Chapter 621

"The legendary superstring weapon was born, and it is said that it is still in the hands of a creature who jumped up from the low-latitude universe!".

"Haha, I heard that those guys who saw it with their own eyes turned blue when they came back, and the treasure was right in front of them, but they found nothing."


Ripples of will appeared in the primordial universe. They were high-dimensional beings talking to each other. Unless they were competing for superstring weapons, they were generally in harmony. After all, no one could do anything to another.

The primordial universe is a good protective umbrella for them, because their strength is far worse than those with superstring weapons in the sixth dimension before absorbing the source of heaven, but they are also stronger than high-dimensional beings in other places. Fortunately, because they have the opportunity to grab the superstring weapon as soon as it is born, instead of being like those high-dimensional beings outside, they can only watch it outside.

The emergence of legendary superstring weapons caused a storm. The high-dimensional life activities were much more frequent than before. They followed the direction of the river of will and began to look for Li Yu's traces. After all, the half-step high-dimensional life One appeared in the years, and the immature will fluctuations are quite recognizable. Once Li Yu appears, it is like a child standing among adults, who can be recognized at a glance.

"Fortunately, I have collected enough sources of Heaven's Dao before."

The heart of the machine has collected one-fifth of the origin of the original universe, which is far enough for the early development of the prototype of the universe. With the continuous transformation of a large amount of will power, his prototype of the universe has also begun to mature.

"Another multidimensional fragment?"

Li Yu didn't expect that the development of the universe also needed the nourishment of multi-dimensional fragments. He had to jump into the pool again and continue to swim in the direction of the dark river. While collecting multi-dimensional fragments, he tried to hide his body as much as possible to prevent being discovered by high-dimensional beings .

With a large number of multi-dimensional fragments, the expansion of the prototype of the universe accelerated a lot. After the mechanical heart was promoted to the legendary level, its potential was completely exhausted, and the possibility of further improvement was lost. This made Li Yu a little disappointed, but soon shook Shaking his head, I don't know how many high-dimensional beings are still fighting for a hero-level superstring weapon. It is already a great opportunity to own a legendary-level weapon.

The strong power of will flowed, and a chaotic energy body slowly appeared in the embryonic form of the universe. As the power of will became stronger, this energy body became bigger and bigger, and then exploded with a "boom", and various forms of energy appeared. Li Yu was attracted by the mystery of the avenue trajectory, and fell into a mysterious epiphany.

Practice does not distinguish between years, let alone in the sixth dimension that transcends space and time. It seems that [-] million years have passed, and it seems that only a moment has passed. Becoming extremely cohesive, Li Yu's eyes suddenly opened, shooting two substantive lights of will.

The chaotic energy that had been gathered in the embryonic form of the universe exploded suddenly under the influence of the transformed will power, and was divided into a stream of clear air and a stream of turbid air. Qi descended, turned into the earth, and the sky and the earth became one. Li Yu's universe expanded ten times in an instant, and he became a real high-dimensional life.

"Create the world!".

In fact, there is only a step difference between half-step high-dimensional life and high-dimensional life. As long as the power of will reaches a certain level, this step can be achieved naturally, and the origin of the way of heaven greatly shortens this time.

Generally, the creation of the world will stop at this point. The creation of the universe will allow the universe to have the ability to derive life. Although Li Yu created the Destiny Clan before, he can only use willpower to seal it in the prototype of the universe. Once exposed, it will be exposed. However, it is different now, these lives can reproduce freely, and the universe in the body will automatically generate its own way of heaven.

The high-dimensional life that has derived its own way of heaven will continue to strengthen its will power over time. This is another reason why most high-dimensional life disdain to absorb the violent will of the sixth dimension. The tortoise-speed absorption speed and Compared with the increase of the power of will, the universe and heaven are almost negligible.

"Why hasn't it stopped?".

The joy on Li Yu's face froze. In the universe after the creation of the world, a large number of golden superstring power surged wildly. The massive power of destiny that had been integrated into the prototype of the universe before all gathered here, and the multi-dimensional power he stored in it before The fragments all flew away spontaneously. In the dark river where he is now, an incomparably huge suction force emanated from him, attracting all the multidimensional fragments of the entire river.

The mechanical heart also flew into it involuntarily, and it disintegrated spontaneously under his horrified eyes, and slowly merged into the more and more gorgeous golden light and shadow.

"Nimma, my legendary superstring weapon!".

A howl appeared in the river of will, watching such a precious treasure disintegrate out of thin air, Li Yu even wanted to die.

"How did the river of will riot!".

Many high-dimensional beings noticed this abnormal situation and jumped into the river one after another. Once an abnormal phenomenon occurs in the primordial universe, it is often inexplicably related to superstring weapons. Something happened, but there were still dozens of figures going to investigate, not wanting to let go of the slightest chance.

"It's that half-step high-dimensional life."

The high-dimensional life that went to investigate showed ecstasy, rushing forward, and above Li Yu's head, an extremely terrifying atmosphere was constantly brewing, and an extremely huge eye of punishment locked him completely.

"The catastrophe of the avenue!".

All the high-dimensional beings close to Li Yu flew out at the same time, and their will became extremely weak. They glanced at each other, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces. When will the catastrophe of the Dao be triggered in the original universe?
In fact, in the sixth dimension, the primordial universe is a very special existence, where the power of the Dao is greatly weakened, and half-step high-dimensional beings who want to pass through the catastrophe of the Dao to be promoted to high-dimensional life can only fly outside the primordial universe.

And Li Yu not only evolved into a high-dimensional life ahead of time, but also triggered a catastrophe in the primordial universe. In the eyes of many high-dimensional life, it is like ordinary people on earth before the doomsday seeing a flying car, which is simply subverted. common sense.

"Has my catastrophe of the Dao finally come?"

Li Yu, who just came to the sixth dimension, didn't know so much. The information left by Pangu mentioned that if half-step high-dimensional life like them wants to evolve, they must go through the power of the Great Dao, so he thought this is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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