Chapter 622
In the sixth dimension, a river of fate spanning high and low dimensions was revealed. Li Yu, who was in the original universe, was held by a pair of hands that covered the sky and the sun, and he entered the river of fate in a blink of an eye. Struggling was of no avail, he was directly restored to the appearance of the universe, like a bubble floating in the river of fate, he didn't know where he was going to flow.

"River of Destiny!".

When this river with the aura of the Supreme Dao manifests, all high-dimensional beings will avoid it from far away as if they have seen a natural enemy. In the sixth dimension, because of the law of the Dao, they are all immortal An immortal existence, but once they are drawn into other dimensions by the river of fate, they will no longer be protected by the law of the great way after leaving the sixth dimension. Once the power of will weakens to a certain extent, they will face death .

The transition of half-step high-dimensional life and the manifestation of the river of fate rarely appear, and the probability of the two superimposed together is less than one in a billion. If Li Yu's consciousness is still awake, it must be You can see the astonished expressions of countless high-dimensional beings.

Ups and downs in the river of fate, his will has been completely withdrawn, the part of his subconscious mind has turned into the heavenly way of his own universe, and his main consciousness has been sealed by the power of fate, falling into the universe that is still creating the world.

The river of fate gradually faded away, and the catastrophe of the great way appeared in the sixth dimension like a glimpse. This level of catastrophe is not something that ordinary high-dimensional life can perceive. The sky above the original universe gradually returned to normal, and Li Yu's catastrophe of the great way But it has only just begun.

His universe is floating like a rootless duckweed, and the process of opening up the world in it has come to an end. In it, the earth with a radius of hundreds of millions of lightning flashes and thunders, and golden superstring power shines on the sky and earth, and then turns into a simple bronze. Ling, after devouring the mechanical heart, the universe incarnated by Li Yu automatically gave birth to a new superstring weapon. Judging from the fluctuation of this bronze order, it has an immortal quality.

The immortal-level superstring weapon sensed Li Yu's sealed will, turned into a streamer to greet him, and began to appear a series of terrifying ripples in an attempt to break through the blockade of fate.

However, this move seemed to anger the River of Destiny. Shocking waves surged into the sky, and they quickly shot towards this newly born superstring weapon. Weaker and weaker, falling powerlessly into an unknown corner of the universe.

After the vicissitudes of life, after the creation of the world, the Potian family that Li Yu had previously protected with the power of will was awakened, and began to live in this strange land, and as time passed, this universe continued to evolve under the operation of the law of heaven, and began to appear. Dazzling stars, planets, etc.; the continent where the Potian clan is located is also covered by a thick layer of atmosphere, turning it into an extremely beautiful planet.

Endless years have passed, and the river of destiny brought this universe into an area of ​​dimensional disorder. The heavenly way transformed into the subconscious is rapidly consumed in order to resist the tyrannical dimensional force, and the evolution of the universe has also entered a period of stagnation, and the energy in it has been consumed. greatly consumed.

Perhaps Li Yu's subconsciousness in the Dao of Heaven is deliberately guiding the Desperate Clan to enter the era of modern technological civilization after experiencing primitive society, slave society, and feudal society, and it is very similar to the earth before the end.

However, according to the monitoring of scientists, the energy of the universe they live in is constantly decreasing, and the star energy supplied to the planet is getting scarcer day by day, and it is estimated that it will not be able to maintain it for ten years. Suddenly, the entire modern civilization of the Desperate Clan fell into extreme panic In the world, burning, killing, looting is rampant everywhere, and what is more terrifying than the doomsday is the loss of people's hearts. If the governments of various countries do not use force to suppress it, the civilization of the Desperate Clan will face collapse.

The catastrophe of cosmic energy cannot be solved by modern civilization. As time goes by, the days become shorter and shorter, while the nights become extremely long. All kinds of production have stagnated, and the world has fallen into despair.

The starting point of the River of Destiny comes from above the sixth dimension, which is the end point of all dimensions, and also the place where the Three Thousand Avenues run. Looking at the river of fate that has flowed into the chaotic dimension, and found that the universe transformed by Li Yu is about to die.

"The chance to transcend fate is up to you."

A voice that shocked thousands of dimensions came from the avenue of power. This supreme being who controlled one of the three thousand avenues made a move, lighting up the bronze order that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years.

The official supreme god and demon in ancient times——Pangu, as the most amazing and talented practitioner in history, not only left endless legends in the first universe and the initial universe, but also became famous throughout the sixth dimension. Now it has transcended fate and become the carrier of one of the Three Thousand Ways.

On the planet where the Desperate Clan is located, a dazzling immortal golden light burst out, covering the entire Desperate Clan, and a logo belonging to the umbrella company appeared on everyone's arms. They suddenly found that their souls could enter other planets. In their own universe, as long as they become the protagonist of another universe, they can use their own luck to plunder their origin of heaven, and the universe they live in will also be saved.

If they can't succeed, once the universe incarnated by Li Yu is completely dead, the soul origin of the Desperate Clan imprinted in the universe will also be shattered, and there is still only a dead end waiting for them.

This is the only way for the Desperate Clan to survive, and it is also the dawn of the entire universe, and there is a voice driving them from the depths of the soul, so that the Desperate Clan will do so willingly; With the help of immortal-level superstring weapons, their souls can be immortal, and they can continue to travel to the next universe without worrying about the danger of their souls being destroyed. In a sense, this is also a road to eternal life.

Immortal-level superstring weapons are also called half-step avenue weapons above the sixth dimension. For ordinary half-step high-dimensional beings, the catastrophe of the avenue is not a pleasant process, but it is a gift from the avenue to the living beings.

Low-dimensional cosmic beings that evolve in advance by their own abilities are very rare. Once high-dimensional life evolves, they will be the best among them. No matter the growth rate of the source of heaven or the degree of cohesion of willpower, they will overwhelm the same generation.

The most important reason why the river of fate manifested and put Li Yu in danger this time is that his universe spontaneously bred an immortal superstring weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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