I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 620 Fragments

Chapter 620 Fragments
I don't know how long it took before the wind finally stopped, and Li Yu, who had transformed into a human form again, found himself on the edge of a river of will that kept flowing, with strange polygonal objects shuttling back and forth, like fish swimming freely in the river kind.

"what is this?".

He started to grab it with his hands, but these things flowed quickly under the washing of the river, and the river water formed by his will strongly interfered with his perception. After several attempts, there was nothing but the river water that quickly dissipated in his hands get.

"Multidimensional fragments!".

Li Yu, who didn't give up because of this, happened to be a blind cat and met a dead mouse, and even caught a small hexagonal object, and then he found that this was the multidimensional fragment needed for the mechanical heart to upgrade to a higher level, and this kind of There are many things in the river of will.

"Finally encountered a satisfactory thing."

Li Yu laughed, and perseveringly began to salvage the multidimensional fragments, and threw them all into the prototype of the universe in his body.


After accumulating enough multi-dimensional fragments, he wrapped the mechanical heart with a large amount of power of destiny, preparing to sacrifice it directly to the legendary level.

The extremely strong superstring power automatically emanates from the mechanical heart, and gradually spreads into the primordial universe. Some high-dimensional beings sense the fluctuation of the superstring power, and show extremely puzzled eyes. It stands to reason that the distance between the next The birth of superstring weapons should not be so fast, right? !

These high-dimensional beings native to the original universe began to approach the river of will quickly, and Li Yu's will was immersed in the inner universe, ignorant of the outside world.


A large amount of superstring power enveloped him, reflecting low-dimensional worlds one after another. In the embryonic form of the universe in his body, dozens of multi-dimensional fragments slowly melted and penetrated into the heart of the machine together with the power of fate.

Although the sixth dimension is made up of willpower, this kind of willpower is often extremely violent. High-dimensional beings rarely absorb the willpower of the sixth dimension to improve their strength, because this kind of progress is too slow , the most common way is to use superstring weapons to swallow the power of the heavenly source of the low-dimensional universe to quickly grow themselves, which is why they value superstring weapons so much.

Hero-level superstring weapons can only find the low-dimensional universe through repeated attempts, and it is still impossible to find out whether there is a half-step high-dimensional life in it. The stringed weapon is likely to be lost, and the owner of the mechanical heart is like this, and now he doesn't know where to hide and cry loudly.

The legendary superstring weapon is different. It can not only manifest the low-latitude cosmic coordinates, but also detect the situation inside through will, so that absorbing the source of heaven will become extremely safe.

After absorbing the power of fate and multidimensional fragments, the mechanical heart, which was already at the peak of the hero level, transformed, and a trace of more advanced superstring power distorted the surroundings, and Li Yu got a lot of information about the low-dimensional universe in his mind.


Li Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and the mechanical heart automatically flew out of the body surface, and began to help him locate the low-dimensional universe that could absorb the origin of the heavenly dao. Revealed incomparable shock.

"Legendary Superstring Weapon!".

These high-dimensional beings in the original universe were stunned. They didn't expect this kind of rare treasure to appear in front of them. Their will condensed into substance and swept towards the mechanical heart.

"not good".

Looking at the huge figure approaching from a distance, Li Yu can guess with his butt that this is a higher-dimensional life that is much stronger than him. Fortunately, the mechanical heart has been refined by him a long time ago, and he retracted it as soon as his mind moved. In the embryonic form of the universe, he gathered all the willpower in his body and quickly rushed towards the big river in front of him.


An extremely huge splash rose on the river, and several powerful will powers hit Li Yu's body. His power of will was turbulent for a while, and then he sank to the bottom of the river unconsciously, washed away by the rushing river of will go ahead.

"Plop! Plop!".

A large number of high-dimensional life jumped into the river. Due to the barrier of the river of will, although their will power was strong, they could not find Li Yu's traces, but when they thought of the legendary superstring weapon, their will fluctuations became unstable. When they got up, each figure swam forward quickly, still holding a trace of luck in their hearts.

"It turned out to be a half-step high-dimensional life!".

Some pursuers lamented in their hearts that it has been a long time since the original universe had a half-step high-dimensional low-dimensional life leap up. There used to be a person named "Pangu", and even gained a great reputation later on, but This was all a long time ago.

In the river of will, a huge vortex brought Li Yu into a dark river. Dozens of high-dimensional beings who swam nearby passed him by. Floating up from the big water pool under the waterfall, the power of will contained in the waterfall became even more violent, waking up the seriously injured him in an instant.


Feeling his weakened power of will, he smiled wryly, climbed out of the pool with difficulty, and entered the deep valley.

"Why so many eggs?!".

Thousands of giant eggs of different sizes were placed in the valley, slowly absorbing the tyrannical willpower of the original universe. Li Yu knocked one of them open full of doubts, and a true god-level powerhouse fell out of it. Without the protection of the eggshell, the true god-level powerhouse exposed to the sixth dimension is instantly annihilated without leaving a trace.

"It turns out that the high-dimensional life in the original universe was conceived by the true god-level powerhouses at low latitudes!".

Li Yu was shocked. According to this gestation speed, one or two high-dimensional beings can appear in the endless years, thank God. Fortunately, he declined Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao to accompany him to the original universe, otherwise the two may only be like living fossils Stay in these eggshells to spend a long time.

"Why hasn't my catastrophe of the Dao come yet?".

After seeing the power of high-dimensional life, Li Yu eagerly wanted to transform. Now he has half a step of high-dimensional life, and he can't even protect himself in the original universe, let alone compete for superstring weapons. .

"Bottleneck gone!".

In the process of quickly recovering from his injuries by using the origin of the heavenly dao collected by the mechanical heart, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the bottleneck that bound him in the initial universe disappeared, and there was no longer any restriction on the transformation of the origin of the heavenly dao.

After finding an inconspicuous location, Li Yu began to practice crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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