowed the robber?".

The onlookers swallowed hard and looked at the intensifying thundercloud, wondering if there was a more terrifying thunderstorm going on inside the portal?

"Haha, I finally bit Ni Lin through, this is the Achilles' heel of a real dragon."

Li Yu, who was overjoyed in his heart, kept devouring big mouthfuls of real dragon blood, feeling that his physical body became stronger and stronger, but a dazzling thunder light suddenly shot over from nine heavens and ten earths, and an extremely slender chain bound him, but no matter what he did When you move, this chain, which is not as thick as a hair, just doesn't move.

"It is absorbing the power of the World Tree."

Li Yu's face changed drastically. In his sea of ​​consciousness, the huge world tree was constantly entangled by this chain, and the prosperous leaves on it began to wither, and even the fruits of the eleven laws became crumbling.

"The Power of Superstrings".

Whether it is the force of force or the pull of the physical body, it has no effect on this chain, as if this thing does not exist at all, but the pain from the soul tells him that everything in front of him is real, and it is very possible that this is Pangu. The mentioned superstring force.

"Could it be that a high-dimensional life has done something to me?".

This thought turned in Li Yu's mind in disbelief. Gao Wei's life took action against him, an ordinary creature, which is too much for him.

"No, it should be on the World Tree."

Looking at his body that was still safe and sound, he suddenly realized, but the World Tree has long been fused with the soul, and once the World Tree withers, his life will come to an end.


A nine-colored thunderbolt fell, and his arm burst instantly, but Li Yu's face was ecstatic, because the chain built by the power of the superstring was loose, as if he had seen something more delicious.

"I can move!".

This silk chain spontaneously left Li Yu's body and spread towards the void, where a huge thunder pool was suspended, and the rich source of heaven and the colorful thunder merged into one, exuding an extremely terrifying breath.

(End of this chapter)

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